Is Schummer a Sleazy Slimeball Snake In The Grass Or What?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
This piece of crap, Soviet Schummer like Nazi Nadler, Adolph Schiffler & Nasty Pelosi are the very definition of Career Swamp Creatures.

The problem in DC isn’t with some guy who wants to clean up The Swamp and has only 4 years to do it. The Problem is with people like them who spent 40 years in power creating The Swamp for their own enrichment.

This piece of crap, Soviet Schummer like Nazi Nadler, Adolph Schiffler & Nasty Pelosi are the very definition of Career Swamp Creatures.

The problem in DC isn’t with some guy who wants to clean up The Swamp and has only 4 years to do it. The Problem is with people like them who spent 40 years in power creating The Swamp for their own enrichment.

One word answer - YES.
I set traps baited with eggs and catch gopher snakes in the spring. I put them in the greenhouse, where I grow my grass. So I know a thing or two about snakes in the grass.
Stop making my snakes feel dirty.

That guy is lower than a snake in the grass.
He's just a typical NYC politician. He represents rich people living in a protected environment. That's why he's so effed up.
he's playing his role well.

but, yes, he's a slimy, disingenuous prick, just like the rest of them.

I think this is what they missed here. People are sick of this shit. They see right through it.

They voted Trump in because they were sick of it. What do the Dems do? They launch the most disingenuous, concerted, effort possible to protest, oppose, #resisit and ultimately impeach him. Then, when they got their moment in the sun, they served up a big, fat fucking nothing.

ooooh, he asked for a favor. No politician in history has ever done that. gimmeafugginbreak.

And now they're just talking more bullshit. They know nothing else so just keep reverting to the same nonsense. It's like they're robots that are perfect machines. They run on bullshit, and they actually produce more bullshit than they consume.

Their ability to produce bullshit has reached such epic heights that it defies the laws of physics, FFS.

This piece of crap, Soviet Schummer like Nazi Nadler, Adolph Schiffler & Nasty Pelosi are the very definition of Career Swamp Creatures.

The problem in DC isn’t with some guy who wants to clean up The Swamp and has only 4 years to do it. The Problem is with people like them who spent 40 years in power creating The Swamp for their own enrichment.

Ha! Nobody epitomizes the swamp like Trump. Look at al the corruption of his Cabinet and White House staff.
Trump's Looking for Corruption: Start Here |
A report from The Associated Press found that the Trump administration has outpaced both prior administrations in naming former lobbyists to high-level posts despite Trump's frequent promises during the 2016 campaign to "drain the swamp" of corruption and special interests in Washington
Trump has named more ex-lobbyists to Cabinet in 3 years than Obama, Bush did in full terms: report
Man, you people are unbelievable.
Dude, that was epic!

I set traps baited with eggs and catch gopher snakes in the spring. I put them in the greenhouse, where I grow my grass. So I know a thing or two about snakes in the grass.
Stop making my snakes feel dirty.

That guy is lower than a snake in the grass.
For example:

3 years spent on a Russian Collusion Witch Hunt that Everyone Knew was started by Obama & Clinton.

  • $40 Million Spent
  • 3,500 Subpoenas
  • 1 Million Pages of Documents turned over by The White House
  • 500 Witnesses provided by The White House
  • 2 Transcripts provided by The White House
  • 24-7, 365 Ripping on President Trump in The Liberal Media for 3 years.
  • FBI & FISA abuse uncovered in a plot to attack The President
  • Massive Intelligence Leaks in The FBI & CIA designed to damage The President

36 Days to impeach Trump in a rush to judgment where not a single crime was listed in The Articles vs 162 Days for Bill Clinton who admitted to his crimes.

It’s an Urgent Emergency of Serious Importance To National Security & an Immediate and Existential Threat to our Democracy and Constitution they said, yet they sit on The Articles.

And Not One Fucking Paragraph from The Mueller Report Appears in These Articles!

The Dems say “Irrefutable and Overwhelming Evidence”

Yet they want More Evidence despite spending 3 years Turning over Every Rock To Get Trump.

They can Pound Salt up their stinking corrupt cancerous asses!
he's playing his role well.

but, yes, he's a slimy, disingenuous prick, just like the rest of them.

I think this is what they missed here. People are sick of this shit. They see right through it.

They voted Trump in because they were sick of it. What do the Dems do? They launch the most disingenuous, concerted, effort possible to protest, oppose, #resisit and ultimately impeach him. Then, when they got their moment in the sun, they served up a big, fat fucking nothing.

ooooh, he asked for a favor. No politician in history has ever done that. gimmeafugginbreak.

And now they're just talking more bullshit. They know nothing else so just keep reverting to the same nonsense. It's like they're robots that are perfect machines. They run on bullshit, and they actually produce more bullshit than they consume.

Their ability to produce bullshit has reached such epic heights that it defies the laws of physics, FFS.

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Why do you have to lie to Represent the people who voted for you.

Seems like a violation of Trust.

He's just a typical NYC politician. He represents rich people living in a protected environment. That's why he's so effed up.
This piece of crap, Soviet Schummer like Nazi Nadler, Adolph Schiffler & Nasty Pelosi are the very definition of Career Swamp Creatures.

The problem in DC isn’t with some guy who wants to clean up The Swamp and has only 4 years to do it. The Problem is with people like them who spent 40 years in power creating The Swamp for their own enrichment.

Ha! Nobody epitomizes the swamp like Trump. Look at al the corruption of his Cabinet and White House staff.
Trump's Looking for Corruption: Start Here |
A report from The Associated Press found that the Trump administration has outpaced both prior administrations in naming former lobbyists to high-level posts despite Trump's frequent promises during the 2016 campaign to "drain the swamp" of corruption and special interests in Washington
Trump has named more ex-lobbyists to Cabinet in 3 years than Obama, Bush did in full terms: report
Man, you people are unbelievable.

Whenever the right invents a term for the sleazy left, they always try to appropriate it, and it just makes them look like morons.

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