Is the Democratic Party waking up?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.
Since the day Trump was elected, I've been concerned he'd be so over-the-top that the Democratic Party's response would be over-the-top, too. Sure enough, that's what we've seen. And, predictably, ugly politics now pollute damn near every part of our society.

But I've also been hoping that just enough sanity would remain in the party that it would be able to see some boundaries. Maybe that's happening now, too: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

This madness has spawned the rise of nutters like AOC, Talib & Omar, not to mention this largely whacko crop of "presidential candidates", especially Bernie and Warren. Maybe the more pragmatic elements of the party still have enough influence to stop the freakin' madness.

Here's hoping.

From the linked piece:
“If Bernie ends up being one of these frontrunners, he’ll have to moderate. I’m not going socialist. Never been a socialist,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said. “If he doesn’t change, I’ve got a dilemma there. We’ll see. But we’re talking about hypotheticals. I think there’s going to be a lot happening between now and then.”

The soul-searching within the establishment wing of the Democratic Party comes after Sanders solidified his frontrunner status in Iowa and New Hampshire, which produced a pair of cringeworthy finishes for Biden. The former vice president did so poorly in New Hampshire that he ditched his own election night watch party to head to South Carolina, possibly giving an opening to Bloomberg, who skipped the first four contests.

“I’m feeling a momentum shift to Bloomberg right now,” said Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.), who endorsed Biden in the summer and plans to stick with him.

One of the most glaring examples of the change in tide on Capitol Hill is a trio of Bloomberg endorsements from the Congressional Black Caucus on Wednesday — a not-so-subtle show of force against Biden, who remains the favored candidate among black voters nationally.

Ya actually started with Its trumps fault the dems are so over the top

From the diplomad
End of a diddy's about sniffy

That will leave the Democrats with an avowed Marxist, or what we Cold War veterans would call a Communist, a completely fake gay white version of the fake black Obama, a couple of lesser lights who have managed to keep their "accomplishments" well hidden from view, and a fabulously wealthy fraud who is financing his own campaign and repudiating his accomplishments as mayor of New York to gain the favor of the "woke" crowd.

The DiploMad 2.0: Corruptocrat Joe Shuffles to the Door . . .
Since the day Trump was elected, I've been concerned he'd be so over-the-top that the Democratic Party's response would be over-the-top, too. Sure enough, that's what we've seen. And, predictably, ugly politics now pollute damn near every part of our society.

But I've also been hoping that just enough sanity would remain in the party that it would be able to see some boundaries. Maybe that's happening now, too: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

This madness has spawned the rise of nutters like AOC, Talib & Omar, not to mention this largely whacko crop of "presidential candidates", especially Bernie and Warren. Maybe the more pragmatic elements of the party still have enough influence to stop the freakin' madness.

Here's hoping.

From the linked piece:
“If Bernie ends up being one of these frontrunners, he’ll have to moderate. I’m not going socialist. Never been a socialist,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said. “If he doesn’t change, I’ve got a dilemma there. We’ll see. But we’re talking about hypotheticals. I think there’s going to be a lot happening between now and then.”

The soul-searching within the establishment wing of the Democratic Party comes after Sanders solidified his frontrunner status in Iowa and New Hampshire, which produced a pair of cringeworthy finishes for Biden. The former vice president did so poorly in New Hampshire that he ditched his own election night watch party to head to South Carolina, possibly giving an opening to Bloomberg, who skipped the first four contests.

“I’m feeling a momentum shift to Bloomberg right now,” said Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.), who endorsed Biden in the summer and plans to stick with him.

One of the most glaring examples of the change in tide on Capitol Hill is a trio of Bloomberg endorsements from the Congressional Black Caucus on Wednesday — a not-so-subtle show of force against Biden, who remains the favored candidate among black voters nationally.

I do not blame trump for democrat party insanity

blame it on entrenched marxists in the public schools molding young minds into good little socialists

but the transformation is not complete

the dems appear to be split down the middle between radicals and more centrist liberals

if bernie wins many dem voters will be turned off

but if bernie does not win the nomination the bernie bots will riot in the streets
Ya actually started with Its trumps fault the dems are so over the top

From the diplomad
End of a diddy's about sniffy

That will leave the Democrats with an avowed Marxist, or what we Cold War veterans would call a Communist, a completely fake gay white version of the fake black Obama, a couple of lesser lights who have managed to keep their "accomplishments" well hidden from view, and a fabulously wealthy fraud who is financing his own campaign and repudiating his accomplishments as mayor of New York to gain the favor of the "woke" crowd.

The DiploMad 2.0: Corruptocrat Joe Shuffles to the Door . . .

Mac wasn't concerned that OBAMA wouldn't be too far over the top, but let Trump talk about restoring America's #1 position greatness and excellence, and it was just too much for Mac and the democrats?
Since the day Trump was elected, I've been concerned he'd be so over-the-top that the Democratic Party's response would be over-the-top, too. Sure enough, that's what we've seen. And, predictably, ugly politics now pollute damn near every part of our society.

But I've also been hoping that just enough sanity would remain in the party that it would be able to see some boundaries. Maybe that's happening now, too: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

This madness has spawned the rise of nutters like AOC, Talib & Omar, not to mention this largely whacko crop of "presidential candidates", especially Bernie and Warren. Maybe the more pragmatic elements of the party still have enough influence to stop the freakin' madness.

Here's hoping.

From the linked piece:
“If Bernie ends up being one of these frontrunners, he’ll have to moderate. I’m not going socialist. Never been a socialist,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said. “If he doesn’t change, I’ve got a dilemma there. We’ll see. But we’re talking about hypotheticals. I think there’s going to be a lot happening between now and then.”

The soul-searching within the establishment wing of the Democratic Party comes after Sanders solidified his frontrunner status in Iowa and New Hampshire, which produced a pair of cringeworthy finishes for Biden. The former vice president did so poorly in New Hampshire that he ditched his own election night watch party to head to South Carolina, possibly giving an opening to Bloomberg, who skipped the first four contests.

“I’m feeling a momentum shift to Bloomberg right now,” said Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.), who endorsed Biden in the summer and plans to stick with him.

One of the most glaring examples of the change in tide on Capitol Hill is a trio of Bloomberg endorsements from the Congressional Black Caucus on Wednesday — a not-so-subtle show of force against Biden, who remains the favored candidate among black voters nationally.

Wait, has the Congressional Black Caucus heard Bloomberg on tape discussing minorities?
Since the day Trump was elected, I've been concerned he'd be so over-the-top that the Democratic Party's response would be over-the-top, too. Sure enough, that's what we've seen. And, predictably, ugly politics now pollute damn near every part of our society.

But I've also been hoping that just enough sanity would remain in the party that it would be able to see some boundaries. Maybe that's happening now, too: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

This madness has spawned the rise of nutters like AOC, Talib & Omar, not to mention this largely whacko crop of "presidential candidates", especially Bernie and Warren. Maybe the more pragmatic elements of the party still have enough influence to stop the freakin' madness.

Here's hoping.

From the linked piece:
“If Bernie ends up being one of these frontrunners, he’ll have to moderate. I’m not going socialist. Never been a socialist,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said. “If he doesn’t change, I’ve got a dilemma there. We’ll see. But we’re talking about hypotheticals. I think there’s going to be a lot happening between now and then.”

The soul-searching within the establishment wing of the Democratic Party comes after Sanders solidified his frontrunner status in Iowa and New Hampshire, which produced a pair of cringeworthy finishes for Biden. The former vice president did so poorly in New Hampshire that he ditched his own election night watch party to head to South Carolina, possibly giving an opening to Bloomberg, who skipped the first four contests.

“I’m feeling a momentum shift to Bloomberg right now,” said Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.), who endorsed Biden in the summer and plans to stick with him.

One of the most glaring examples of the change in tide on Capitol Hill is a trio of Bloomberg endorsements from the Congressional Black Caucus on Wednesday — a not-so-subtle show of force against Biden, who remains the favored candidate among black voters nationally.

I do not blame trump for democrat party insanity

blame it on entrenched marxists in the public schools molding young minds into good little socialists

but the transformation is not complete

the dems appear to be split down the middle between radicals and more centrist liberals

if bernie wins many dem voters will be turned off

but if bernie does not win the nomination the bernie bots will riot in the streets
Bernie's Brown Shirts will riot
The Dems have simply quit pretending. President Trump was the catalyst to expose them for what they are which is anti-American, anti-White scumbags.
Ya actually started with Its trumps fault the dems are so over the top

From the diplomad
End of a diddy's about sniffy

That will leave the Democrats with an avowed Marxist, or what we Cold War veterans would call a Communist, a completely fake gay white version of the fake black Obama, a couple of lesser lights who have managed to keep their "accomplishments" well hidden from view, and a fabulously wealthy fraud who is financing his own campaign and repudiating his accomplishments as mayor of New York to gain the favor of the "woke" crowd.

The DiploMad 2.0: Corruptocrat Joe Shuffles to the Door . . .

Mac wasn't concerned that OBAMA wouldn't be too far over the top, but let Trump talk about restoring America's #1 position greatness and excellence, and it was just too much for Mac and the democrats?
I can understand you don't see anything unusual about Trump and his behaviors. I get it. To you, the cartoonish hyperbole, constant personal attacks and general instability are perfectly normal.

But for the majority, they are indeed unusual (even some Trumpsters have the balls to admit it), and the point is that the response from the hard Left would be similar.
Since the day Trump was elected, I've been concerned he'd be so over-the-top that the Democratic Party's response would be over-the-top, too. Sure enough, that's what we've seen. And, predictably, ugly politics now pollute damn near every part of our society.

But I've also been hoping that just enough sanity would remain in the party that it would be able to see some boundaries. Maybe that's happening now, too: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

This madness has spawned the rise of nutters like AOC, Talib & Omar, not to mention this largely whacko crop of "presidential candidates", especially Bernie and Warren. Maybe the more pragmatic elements of the party still have enough influence to stop the freakin' madness.

Here's hoping.

From the linked piece:
“If Bernie ends up being one of these frontrunners, he’ll have to moderate. I’m not going socialist. Never been a socialist,” Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) said. “If he doesn’t change, I’ve got a dilemma there. We’ll see. But we’re talking about hypotheticals. I think there’s going to be a lot happening between now and then.”

The soul-searching within the establishment wing of the Democratic Party comes after Sanders solidified his frontrunner status in Iowa and New Hampshire, which produced a pair of cringeworthy finishes for Biden. The former vice president did so poorly in New Hampshire that he ditched his own election night watch party to head to South Carolina, possibly giving an opening to Bloomberg, who skipped the first four contests.

“I’m feeling a momentum shift to Bloomberg right now,” said Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.), who endorsed Biden in the summer and plans to stick with him.

One of the most glaring examples of the change in tide on Capitol Hill is a trio of Bloomberg endorsements from the Congressional Black Caucus on Wednesday — a not-so-subtle show of force against Biden, who remains the favored candidate among black voters nationally.

Wait, has the Congressional Black Caucus heard Bloomberg on tape discussing minorities?
Matthews interviewed one of them yesterday, and it was surreal. The guy was just ignoring everything, like a good partisan ideologue.
Ya actually started with Its trumps fault the dems are so over the top

From the diplomad
End of a diddy's about sniffy

That will leave the Democrats with an avowed Marxist, or what we Cold War veterans would call a Communist, a completely fake gay white version of the fake black Obama, a couple of lesser lights who have managed to keep their "accomplishments" well hidden from view, and a fabulously wealthy fraud who is financing his own campaign and repudiating his accomplishments as mayor of New York to gain the favor of the "woke" crowd.

The DiploMad 2.0: Corruptocrat Joe Shuffles to the Door . . .

Mac wasn't concerned that OBAMA wouldn't be too far over the top, but let Trump talk about restoring America's #1 position greatness and excellence, and it was just too much for Mac and the democrats?
I can understand you don't see anything unusual about Trump and his behaviors. I get it. To you, the cartoonish hyperbole, constant personal attacks and general instability are perfectly normal.

But for the majority, they are indeed unusual (even some Trumpsters have the balls to admit it), and the point is that the response from the hard Left would be similar.

What a load of horseshit ...just like your opening line....... Palsey victim
I know i know if only he would take the high road .....zzzzzzzzzzz

Ya actually started with Its trumps fault the dems are so over the top

From the diplomad
End of a diddy's about sniffy

That will leave the Democrats with an avowed Marxist, or what we Cold War veterans would call a Communist, a completely fake gay white version of the fake black Obama, a couple of lesser lights who have managed to keep their "accomplishments" well hidden from view, and a fabulously wealthy fraud who is financing his own campaign and repudiating his accomplishments as mayor of New York to gain the favor of the "woke" crowd.

The DiploMad 2.0: Corruptocrat Joe Shuffles to the Door . . .

Mac wasn't concerned that OBAMA wouldn't be too far over the top, but let Trump talk about restoring America's #1 position greatness and excellence, and it was just too much for Mac and the democrats?
I can understand you don't see anything unusual about Trump and his behaviors. I get it. To you, the cartoonish hyperbole, constant personal attacks and general instability are perfectly normal.

But for the majority, they are indeed unusual (even some Trumpsters have the balls to admit it), and the point is that the response from the hard Left would be similar.

I see plenty wrong with Trump. He isn't acting anything like any of the other politicians we have.

Case you don't know, they are about as popular as the Clap and have been doing a shit job for years.

I agree, there are times Trump is more candid and abrasive than I understand necessary. But apparently that comes with the territory because at least he isn't a lying sack of shit either. And there is usually some truth to what he says.

As to the "instability," you know Mac, I bet if the Democrats just GOT OFF HIS FUCKING BACK for 11 seconds, quit lying about him, insulting him and let him do his job for a day, he might seem more stable.

As to the majority, since Trump won 30 states to Hillary's 20, won acquittal in the Senate and the Dims didn't get ONE supporter other than jackass Romney, I'm not sure what majority you're talking about? You mean the 2.8 million coke head fags in East Hollywood with needles in their arms?
I am seriously curious as to what behavior by President Trump you are alluding to that causes you to be troubled. :dunno: IMO, he has held back quite a bit. I would have fired all Obama holdovers on day one which is what all the millions of President Trump voters wanted him to do. :)

Mac, your inability to respond intelligently simply reflects the fact your form of TDS is somewhat introspective. Not that it matters except to your ego, but do you have an evidence that you posted here Democrats would expose themselves as the insane fucktards they are if President Trump was elected? ;)
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This madness has spawned the rise of nutters like AOC, Talib & Omar, not to mention this largely whacko crop of "presidential candidates", especially Bernie and Warren.

Laughing out loud here...

No, it's not "Trump" who "spawned" these terrible, horrible people. Their stances and ways of thinking evolved way before Trump even alighted on the campaign stage. It's the plutocrats and their unmitigated, unadulterated greed, and their iron grip on American politics, tightening since the 1980s and Reagan's neo-liberal societal arson, who "spawned" that evil. Now, it turns out those terrible, horrible people don't just tell the truth about Trump, but also about the plutocrats and their unmitigated, unadulterated greed, and the consequences these people inflict upon the living conditions of ordinary Americans, when, in fact, serious people are supposed to keep all that under wraps. These plutocrats do not like to hear anything other than how beautiful and virtuous they are, and how their every deed is meant to benefit the greater good of all, for without them and their unmitigated, unadulterated greed the country would surely fall apart.

Now, upon seeing the plutocrats and their unmitigated, unadulterated greed besmirched, and their tender little feefees hurt, the very serious people go to work, bellowing and screeching at these terrible, horrible people telling the parts of the truth the very serious people know, but also know it's better to lie about. It's what the plutocrats' lackeys are supposed to do, you know?

Now, since it can no longer be disputed that the plutocrats have translated their obscene wealth into political power to such a degree it poses a mortal danger to democratic rule itself, compounded by the fact that the misery imposed contributed to the election of a would-be autocrat set to dismantle the rule of law, it's about time Americans collectively overcome their Stockholm syndrome, and resolve to curtail plutocratic power. Sanders, Warren, and AOC point out the way to do that. If we lose a Mac, or a Manchin along the way, so what? Since democracy and the rule of law are at risk, there cannot be much regard or concern for those who think the status quo, which brought the current misery about, is the solution to it.
I bet if the Democrats just GOT OFF HIS FUCKING BACK for 11 seconds, quit lying about him, insulting him and let him do his job for a day,

^^^^THAT right there^^^
Since the day Trump was elected, I've been concerned he'd be so over-the-top that the Democratic Party's response would be over-the-top, too. Sure enough, that's what we've seen. And, predictably, ugly politics now pollute damn near every part of our society.

But I've also been hoping that just enough sanity would remain in the party that it would be able to see some boundaries. Maybe that's happening now, too: Centrist Democrats rethink alliances as Biden crumbles

This madness has spawned the rise of nutters like AOC, Talib & Omar, not to mention this largely whacko crop of "presidential candidates", especially Bernie and Warren. Maybe the more pragmatic elements of the party still have enough influence to stop the freakin' madness.

And welcome to another Stormy Mac thread where he starts will a silly premise, and runs with it.

Uh, stupid, what spawned people like Bernie and Warren is that 40% of the population has less than 1% of the wealth. Sixty percent of the population is living paycheck to paycheck and 80% of us are one medical emergency away from the poorhouse.

Now, the RICH might be able to bully the Democrats into supporting a loser, but the very fact that Biden IS crumbling should tell you, not so much. He was Wall Street's BOY! He's the one who made it easier for the Credit Card companies to abuse us, including supporting the awful Bankruptcy reform act (also known as Getting Blood out of a Turnip Act)

He's the fine example of the Republican Lite kind of Democrat who is getting rejected right now. I still think he'd be a stronger candidate than Bernie, but either one of them could beat Trump.
But for the majority, they are indeed unusual (even some Trumpsters have the balls to admit it), and the point is that the response from the hard Left would be similar.

Slight difference is that while Trump's antics can be unusual, his policies aren't. The antics of the left's candidates may not be as unusual, but their policies will "fundamentally change the US", according to Sanders. Sorry, but people need to wake up and be adults. Get over the hatred for Trump, the person, along with some of his childish antics, and focus on his policies, which are, in a very large part, working. If one of the left gets elected, he/she may be a smooth talker and say all the things that gives you that warm, gushy feeling, but the country will collapse both economically and socially.

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