Is technology evil?

What can be the worst punishment that you an imagine?

How about an eternity in a box?

Boxes are invented to keep things safe and secure. We have outsourced our security to technology.

You can escape from questioning by people even if it is the gestapo. But how do you escape open ended questions from a Computer?

And can that computer control your mind too? How about controlling your mind through your emotions? People used to call religion a mind control. But can it beat a computer in that?

Imagine, the bible says give Caesar what is Caesars. But what if you need to match the dexterity of a computer to figure a common sense feel of what is Caesars and what is not? Most governments pride themselves in using taxation to control your behavior. Can you live your life under continuous total control?

So, was the medieval Church right, to say that science and technology is best suppressed?
uhm, no

tech is a tool, tools can be used to do good, evil or anything in between.

No because without tech, only God has omnipotence. With computers, every dirty little muggler gets omnipotence. And government's support this. So it is technology that tips the balance between good and evil. Technology activates evil people.
you might want to look up 'omnipotence'.

you can do evil with a rock, as the first recorded murder weapon, that should clue you in.
Okay, so to clarify the OP, has technology given unlimited power to evil people? For example, before technology, if you did something wrong, you were punished, then life went on. But with computers, you can be held in eternal punishment and you will never go on. That is the difference, that I wanted to point out about the evilness of technology.
Its given more power to evil people. That doesnt mean its unlimited.

Not quite sure what you mean. Is your beef with evil people, computers, computer programs or all technology?

For example, for millennia, the easy example was taxation, and the principle was to give Caesar what is Ceasar's. Jesus adviced this and is in the bible. So if the coins don't have Ceasar's name/face, then it is not Ceasar's and you keep it.

But with computers, you pay tax worldwide, on every income that you earned in every currency, so you pay double, you give Ceasar even what is not Ceasar's.

Only computers can create and enforce this situation. So from the biblical standpoint, you have given yourself away to an unlimited machine that has the power to keep you as its slave, fitting easily the definition of evil, by the account of technology.
Not trying to be funny but it sounds like you dont like paying taxes and you are mad that transactions that prove you made income are digitally recorded?

Some people have enough money to write any law including tax laws. If they suddenly decided to tax your whatever too then you will cheerfully pay them and call everybody a dodge who wants to stop it. But taxation is only the widest example. Everything else could be used, and the government is not slowing down in taking control over more of your life.
So what I was thinking is correct? You dont like paying taxes. Have you ever considered what your tax money is spent on? They already tax me and yes I cheerfully pay because I know that even if the system isnt perfect there are a lot of benefits others and myself receive when I pay my taxes.

I pay my taxes too. But I can also see that tax laws are written not for national maintenance but for predatory exploitation. I don't believe that you or anyone else are cheerful when paying taxes, because there is already a running joke, that euphorytax is when you see you tax refund until you realize that it was your money to begin with. Lucky Americans, the USA doesn't have this problem.

So if you are an American, you know that your entire country fought a revolutionary war against predatory taxation in 1776. Predatory taxation is back with a vengeance in Europe, and you American brothers better behold your unique and fair system. If you don't see this then you are cheering to your doom. Can I open a savings account for you with 1% of what you spend on your credit card? Hehehe.
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What can be the worst punishment that you an imagine?

How about an eternity in a box?

Boxes are invented to keep things safe and secure. We have outsourced our security to technology.

You can escape from questioning by people even if it is the gestapo. But how do you escape open ended questions from a Computer?

And can that computer control your mind too? How about controlling your mind through your emotions? People used to call religion a mind control. But can it beat a computer in that?

Imagine, the bible says give Caesar what is Caesars. But what if you need to match the dexterity of a computer to figure a common sense feel of what is Caesars and what is not? Most governments pride themselves in using taxation to control your behavior. Can you live your life under continuous total control?

So, was the medieval Church right, to say that science and technology is best suppressed?
uhm, no

tech is a tool, tools can be used to do good, evil or anything in between.

No because without tech, only God has omnipotence. With computers, every dirty little muggler gets omnipotence. And government's support this. So it is technology that tips the balance between good and evil. Technology activates evil people.
you might want to look up 'omnipotence'.

you can do evil with a rock, as the first recorded murder weapon, that should clue you in.

Omnipotence is the correct word. Computers provide it.

Yes you can be evil even without technology, but technology activates you.
What can be the worst punishment that you an imagine?

How about an eternity in a box?

Boxes are invented to keep things safe and secure. We have outsourced our security to technology.

You can escape from questioning by people even if it is the gestapo. But how do you escape open ended questions from a Computer?

And can that computer control your mind too? How about controlling your mind through your emotions? People used to call religion a mind control. But can it beat a computer in that?

Imagine, the bible says give Caesar what is Caesars. But what if you need to match the dexterity of a computer to figure a common sense feel of what is Caesars and what is not? Most governments pride themselves in using taxation to control your behavior. Can you live your life under continuous total control?

So, was the medieval Church right, to say that science and technology is best suppressed?
uhm, no

tech is a tool, tools can be used to do good, evil or anything in between.

No because without tech, only God has omnipotence. With computers, every dirty little muggler gets omnipotence. And government's support this. So it is technology that tips the balance between good and evil. Technology activates evil people.
you might want to look up 'omnipotence'.

you can do evil with a rock, as the first recorded murder weapon, that should clue you in.

Omnipotence is the correct word. Computers provide it.

Yes you can be evil even without technology, but technology activates you.
No. Computers dont provide omnipotence. Do you understand how computers work?
Its given more power to evil people. That doesnt mean its unlimited.

Not quite sure what you mean. Is your beef with evil people, computers, computer programs or all technology?

For example, for millennia, the easy example was taxation, and the principle was to give Caesar what is Ceasar's. Jesus adviced this and is in the bible. So if the coins don't have Ceasar's name/face, then it is not Ceasar's and you keep it.

But with computers, you pay tax worldwide, on every income that you earned in every currency, so you pay double, you give Ceasar even what is not Ceasar's.

Only computers can create and enforce this situation. So from the biblical standpoint, you have given yourself away to an unlimited machine that has the power to keep you as its slave, fitting easily the definition of evil, by the account of technology.
Not trying to be funny but it sounds like you dont like paying taxes and you are mad that transactions that prove you made income are digitally recorded?

Some people have enough money to write any law including tax laws. If they suddenly decided to tax your whatever too then you will cheerfully pay them and call everybody a dodge who wants to stop it. But taxation is only the widest example. Everything else could be used, and the government is not slowing down in taking control over more of your life.
So what I was thinking is correct? You dont like paying taxes. Have you ever considered what your tax money is spent on? They already tax me and yes I cheerfully pay because I know that even if the system isnt perfect there are a lot of benefits others and myself receive when I pay my taxes.

I pay my taxes too. But I can also see that tax laws are written not for national maintenance but for predatory exploitation. I don't believe that you or anyone else are cheerful when paying taxes, because there is already a running joke, that euphorytax is when you see you tax refund until you realize that it was your money to begin with. Lucky Americans, the USA doesn't have this problem.

So if you are an American, you know that your entire country fought a revolutionary war against predatory taxation in 1776. Predatory taxation is back with a vengeance in Europe, and you American brothers better behold your unique and fair system. If you don't see this then you are cheering to your doom. Can I open a savings account for you with 1% of what you spend on your credit card? Hehehe.
If taxes are not used for national maintenance then who is paying to keep all those national forests I like going to running? Who is paying for that road in front of my house to stay cleaned and repaired? There are millions of examples of our tax dollars at work. You may not believe me but yes I am cheerful. I am cheerful because I know its a priviledge for me to pay taxes. Its the fee I pay for the opportunity to make as much money as possible.

When that war occurred my people were trying to get free. We werent considered fellow americans. Why would you open a savings account and make 1% when you can invest in your own business or a preferred investment making at least 10% on your money?
What can be the worst punishment that you an imagine?

How about an eternity in a box?

Boxes are invented to keep things safe and secure. We have outsourced our security to technology.

You can escape from questioning by people even if it is the gestapo. But how do you escape open ended questions from a Computer?

And can that computer control your mind too? How about controlling your mind through your emotions? People used to call religion a mind control. But can it beat a computer in that?

Imagine, the bible says give Caesar what is Caesars. But what if you need to match the dexterity of a computer to figure a common sense feel of what is Caesars and what is not? Most governments pride themselves in using taxation to control your behavior. Can you live your life under continuous total control?

So, was the medieval Church right, to say that science and technology is best suppressed?
uhm, no

tech is a tool, tools can be used to do good, evil or anything in between.

No because without tech, only God has omnipotence. With computers, every dirty little muggler gets omnipotence. And government's support this. So it is technology that tips the balance between good and evil. Technology activates evil people.
you might want to look up 'omnipotence'.

you can do evil with a rock, as the first recorded murder weapon, that should clue you in.

Omnipotence is the correct word. Computers provide it.

Yes you can be evil even without technology, but technology activates you.
ok, well you let me know when tech is used to create a multiverse.

Until then, not omnipotent.
For example, for millennia, the easy example was taxation, and the principle was to give Caesar what is Ceasar's. Jesus adviced this and is in the bible. So if the coins don't have Ceasar's name/face, then it is not Ceasar's and you keep it.

But with computers, you pay tax worldwide, on every income that you earned in every currency, so you pay double, you give Ceasar even what is not Ceasar's.

Only computers can create and enforce this situation. So from the biblical standpoint, you have given yourself away to an unlimited machine that has the power to keep you as its slave, fitting easily the definition of evil, by the account of technology.
Not trying to be funny but it sounds like you dont like paying taxes and you are mad that transactions that prove you made income are digitally recorded?

Some people have enough money to write any law including tax laws. If they suddenly decided to tax your whatever too then you will cheerfully pay them and call everybody a dodge who wants to stop it. But taxation is only the widest example. Everything else could be used, and the government is not slowing down in taking control over more of your life.
So what I was thinking is correct? You dont like paying taxes. Have you ever considered what your tax money is spent on? They already tax me and yes I cheerfully pay because I know that even if the system isnt perfect there are a lot of benefits others and myself receive when I pay my taxes.

I pay my taxes too. But I can also see that tax laws are written not for national maintenance but for predatory exploitation. I don't believe that you or anyone else are cheerful when paying taxes, because there is already a running joke, that euphorytax is when you see you tax refund until you realize that it was your money to begin with. Lucky Americans, the USA doesn't have this problem.

So if you are an American, you know that your entire country fought a revolutionary war against predatory taxation in 1776. Predatory taxation is back with a vengeance in Europe, and you American brothers better behold your unique and fair system. If you don't see this then you are cheering to your doom. Can I open a savings account for you with 1% of what you spend on your credit card? Hehehe.
If taxes are not used for national maintenance then who is paying to keep all those national forests I like going to running? Who is paying for that road in front of my house to stay cleaned and repaired? There are millions of examples of our tax dollars at work. You may not believe me but yes I am cheerful. I am cheerful because I know its a priviledge for me to pay taxes. Its the fee I pay for the opportunity to make as much money as possible.

When that war occurred my people were trying to get free. We werent considered fellow americans. Why would you open a savings account and make 1% when you can invest in your own business or a preferred investment making at least 10% on your money?

I was writing more about European taxation, not American. In Europe, these things don't get paid by your taxes. These get paid by special council taxes or other fees that are linked to your address. European taxation is largely asset based. American is income based. Europeans double tax you. Americans don't double tax people, maybe sometimes a little, but by principle don't, but Europeans do.

My savings account proposal was a joke. You can't save on a credit card.
What can be the worst punishment that you an imagine?

How about an eternity in a box?

Boxes are invented to keep things safe and secure. We have outsourced our security to technology.

You can escape from questioning by people even if it is the gestapo. But how do you escape open ended questions from a Computer?

And can that computer control your mind too? How about controlling your mind through your emotions? People used to call religion a mind control. But can it beat a computer in that?

Imagine, the bible says give Caesar what is Caesars. But what if you need to match the dexterity of a computer to figure a common sense feel of what is Caesars and what is not? Most governments pride themselves in using taxation to control your behavior. Can you live your life under continuous total control?

So, was the medieval Church right, to say that science and technology is best suppressed?
uhm, no

tech is a tool, tools can be used to do good, evil or anything in between.

No because without tech, only God has omnipotence. With computers, every dirty little muggler gets omnipotence. And government's support this. So it is technology that tips the balance between good and evil. Technology activates evil people.
you might want to look up 'omnipotence'.

you can do evil with a rock, as the first recorded murder weapon, that should clue you in.

Omnipotence is the correct word. Computers provide it.

Yes you can be evil even without technology, but technology activates you.
ok, well you let me know when tech is used to create a multiverse.

Until then, not omnipotent.

Computers work within the World Wide Web. This is why you type www after each http. Therefore every database and every camera world wide is in their reach, continuously. Omnipotence.
uhm, no

tech is a tool, tools can be used to do good, evil or anything in between.

No because without tech, only God has omnipotence. With computers, every dirty little muggler gets omnipotence. And government's support this. So it is technology that tips the balance between good and evil. Technology activates evil people.
you might want to look up 'omnipotence'.

you can do evil with a rock, as the first recorded murder weapon, that should clue you in.

Omnipotence is the correct word. Computers provide it.

Yes you can be evil even without technology, but technology activates you.
ok, well you let me know when tech is used to create a multiverse.

Until then, not omnipotent.

Computers work within the World Wide Web. This is why you type www after each http. Therefore every database and every camera world wide is in their reach, continuously. Omnipotence.
Hate to tell you this but http is simply a protocol as is its more secure version https that is used to navigate the web. Databases are back end devices that in most cases are not connected to the web unless its via a secure means and you use SQL to connect. Cameras are stand alone devices that have to be connected to web as well in order for you to even access them. If you dont connect them to the internet no one can access them.
No because without tech, only God has omnipotence. With computers, every dirty little muggler gets omnipotence. And government's support this. So it is technology that tips the balance between good and evil. Technology activates evil people.
you might want to look up 'omnipotence'.

you can do evil with a rock, as the first recorded murder weapon, that should clue you in.

Omnipotence is the correct word. Computers provide it.

Yes you can be evil even without technology, but technology activates you.
ok, well you let me know when tech is used to create a multiverse.

Until then, not omnipotent.

Computers work within the World Wide Web. This is why you type www after each http. Therefore every database and every camera world wide is in their reach, continuously. Omnipotence.
Hate to tell you this but http is simply a protocol as is its more secure version https that is used to navigate the web. Databases are back end devices that in most cases are not connected to the web unless its via a secure means and you use SQL to connect. Cameras are stand alone devices that have to be connected to web as well in order for you to even access them. If you dont connect them to the internet no one can access them.

I think you have proven my point in this post. And governments always retain the right to bypass any kind of security that you may want. In Germany not so much but in the Anglo Saxon world they absolutely do. Omnipotent government.
you might want to look up 'omnipotence'.

you can do evil with a rock, as the first recorded murder weapon, that should clue you in.

Omnipotence is the correct word. Computers provide it.

Yes you can be evil even without technology, but technology activates you.
ok, well you let me know when tech is used to create a multiverse.

Until then, not omnipotent.

Computers work within the World Wide Web. This is why you type www after each http. Therefore every database and every camera world wide is in their reach, continuously. Omnipotence.
Hate to tell you this but http is simply a protocol as is its more secure version https that is used to navigate the web. Databases are back end devices that in most cases are not connected to the web unless its via a secure means and you use SQL to connect. Cameras are stand alone devices that have to be connected to web as well in order for you to even access them. If you dont connect them to the internet no one can access them.

I think you have proven my point in this post. And governments always retain the right to bypass any kind of security that you may want. In Germany not so much but in the Anglo Saxon world they absolutely do. Omnipotent government.
If you think I have proven your point you obviously dont understand what it is I said. To summarize. In order for someone to access a computer within the WWW (as you put it) the computer has to be connected to the internet via a means that all security measures are turned off. As I stated a stand alone device is not connected to the internet. Neither are most databases.
Omnipotence is the correct word. Computers provide it.

Yes you can be evil even without technology, but technology activates you.
ok, well you let me know when tech is used to create a multiverse.

Until then, not omnipotent.

Computers work within the World Wide Web. This is why you type www after each http. Therefore every database and every camera world wide is in their reach, continuously. Omnipotence.
Hate to tell you this but http is simply a protocol as is its more secure version https that is used to navigate the web. Databases are back end devices that in most cases are not connected to the web unless its via a secure means and you use SQL to connect. Cameras are stand alone devices that have to be connected to web as well in order for you to even access them. If you dont connect them to the internet no one can access them.

I think you have proven my point in this post. And governments always retain the right to bypass any kind of security that you may want. In Germany not so much but in the Anglo Saxon world they absolutely do. Omnipotent government.
If you think I have proven your point you obviously dont understand what it is I said. To summarize. In order for someone to access a computer within the WWW (as you put it) the computer has to be connected to the internet via a means that all security measures are turned off. As I stated a stand alone device is not connected to the internet. Neither are most databases.

How does this matter when you can't find a computer that is not connected to the www? And even if not all databases are connected to the Internet, which would surprise me, the important ones are. For example your credit files are. Your tax files are. Even your passport files are, and universities are doing photography research on international passport photos.

It is better that way though that if you must have some databases connected together then they would all connect to the www. That way it can be mitigated how much damage a government has power to put on you. Just like when they wrote the 2nd Amendment in 1776, they wanted everyone with a gun, not just a few.
ok, well you let me know when tech is used to create a multiverse.

Until then, not omnipotent.

Computers work within the World Wide Web. This is why you type www after each http. Therefore every database and every camera world wide is in their reach, continuously. Omnipotence.
Hate to tell you this but http is simply a protocol as is its more secure version https that is used to navigate the web. Databases are back end devices that in most cases are not connected to the web unless its via a secure means and you use SQL to connect. Cameras are stand alone devices that have to be connected to web as well in order for you to even access them. If you dont connect them to the internet no one can access them.

I think you have proven my point in this post. And governments always retain the right to bypass any kind of security that you may want. In Germany not so much but in the Anglo Saxon world they absolutely do. Omnipotent government.
If you think I have proven your point you obviously dont understand what it is I said. To summarize. In order for someone to access a computer within the WWW (as you put it) the computer has to be connected to the internet via a means that all security measures are turned off. As I stated a stand alone device is not connected to the internet. Neither are most databases.

How does this matter when you can't find a computer that is not connected to the www? And even if not all databases are connected to the Internet, which would surprise me, the important ones are. For example your credit files are. Your tax files are. Even your passport files are, and universities are doing photography research on international passport photos.

It is better that way though that if you must have some databases connected together then they would all connect to the www. That way it can be mitigated how much damage a government has power to put on you. Just like when they wrote the 2nd Amendment in 1776, they wanted everyone with a gun, not just a few.
I work in the IT field. I know millions of computers and other backend servers that are not connected to the internet. Matter of fact there are more computers that are not connected than connected. I think youre confused on what is going on. No one in their right mind would connect an important database to the internet without the benefit of encryption. I dont know where you are getting this information but you may want to check your sources.
Computers work within the World Wide Web. This is why you type www after each http. Therefore every database and every camera world wide is in their reach, continuously. Omnipotence.
Hate to tell you this but http is simply a protocol as is its more secure version https that is used to navigate the web. Databases are back end devices that in most cases are not connected to the web unless its via a secure means and you use SQL to connect. Cameras are stand alone devices that have to be connected to web as well in order for you to even access them. If you dont connect them to the internet no one can access them.

I think you have proven my point in this post. And governments always retain the right to bypass any kind of security that you may want. In Germany not so much but in the Anglo Saxon world they absolutely do. Omnipotent government.
If you think I have proven your point you obviously dont understand what it is I said. To summarize. In order for someone to access a computer within the WWW (as you put it) the computer has to be connected to the internet via a means that all security measures are turned off. As I stated a stand alone device is not connected to the internet. Neither are most databases.

How does this matter when you can't find a computer that is not connected to the www? And even if not all databases are connected to the Internet, which would surprise me, the important ones are. For example your credit files are. Your tax files are. Even your passport files are, and universities are doing photography research on international passport photos.

It is better that way though that if you must have some databases connected together then they would all connect to the www. That way it can be mitigated how much damage a government has power to put on you. Just like when they wrote the 2nd Amendment in 1776, they wanted everyone with a gun, not just a few.
I work in the IT field. I know millions of computers and other backend servers that are not connected to the internet. Matter of fact there are more computers that are not connected than connected. I think youre confused on what is going on. No one in their right mind would connect an important database to the internet without the benefit of encryption. I dont know where you are getting this information but you may want to check your sources.

This is very interesting. So, for example the latest Equifax(?) data breach, how was that possible if the consumer credit files were not connected to the Internet?
Hate to tell you this but http is simply a protocol as is its more secure version https that is used to navigate the web. Databases are back end devices that in most cases are not connected to the web unless its via a secure means and you use SQL to connect. Cameras are stand alone devices that have to be connected to web as well in order for you to even access them. If you dont connect them to the internet no one can access them.

I think you have proven my point in this post. And governments always retain the right to bypass any kind of security that you may want. In Germany not so much but in the Anglo Saxon world they absolutely do. Omnipotent government.
If you think I have proven your point you obviously dont understand what it is I said. To summarize. In order for someone to access a computer within the WWW (as you put it) the computer has to be connected to the internet via a means that all security measures are turned off. As I stated a stand alone device is not connected to the internet. Neither are most databases.

How does this matter when you can't find a computer that is not connected to the www? And even if not all databases are connected to the Internet, which would surprise me, the important ones are. For example your credit files are. Your tax files are. Even your passport files are, and universities are doing photography research on international passport photos.

It is better that way though that if you must have some databases connected together then they would all connect to the www. That way it can be mitigated how much damage a government has power to put on you. Just like when they wrote the 2nd Amendment in 1776, they wanted everyone with a gun, not just a few.
I work in the IT field. I know millions of computers and other backend servers that are not connected to the internet. Matter of fact there are more computers that are not connected than connected. I think youre confused on what is going on. No one in their right mind would connect an important database to the internet without the benefit of encryption. I dont know where you are getting this information but you may want to check your sources.

This is very interesting. So, for example the latest Equifax(?) data breach, how was that possible if the consumer credit files were not connected to the Internet?
Simple. Hackers. It was a Apache struts vulnerability on a server that was used to house a web application for users to dispute things on their credit report. The server that housed this application was then used as a launching pad to get inside the private network and from there they found the files. This server most likely was sitting in what is called a DMZ which typically sits between 2 firewalls. The servers that housed those files were not in anyway connected to the internet. Do you understand how networks are set up? It would be sheer madness to allow the public to access your internal network. There is a lot of things that went wrong and it was primarily human error and lack of proactive monitoring.
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I think you have proven my point in this post. And governments always retain the right to bypass any kind of security that you may want. In Germany not so much but in the Anglo Saxon world they absolutely do. Omnipotent government.
If you think I have proven your point you obviously dont understand what it is I said. To summarize. In order for someone to access a computer within the WWW (as you put it) the computer has to be connected to the internet via a means that all security measures are turned off. As I stated a stand alone device is not connected to the internet. Neither are most databases.

How does this matter when you can't find a computer that is not connected to the www? And even if not all databases are connected to the Internet, which would surprise me, the important ones are. For example your credit files are. Your tax files are. Even your passport files are, and universities are doing photography research on international passport photos.

It is better that way though that if you must have some databases connected together then they would all connect to the www. That way it can be mitigated how much damage a government has power to put on you. Just like when they wrote the 2nd Amendment in 1776, they wanted everyone with a gun, not just a few.
I work in the IT field. I know millions of computers and other backend servers that are not connected to the internet. Matter of fact there are more computers that are not connected than connected. I think youre confused on what is going on. No one in their right mind would connect an important database to the internet without the benefit of encryption. I dont know where you are getting this information but you may want to check your sources.

This is very interesting. So, for example the latest Equifax(?) data breach, how was that possible if the consumer credit files were not connected to the Internet?
Simple. Hackers. It was a Apache struts vulnerability on a server that was used to house a web application for users to dispute things on their credit report. The server that housed this application was then used as a launching pad to get inside the private network and from there they found the files. This server most likely was sitting in what is called a DMZ which typically sits between 2 firewalls. The servers that housed those files were not in anyway connected to the internet. Do you understand how networks are set up? It would be sheer madness to allow the public to access your internal network. There is a lot of things that went wrong and it was primarily human error and lack of proactive monitoring.

This is super interesting. So let me ask this other question about it. Could those hackers have deleted people's credit files? Can such deleted files be recovered? I know I asked once an IT technician to recover some archive for me from a tape, and it was impossible. Are there time limits for backups against hackers?
If you think I have proven your point you obviously dont understand what it is I said. To summarize. In order for someone to access a computer within the WWW (as you put it) the computer has to be connected to the internet via a means that all security measures are turned off. As I stated a stand alone device is not connected to the internet. Neither are most databases.

How does this matter when you can't find a computer that is not connected to the www? And even if not all databases are connected to the Internet, which would surprise me, the important ones are. For example your credit files are. Your tax files are. Even your passport files are, and universities are doing photography research on international passport photos.

It is better that way though that if you must have some databases connected together then they would all connect to the www. That way it can be mitigated how much damage a government has power to put on you. Just like when they wrote the 2nd Amendment in 1776, they wanted everyone with a gun, not just a few.
I work in the IT field. I know millions of computers and other backend servers that are not connected to the internet. Matter of fact there are more computers that are not connected than connected. I think youre confused on what is going on. No one in their right mind would connect an important database to the internet without the benefit of encryption. I dont know where you are getting this information but you may want to check your sources.

This is very interesting. So, for example the latest Equifax(?) data breach, how was that possible if the consumer credit files were not connected to the Internet?
Simple. Hackers. It was a Apache struts vulnerability on a server that was used to house a web application for users to dispute things on their credit report. The server that housed this application was then used as a launching pad to get inside the private network and from there they found the files. This server most likely was sitting in what is called a DMZ which typically sits between 2 firewalls. The servers that housed those files were not in anyway connected to the internet. Do you understand how networks are set up? It would be sheer madness to allow the public to access your internal network. There is a lot of things that went wrong and it was primarily human error and lack of proactive monitoring.

This is super interesting. So let me ask this other question about it. Could those hackers have deleted people's credit files? Can such deleted files be recovered? I know I asked once an IT technician to recover some archive for me from a tape, and it was impossible. Are there time limits for backups against hackers?
Depends on what permissions they had after gaining access. Typically you have read only unless you are an admin. If they had admin rights then they could probably delete the files. Depending on the OS in question say Linux or Unix the files are unrecoverable on that specific hard drive. However, most databases have a incremental backup every night that in this case (magnitude of importance) should have been stored off site.
How does this matter when you can't find a computer that is not connected to the www? And even if not all databases are connected to the Internet, which would surprise me, the important ones are. For example your credit files are. Your tax files are. Even your passport files are, and universities are doing photography research on international passport photos.

It is better that way though that if you must have some databases connected together then they would all connect to the www. That way it can be mitigated how much damage a government has power to put on you. Just like when they wrote the 2nd Amendment in 1776, they wanted everyone with a gun, not just a few.
I work in the IT field. I know millions of computers and other backend servers that are not connected to the internet. Matter of fact there are more computers that are not connected than connected. I think youre confused on what is going on. No one in their right mind would connect an important database to the internet without the benefit of encryption. I dont know where you are getting this information but you may want to check your sources.

This is very interesting. So, for example the latest Equifax(?) data breach, how was that possible if the consumer credit files were not connected to the Internet?
Simple. Hackers. It was a Apache struts vulnerability on a server that was used to house a web application for users to dispute things on their credit report. The server that housed this application was then used as a launching pad to get inside the private network and from there they found the files. This server most likely was sitting in what is called a DMZ which typically sits between 2 firewalls. The servers that housed those files were not in anyway connected to the internet. Do you understand how networks are set up? It would be sheer madness to allow the public to access your internal network. There is a lot of things that went wrong and it was primarily human error and lack of proactive monitoring.

This is super interesting. So let me ask this other question about it. Could those hackers have deleted people's credit files? Can such deleted files be recovered? I know I asked once an IT technician to recover some archive for me from a tape, and it was impossible. Are there time limits for backups against hackers?
Depends on what permissions they had after gaining access. Typically you have read only unless you are an admin. If they had admin rights then they could probably delete the files. Depending on the OS in question say Linux or Unix the files are unrecoverable on that specific hard drive. However, most databases have a incremental backup every night that in this case (magnitude of importance) should have been stored off site.

Are they like tapes? That is pretty impossible to recover from.

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