Is The Coronavirus and other Killer viruses, part of the Plagues of the Great Tribulation?


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.

No. It's a cold, not a plague. If you are talking "plagues" from the bible corona virus doesn't even register.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.

Corona isn't killing nearly enough people to be part of the tribulation.
Not to mention, Christians wouldn't be here, because the rapture should have happened already.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.

Corona isn't killing nearly enough people to be part of the tribulation.
Not to mention, Christians wouldn't be here, because the rapture should have happened already.
What if the rapture, as spoken about in the Bible, is metaphorical, and not literal?

Why do Christians, Jews, and Muslims chose to believe some things are allegorical, while other things are literal?

. . . and why do they decide, this authority, or that authority is endowed with divinity, to make such a decision? :dunno:
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.
I have no doubt that it fits in there in the scope of things.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.

Corona isn't killing nearly enough people to be part of the tribulation.
Not to mention, Christians wouldn't be here, because the rapture should have happened already.
What if the rapture, as spoken about in the Bible, is metaphorical, and not literal?

Why do Christians, Jews, and Muslims chose to believe some things are allegorical, while other things are literal?

. . . and why do they decide, this authority, or that authority is endowed with divinity, to make such a decision? :dunno:

Don't know, but I think that issue came up in the bible when Israel wanted a king, but it's been awhile and I can't remember. Either way, if it's the "end times prophet/scholar" or the bible version this virus just can't fit. This virus is a powder puff. Most of the stuff in the bible included boils and other nasty things like insect sized deamons named Apollion stinging the shot out of godless heathens.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.
Biblical viruses kill millions.

Corvid19 might get to a thousand in the US, 100k world wide. I don't think it qualifies.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.

Corona isn't killing nearly enough people to be part of the tribulation.
Not to mention, Christians wouldn't be here, because the rapture should have happened already.
What if the rapture, as spoken about in the Bible, is metaphorical, and not literal?

Why do Christians, Jews, and Muslims chose to believe some things are allegorical, while other things are literal?

. . . and why do they decide, this authority, or that authority is endowed with divinity, to make such a decision? :dunno:

Well I can't answer for Muslims, Jews, or any non-evangelicals.... I can't answer for other people.

So if you are looking at different groups the believe different things, you would need to go to each group, and ask each group why they believe what they believe.

But I can answer for myself obviously.

Jesus said in Matthew 24:41
"Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left."

Now this suggests that it isn't a metaphor, or a story, because he did not say "There once was two women working at a mill, and one was taken".

That would indicate a story. Instead, he says very specifically "There will be two women at a mill, and one will be taken, and the other left."

So it would seem clear that, this means exactly what he said.

And typically in other part of the Bible when Jesus is speaking in stories, it says in Matthew 13:33
"He told them still another parable:....."

Which clearly identifies what he said before, and what he was about to say, as a story. A metaphor, rather than a literal example.

All in all, I don't find it difficult to distinguish between what is literal and what is metaphor.
I suppose others do for whatever reason, but it has never seemed that difficult to see which is which, if you simply read the full context of what is being said.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.
I have no doubt that it fits in there in the scope of things.

Bible wise or end times prophet wise? Not being a dick just asking is all.

Biblically speaking, the Bible in general, and Jesus specifically, does not list off a virus as either a sign of the end times, nor as a precursor to the end times.

In passages, such as Matthew 24, it simply says that things on the Earth will get worse. That's it. Just "worse".

Even then, it says in verse 34, that they will be eating and drinking, marrying, and given in marriage. So what does that tell us? That we don't know when the end is coming. It's that simple.

So while we could say that Corona is an example of things generally getting worse, that a small flu like illness in a remote area of China, can spread world wide in mere days... there is nothing specifically that the Bible ties this illness to a sign of the end times.

That leaves Revelations from the end times. And simply put, the numbers are not there, for this to be an end times judgment.

So a quick review of the tribulation judgement of G-d on the Earth, listed in the book of Revelations:

There are seven Seal judgements. These are judgement in seven scrolls that are sealed. When the seal is broken, then judgement is given out to the Earth.

Then there are seven Trumpet judgements. These judgements are ushered in by the blowing of Trumpets by the Angels in Heaven.

And then there are seven bowl judgements. Now the bowl judgements are poured out from bowls onto the Earth. But these judgements, do not generally cause death, but rather suffering. You can read about that in your own time.

But as it relates to the topic at hand, the seven seal judgements wipe out 1/4 of all the population of the Earth. The Trumpet judgement wipes out 1/3 of all those who are left after the seal judgement.

Now at a rough estimate, that means the total population of the Earth, would decrease by 4 Billion people.

Corona to date, has killed 4,000. It would be nearly impossible for Corona to get to a Revelations level event, at this rate.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.
I have no doubt that it fits in there in the scope of things.

Bible wise or end times prophet wise? Not being a dick just asking is all.

Biblically speaking, the Bible in general, and Jesus specifically, does not list off a virus as either a sign of the end times, nor as a precursor to the end times.

In passages, such as Matthew 24, it simply says that things on the Earth will get worse. That's it. Just "worse".

Even then, it says in verse 34, that they will be eating and drinking, marrying, and given in marriage. So what does that tell us? That we don't know when the end is coming. It's that simple.

So while we could say that Corona is an example of things generally getting worse, that a small flu like illness in a remote area of China, can spread world wide in mere days... there is nothing specifically that the Bible ties this illness to a sign of the end times.

That leaves Revelations from the end times. And simply put, the numbers are not there, for this to be an end times judgment.

So a quick review of the tribulation judgement of G-d on the Earth, listed in the book of Revelations:

There are seven Seal judgements. These are judgement in seven scrolls that are sealed. When the seal is broken, then judgement is given out to the Earth.

Then there are seven Trumpet judgements. These judgements are ushered in by the blowing of Trumpets by the Angels in Heaven.

And then there are seven bowl judgements. Now the bowl judgements are poured out from bowls onto the Earth. But these judgements, do not generally cause death, but rather suffering. You can read about that in your own time.

But as it relates to the topic at hand, the seven seal judgements wipe out 1/4 of all the population of the Earth. The Trumpet judgement wipes out 1/3 of all those who are left after the seal judgement.

Now at a rough estimate, that means the total population of the Earth, would decrease by 4 Billion people.

Corona to date, has killed 4,000. It would be nearly impossible for Corona to get to a Revelations level event, at this rate.

Many who read revolations and all the end time stuff also need to keep in mind those numbers you mentioned. Allot of people would already be dead and many more waiting to die and not just from disease and virus but war, weather earth quakes and so on. Bad business.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.
Nope. Might be able to be considered early birth pains.

See my thread. The Tribulation cannot come until The Restrainer is removed. Many people consider this The Restraining Moral Influence of The Church as guided by The Holy Spirit.

Who Is Worthy To Open The Scroll?
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.

Corona isn't killing nearly enough people to be part of the tribulation.
Not to mention, Christians wouldn't be here, because the rapture should have happened already.
1/4 of The Earth's Population are killed in one Seal Judgement, and then 1/3rd killed in a Trumpet Judgement alone.

Folks that is 50% of The World's Population in just two Judgments!

And that is after all true Christians are raptured from The Earth.

God essentially says that The Wicked Love Blood? He will give them blood to drink.

Think of the blood of 60 Million Babies aborted in The US alone.

I believe by the time you get to The End of The Tribulation, 70% of The Earth's Population will be destroyed and or no longer upon The Earth, perhaps more because The Scriptures say, if Christ does not return there will be no flesh left upon the Earth.

So in 7 Short years, The Earth goes from 7 Billion to in my opinion less than a Billion, and honestly, I think it ends up worse than that when you read through all the judgments.

Think of all the bodies everywhere......yuck!

They'll have to pile people up and burn them in great bonfires all over the world. Can you imagine?
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.
Pestilence/plague are among a number of things Jesus foretold for the last days in Matthew chapter 24; Luke 21; Mark 13.
Pestilence/plague are among a number of things Jesus foretold for the last days in Matthew chapter 24; Luke 21; Mark 13.
An interesting study is all the things that happened to this planet in the mid fourteenth century (including the Black Plague where 25 million people died. There was also the Great Famine, wars, and the upcoming Little Ice Age. Then there were the usual natural disasters. I can imagine our ancestors looking down at us and (in comparison) noting the lesser trouble of today and shaking their heads at us.

Anyone remember Bob Seger singing In Your Time... We'll be fine...

Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.
Pestilence/plague are among a number of things Jesus foretold for the last days in Matthew chapter 24; Luke 21; Mark 13.

Yes. True. The Spanish flu in the 1918 has killed 50 million. At present, there is no indication that Corona will match that.

Point being, if this is a sign of end times, why wasn't the Spanish flu?

Now there is a case to be made, that the Spanish Flu could not be a sign of the end times, because a clearly defined requirement of the end times had not yet happened... namely Israel did not exist yet, and absolutely nothing in revelations could happen without Israel's existence.

But I still am of the opinion, wrong or right, that Corona is simply not deadly enough to be a sign of the end times.

At this point there is more damage being done by governments reacting to Corona, than Corona.

I think when a real sign of the end times happens, we won't be debating it, because it will be obvious.

Because again, if you read revelations, we're talking about losing 50% of the worlds population. That means roughly 4 billion people are going to die.

Thus far, Corona has only wiped out 21,000 people or so. So even if the death rate quadrupled, which is possible..... that still wouldn't even be at Spanish Flu levels, let alone the Revelation levels.

So, not seeing it. Not with Corona.

I think it is a wake up call though, that a highly infectious illness, is nearly impossible to contain. The idea of containing something this easily transmissible, I think we can safely say that it is nearly impossible unless only 5 people have it, and you know exactly who those 5 people are, and who they came in contact with. Outside of that, containment is pretty much a dead concept. Not that people are not still pushing this dead concept, but it clearly hasn't even made the smallest of impacts trying to contain this.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.

No.. Jesus told the new Christians (Jews) to flee to the mountains when they saw signs of the Abomination of Desolation as foretold by Daniel during the time of Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Maccabean Revolt. They did flee Jerusalem and avoided the Tribulation.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.
Pestilence/plague are among a number of things Jesus foretold for the last days in Matthew chapter 24; Luke 21; Mark 13.

Yes. True. The Spanish flu in the 1918 has killed 50 million. At present, there is no indication that Corona will match that.

Point being, if this is a sign of end times, why wasn't the Spanish flu?

Now there is a case to be made, that the Spanish Flu could not be a sign of the end times, because a clearly defined requirement of the end times had not yet happened... namely Israel did not exist yet, and absolutely nothing in revelations could happen without Israel's existence.

But I still am of the opinion, wrong or right, that Corona is simply not deadly enough to be a sign of the end times.

At this point there is more damage being done by governments reacting to Corona, than Corona.

I think when a real sign of the end times happens, we won't be debating it, because it will be obvious.

Because again, if you read revelations, we're talking about losing 50% of the worlds population. That means roughly 4 billion people are going to die.

Thus far, Corona has only wiped out 21,000 people or so. So even if the death rate quadrupled, which is possible..... that still wouldn't even be at Spanish Flu levels, let alone the Revelation levels.

So, not seeing it. Not with Corona.

I think it is a wake up call though, that a highly infectious illness, is nearly impossible to contain. The idea of containing something this easily transmissible, I think we can safely say that it is nearly impossible unless only 5 people have it, and you know exactly who those 5 people are, and who they came in contact with. Outside of that, containment is pretty much a dead concept. Not that people are not still pushing this dead concept, but it clearly hasn't even made the smallest of impacts trying to contain this.

Now we have 500,000 dead from the Coronavirus. The Tribulation was over in the first century AD and Jesus told the new Christians to flee Jerusalem for the mountains to avoid the Tribulation.. That's what they did.

Revelation has NOTHING to do with Covid.
Is the Corona virus and other killer viruses part of the great tribulation plagues, spoken of in the book of Revelations.? Your thoughts.
Pestilence/plague are among a number of things Jesus foretold for the last days in Matthew chapter 24; Luke 21; Mark 13.

Yes. True. The Spanish flu in the 1918 has killed 50 million. At present, there is no indication that Corona will match that.

Point being, if this is a sign of end times, why wasn't the Spanish flu?

Now there is a case to be made, that the Spanish Flu could not be a sign of the end times, because a clearly defined requirement of the end times had not yet happened... namely Israel did not exist yet, and absolutely nothing in revelations could happen without Israel's existence.

But I still am of the opinion, wrong or right, that Corona is simply not deadly enough to be a sign of the end times.

At this point there is more damage being done by governments reacting to Corona, than Corona.

I think when a real sign of the end times happens, we won't be debating it, because it will be obvious.

Because again, if you read revelations, we're talking about losing 50% of the worlds population. That means roughly 4 billion people are going to die.

Thus far, Corona has only wiped out 21,000 people or so. So even if the death rate quadrupled, which is possible..... that still wouldn't even be at Spanish Flu levels, let alone the Revelation levels.

So, not seeing it. Not with Corona.

I think it is a wake up call though, that a highly infectious illness, is nearly impossible to contain. The idea of containing something this easily transmissible, I think we can safely say that it is nearly impossible unless only 5 people have it, and you know exactly who those 5 people are, and who they came in contact with. Outside of that, containment is pretty much a dead concept. Not that people are not still pushing this dead concept, but it clearly hasn't even made the smallest of impacts trying to contain this.

Now we have 500,000 dead from the Coronavirus. The Tribulation was over in the first century AD and Jesus told the new Christians to flee Jerusalem for the mountains to avoid the Tribulation.. That's what they did.

Revelation has NOTHING to do with Covid.

No we don't have 500,000 dead from Corona. That's fake news. Facts over opinion.

Yes, I agree Covid has nothing to do with Revelations. That was my point, but you didn't really read what I said.

No, the Tribulation was not in the first century AD. You are wrong. Thanks for stopping by.

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