Is promising free sh!t and promising to realign America on social issues reallly governance?

The left offer free shit. The right over less taxes. Both try to bribe voters with free shit of one kind or another.

Less taxes and "free" stuff are two totally different things. One is giving away less of what you earned, the other is getting stuff without having to work for it.
He created the economy trump bragged about.
The ghettos do not change. The institutionalization of ghettos is foundation now. The nation is in slow decline. It will not get better because the rules and laws will not allow it with the constant voting in of people who say they are for something that mostly comes from increasing government funds for social programs.
Yeah but he really went in on it more than others have.

Even all of his talk of erasing student debt was a sign of trying to buy votes, but of course as soon as he wins talks of erasing student debts were never heard again.

He promised blacks special treatment, talked about drawing student debt, told people he would keep giving them stimulus money, talked about reperations, and a whole lot of other shit.

He was basically the kid running for student president in elementary school and promising all students koolaid in the water fountains, longer recess, no more homework, longer naps, new book at cubbies, extra snacks and a bunch of other stuff that can never been actually done.
There's no doubt that Democrats are much better at offering free shit than Republicans are.
I wouldn't call assistance for the poor free shit. Nor would I call middle class tax relief free shit. But when you make it so that billionaires don't pay taxes, that's free shit.
Billionaires not only pay taxes, they pay the huge majority of federal income tax revenues collected.
I never knew that billionaires never paid any taxes, everyone pays taxes, period.
Is this that weird part where you shamelessly dumb yourself down in public and pretend that DaShawn paying sales tax on his weekly sack of weed is the same as those evil wealthy folks paying tens of thousands per year in income tax?
The left offer free shit. The right over less taxes. Both try to bribe voters with free shit of one kind or another.

The term "free shit" is used to denigrate the purpose of the social programs in the first place. It displays an abject ignorance of the purpose of social programs.

Even the elites who ruled the Roman Republic realized that they maintained their power at the pleasure of the "headcount". Every Roman was entitled to a measure of wheat, and the members of the Senate were responsible for putting on "games" and entertainments at the Forum.

But Republicans have decided that the poor need to be kept hungry and needy to keep them "motivated" to find work, despite mountains of evidence that poor people are stressed, exhausted, and those with better income supports do better, and are more likely to find work.
The term "free shit" is used to denigrate the purpose of the social programs in the first place. It displays an abject ignorance of the purpose of social programs.

Even the elites who ruled the Roman Republic realized that they maintained their power at the pleasure of the "headcount". Every Roman was entitled to a measure of wheat, and the members of the Senate were responsible for putting on "games" and entertainments at the Forum.

But Republicans have decided that the poor need to be kept hungry and needy to keep them "motivated" to find work, despite mountains of evidence that poor people are stressed, exhausted, and those with better income supports do better, and are more likely to find work.
Let me rephrase then. The right try bribing people with lower taxes while the left try bribing people with "more" free shit than they already had before.
The term "free shit" is used to denigrate the purpose of the social programs in the first place. It displays an abject ignorance of the purpose of social programs.
Cool spin...but this shit isn’t trivial... “free shit” is exactly what it sounds like...filthy LefTards try to dress it up and repackage it as “social programs“, but no, its taking free shit.
When others pay you and or your expenses simply because you exist and breathe oxygen you are a societal liability, a pet human to taxpayers.
The filthy Left have tried to glamorize the Free Shit Army for decades by removing the shame from being a member...thats what the filthy Left does...they remove the shame from ALL things that should be considered shameful.

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