Is Prostitution normal also?

If you go back and read that part you bolded you will see I never said they were victims.

Feel free to apologize.

I dont need to. I see it in your post. Thanks for apologizing.

You see stuff in my post I didn't say?

Here is what you quoted:
Let me get this straight, when given the opportunity for a lighter sentence if they claimed they were victims of human trafficking, most prostitutes claimed they were victims of human trafficking.

Did you notice the word claimed in that sentence? It is actually there twice, perhaps you should look it up in a dictionary.

I see stuff in your post you claimed you didn't say. Yes I saw the word claimed. What about it?
I agree there will still be pimps. Thats precisely why it should be legalized. That way prostitutes have an avenue to report abuses instead of being afraid of getting arrested. Regulating it will not work no matter what.

Amsterdam has had legal prostitution for years. How's it working out for them?

I heard it was working out well. No more time and resources spent arresting women for being open about having sex for money.
I dont need to. I see it in your post. Thanks for apologizing.

You see stuff in my post I didn't say?

Here is what you quoted:
Let me get this straight, when given the opportunity for a lighter sentence if they claimed they were victims of human trafficking, most prostitutes claimed they were victims of human trafficking.
Did you notice the word claimed in that sentence? It is actually there twice, perhaps you should look it up in a dictionary.

I see stuff in your post you claimed you didn't say. Yes I saw the word claimed. What about it?

**** I said, look it up in a dictionary.
why is it a issue for me to pay a woman come to my home and pleasure me?

Who am I hurt? is it a crime to have a orgasm?
Nevada is an excellent example. All the legal brothels in Nevada has not taken a single whore off the strip. Nevada is pretty much what I mean when I point out that the legalization of prostitution doesn't achieve the objectives legalization is supposed to achieve.

The reason it doesn't work is that prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas. If it weren't you might be able to make the point that making it legal doesn't work, but you cannot make that point when you point to a place where it is illegal.

Drive ten miles it won't kill you.

It's illegal in Clark County. The nearest legal brothel is several hundred miles away.

Try again.
In 1942 there were three small gaming clubs in Las Vegas. It was a dusty cow town.

The way to legalize prostitution is to make it legal and turn it over to some mafia organized crime family. There won't be a single unregistered whore or pimp. There will still be the odd special service offering illegal activity but that's the price you pay for mostly following the law. Special services will never be wiped out.

So, have the AFL/CIO run it, then?
In 1942 there were three small gaming clubs in Las Vegas. It was a dusty cow town.

The way to legalize prostitution is to make it legal and turn it over to some mafia organized crime family. There won't be a single unregistered whore or pimp. There will still be the odd special service offering illegal activity but that's the price you pay for mostly following the law. Special services will never be wiped out.

So, have the AFL/CIO run it, then?

The AFL/CIO has the same methods, but if it was run by the Mafia it would run much better.

You are pathetic, Mundane.

Those reports said "Fatal car crashes involving Marijuana have tripled". It does not say "Fatal car crashes in Colorado have tripled since Marijuana was legalized."

This is because Marijuana can be detectable in your system several weeks after your high has worn off. A great many of these accidents have nothing to do with Marijuana.
Anyone who uses marijuana should be executed, without fanfare or appeal, like putting down a rabid dog. Then there will be NO marijuana related fatal car crashes.
Everytime some pothead gets what's coming to him or her, I do a little happy dance.

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