Is Obama really the Anti-Christ??

Yeah right. Becuase the crowd boo'd at Romneys name Uncensored thinks this is akin to the Bolsheviks lining people up and murdering them.

Wasn't the theme of your campaign "revenge?" Isn't that what your Messiah® promised the drones?

There was no coup, there is no murder in the streets by the winners. Now there is some rage being felt but it's the sore losers who are expressing that.

In what form will you exact the Revenge that Lord Obama promised?
Yeah right. Becuase the crowd boo'd at Romneys name Uncensored thinks this is akin to the Bolsheviks lining people up and murdering them.

Wasn't the theme of your campaign "revenge?" Isn't that what your Messiah® promised the drones?

There was no coup, there is no murder in the streets by the winners. Now there is some rage being felt but it's the sore losers who are expressing that.

In what form will you exact the Revenge that Lord Obama promised?

I was kinda hoping for death camps.
>States that not religious.
>Believes in an Anti-Christ.
Sorry but that's contradictory. Just thought I would point that out.

Anyway, Obama isn't the Anti-Christ. There's no such thing as an Anti-Christ. It's a myth perpetuated by 2000 year old book (New Testament). The world isn't going to end next month.
Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night after a bad dream and felt the actual presence of evil? I feel like that 24/7 now.
Im not religious at all but I do trust my feelings. On Nov 5 I felt hopeful as if we were coming to an end of a really bad time for America. On the night of Nov 6 I felt a dirty evil hopeless aura descend. And I can't shake it.

'The prophecy states that the third anti-christ will be a Muslim, black-bearded man with a blue turban (blue is the Democratic color, coincidence?). The first two anti-christs were believed to be Napoleon and then Hitler. The third will possess an evil no man thought possible. The third will rise to power out of no where in a time of despair when the people are looking for him and sway his followers with persuasive language. Once in power the anti-christ will destroy EVERYTHING. His reign will last for 48 months (as long as a presidential term) and he will be the bringer of the apocalypse. Obama will become president in 08 and end his term in 2012, the same year Nostradamus predicts the end of the world. Could this really be one huge coincidence? I think not. I am not bashing Obama. The whole situation was brought to my attention and i believe this seems to be a very interesting topic of discussion. Has anyone else heard this? Thoughts?'

Here's my thinking on the 48 months. If the Mayan prophecy is acurate Obama has had his 48 months already and Dec 21, 2012 is the beginning of the end. It's like the evil has already been done. Now all we have to do is wait.

Why can't I shake this feeling of doom and evil??


"I felt a dirty evil hopeless aura descend."

That was the stank from your ho puss.

And there it is. The evil and the anger. Why are you so unhappy? You won. . .or did you??

This is just a normal reaction by many of the libs....there are a few that will discuss things like a rational person, but many that all they do is call names. If they don't like what you're talking about they'll do all they can to derail the thread and try to make you feel stupid.

I understand what you're saying, and it is kind of scary. You say you're not a believer, but i think in a way you may be. You have that spirit in you that "nudges" you when there's something just not quite right. You feel many of us do. Don't just brush it off...look into it and keep your eyes open. Don't just brush it off as meaning nothing...many here will try to convince you that your crazy. They're just blind and closed hearted and can't even begin to understand.
>States that not religious.
>Believes in an Anti-Christ.
Sorry but that's contradictory. Just thought I would point that out.

Anyway, Obama isn't the Anti-Christ. There's no such thing as an Anti-Christ. It's a myth perpetuated by 2000 year old book (New Testament). The world isn't going to end next month.

People need to make their own minds up about this....YOU can't tell them how to think.
There's more proof out there that the Bible is more true than not true. It's not perfect, it was written by man. But with God's help...people need to decide on their own.

No, the world is not going to end next month (besides, the Mayans never said it would end...all that happened was the end of their calendar!).
Yeah right. Becuase the crowd boo'd at Romneys name Uncensored thinks this is akin to the Bolsheviks lining people up and murdering them.

Wasn't the theme of your campaign "revenge?" Isn't that what your Messiah® promised the drones?

There was no coup, there is no murder in the streets by the winners. Now there is some rage being felt but it's the sore losers who are expressing that.

In what form will you exact the Revenge that Lord Obama promised?

"Campaign of Revenge" right along with "You didn't build that" is destin to go down in the dust bin of history without so much as a wimper. (Except for a die-hard few pseudo-cons who will likely be muttering it on their deathbeds.)

I've already voted.
"Campaign of Revenge" right along with "You didn't build that" is destin to go down in the dust bin of history without so much as a wimper. (Except for a die-hard few pseudo-cons who will likely be muttering it on their deathbeds.)

I've already voted.

Doesn't the win by your Messiah® entitle you to revenge against those your party hates?

“After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us, and they better be ready, because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded; the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over, and we have two judges ready to go.”
What I don't understand is the libs WON and yet they are still angry and mean spirited. I still say something weird is going on. Call it what you want to

After Lenin's coup in Russia, the Bolsheviks sent squads of killers around to murder the middle class (bourgeoisie) in the streets. Anyone who had a business was thrown against a wall and shot. As were doctors, lawyers, or any other professional. The communists had won, but were still filled with murderous rage.

So it is with the Obamabots and their campaign of "revenge."

Yeah, just this morning I killed a bunch of shopkeepers on my way to work. Will have to kill my dentist later this week. :rolleyes:

You people are cracked.
Yeah, just this morning I killed a bunch of shopkeepers on my way to work. Will have to kill my dentist later this week. :rolleyes:

You people are cracked.

“After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us, and they better be ready, because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded; the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over, and we have two judges ready to go.”
Have you ever woke up in the middle of the night after a bad dream and felt the actual presence of evil? I feel like that 24/7 now.
Im not religious at all but I do trust my feelings. On Nov 5 I felt hopeful as if we were coming to an end of a really bad time for America. On the night of Nov 6 I felt a dirty evil hopeless aura descend. And I can't shake it.

'The prophecy states that the third anti-christ will be a Muslim, black-bearded man with a blue turban (blue is the Democratic color, coincidence?). The first two anti-christs were believed to be Napoleon and then Hitler. The third will possess an evil no man thought possible. The third will rise to power out of no where in a time of despair when the people are looking for him and sway his followers with persuasive language. Once in power the anti-christ will destroy EVERYTHING. His reign will last for 48 months (as long as a presidential term) and he will be the bringer of the apocalypse. Obama will become president in 08 and end his term in 2012, the same year Nostradamus predicts the end of the world. Could this really be one huge coincidence? I think not. I am not bashing Obama. The whole situation was brought to my attention and i believe this seems to be a very interesting topic of discussion. Has anyone else heard this? Thoughts?'

Here's my thinking on the 48 months. If the Mayan prophecy is acurate Obama has had his 48 months already and Dec 21, 2012 is the beginning of the end. It's like the evil has already been done. Now all we have to do is wait.

Why can't I shake this feeling of doom and evil??


The other day my ten year old niece expressed deep fear over this kind of thing--all of the end of the world banter, etc. So I explained to her my own fears growing up during the end of the Cold War. I sympathize with you're feelings of fear no matter how fringe they may be and I am not attacking you for expressing them. I do hope however, that you keep such fears private from the minds of your children--if you're a parent. This kind of thing really traumatizes them.

Moving on, I think evil is strictly a human product. As for the Anti-Christ, I was expecting him to look like Colm Feore, and sound like Daniel von Bargen.
"Campaign of Revenge" right along with "You didn't build that" is destin to go down in the dust bin of history without so much as a wimper. (Except for a die-hard few pseudo-cons who will likely be muttering it on their deathbeds.)

I've already voted.

Doesn't the win by your Messiah® entitle you to revenge against those your party hates?

“After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us, and they better be ready, because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded; the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over, and we have two judges ready to go.”

Turn off Fox
It's Bad News for America
Barack H.Obama is not the Anti -Christ .... but he certainly is Anti - American.

Presidents don't come more Anti-American than that.
When I read posts like these..

I am so happy that I live my life without the idiocy of religion influencing my mind with such retarded ideas as the "Anti-Christ".

Good job guys! Way to get fooled by mainstream religion... Real "original"!

Turn off Fox
It's Bad News for America

Valarie Jarret works for Fox?

Damn, I thought Barry Obama worked for her.

Fox, Beck...whatever!

Let’s get this straight: an anonymous source supposedly within the Obama campaign supposedly overheard a representative from Jarrett’s office make this statement and attributed it to Jarrett herself; it was then passed along to some pseudonymous source named "Wall Street Insider" who then forwarded it to The Ulsterman Report … and it eventually ended up on Glenn Beck’s radio program where the quote was treated as entirely legitimate and a sign that America deserves to be destroyed.

Unraveling the Story Behind Valerie Jarrett’s Bogus ‘Payback’ Quote | Secular News Daily

Only someone with extreme hate (or dumber than dirt) for the President would believe this shit.
When I read posts like these..

I am so happy that I live my life without the idiocy of religion influencing my mind with such retarded ideas as the "Anti-Christ".

Good job guys! Way to get fooled by mainstream religion... Real "original"!

It's not retarded.

It's just that, as with most things, radical RWers PERVERT everything.

Including God's Word.

They don't realize how damaging this is.

When I read posts like these..

I am so happy that I live my life without the idiocy of religion influencing my mind with such retarded ideas as the "Anti-Christ".

Good job guys! Way to get fooled by mainstream religion... Real "original"!


Please explain how creating embryos for human experimentation, allowing babies that are living after an attemped abortion to be exposed to elements until they die, recommending giving the elderly "a pill", based on age is "good".

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