Is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history???

is Obama one of the best speakers in our nation's history

  • yes

    Votes: 39 40.2%
  • are you fucking kidding me????

    Votes: 58 59.8%

  • Total voters
I think we forget that many people are much farther behind in education and development,
and can't just suddenly leap up to the level where everyone else is who has been following or active in politics for generations.

Don't be too hard on yourself.

I'm the one trying to teach my fellow Democrats and coworkers
what the Constitution says that protestors are saying ACA violates.
They had no idea there were real conflicts, and thought it was all "racism."

And what have you done to educate the masses who have never
read the Bill of Rights? And don't know the govt is supposed to follow certain rules?

I was told it was HOPELESS to try to educate people who believe what the media tells them.
But people have a right to know. Then they can have free choice when fully informed.

It's shameful and negligent not to teach people the laws that
can empower them to be self-governing. And then to blame people for not knowing how much power they have!
I think we forget that many people are much farther behind in education and development,
and can't just suddenly leap up to the level where everyone else is who has been following or active in politics for generations.

Don't be too hard on yourself.

I'm the one trying to teach my fellow Democrats and coworkers
what the Constitution says that protestors are saying ACA violates.
They had no idea there were real conflicts, and thought it was all "racism."

And what have you done to educate the masses who have never
read the Bill of Rights? And don't know the govt is supposed to follow certain rules?

I was told it was HOPELESS to try to educate people who believe what the media tells them.
But people have a right to know. Then they can have free choice when fully informed.

It's shameful and negligent not to teach people the laws that
can empower them to be self-governing. And then to blame people for not knowing how much power they have!
The people you say you are trying to teach about politics, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and laws. Where in God's name did they go to school? Chicago? Detroit?
I think we forget that many people are much farther behind in education and development,
and can't just suddenly leap up to the level where everyone else is who has been following or active in politics for generations.

Don't be too hard on yourself.

I'm the one trying to teach my fellow Democrats and coworkers...!

I've seen nothing to suggest you are qualified to teach anyone anything.
I think we forget that many people are much farther behind in education and development,
and can't just suddenly leap up to the level where everyone else is who has been following or active in politics for generations.

Don't be too hard on yourself.

I'm the one trying to teach my fellow Democrats and coworkers...!

I've seen nothing to suggest you are qualified to teach anyone anything.

Well if I can figure out how to explain Constitutional and conservative/Christian beliefs
to liberals who don't get it, then ANYONE should be able to take those same explanations
and share them with others. It's just a matter of time, trial and error to figure out how to
explain it, and then go with what works.

I have more success teaching Conservatives how the liberal mindset works,
and to understand that IS how they believe. Both sides can get it eventually.

The fear has to stop first, then the understanding can follow.
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Yo, he is a good reader from a teleprompter, that someone else wrote for him, that is about it!


Obama is a good speaker the same way Hitler was a good speaker. He doesn't deliver truth, he says what he thinks the people wanr to hear, like a 'rabble rouser'.

The fear has to stop first, then the understanding can follow.

Who is afraid of what, in your imagination?
Geez I've run into so many variations on this same theme

1. People AFRAID that the objections to ACA mandates are not about liberty
but about "not wanting to pay for health care" and 'racism against Obama'
(see threads about 20 million dollar bets I made over the Tea Party's motives)
2. People AFRAID that Obama and liberals don't love America but are trying to destroy it with
socialistic political beliefs (and/or pacifying Muslims/Jihadists and branding political opposition as Terrorists)
3. People AFRAID that being prochoice means pushing abortion
4. People AFRAID that gun rights means letting criminals shoot out schools
(or people AFRAID that Obama is going to go after your guns)
5. People AFRAID that being for the death penalty means revenge
(or people AFRAID that getting rid of the death penalty means letting killers run free)
6. People AFRAID that stopping Voter ID means letting voter fraud run unchecked
or that people WANTING Voter ID are RACIST and want to go back to Poll Taxes affecting the Poor
7. People AFRAID that all gays are unnatural, sick, mental illness, or something else that is being denied and skirted over (or people AFRAID that any spiritual healing or claim that homosexuality was healed is a lie or fraud to push Christian propaganda)
8. People AFRAID of Christians/Conservatives/Republicans as homophobic and bigoted
and controlling people with religion
9. People AFRAID that liberals are mentally ill and Democrats are keeping people ignorant to control them politically

C'mon do you really want me to list out "how do I fear thee, let me count the ways?"

The fear has to stop first, then the understanding can follow.

Who is afraid of what, in your imagination?
Geez I've run into so many variations on this same theme

1. People AFRAID that the objections to ACA mandates are not about liberty
but about "not wanting to pay for health care" and 'racism against Obama'
(see threads about 20 million dollar bets I made over the Tea Party's motives)
2. People AFRAID that Obama and liberals don't love America but are trying to destroy it with
socialistic political beliefs (and/or pacifying Muslims/Jihadists and branding political opposition as Terrorists)
3. People AFRAID that being prochoice means pushing abortion
4. People AFRAID that gun rights means letting criminals shoot out schools
(or people AFRAID that Obama is going to go after your guns)
5. People AFRAID that being for the death penalty means revenge
(or people AFRAID that getting rid of the death penalty means letting killers run free)
6. People AFRAID that stopping Voter ID means letting voter fraud run unchecked
or that people WANTING Voter ID are RACIST and want to go back to Poll Taxes affecting the Poor
7. People AFRAID that all gays are unnatural, sick, mental illness, or something else that is being denied and skirted over (or people AFRAID that any spiritual healing or claim that homosexuality was healed is a lie or fraud to push Christian propaganda)
8. People AFRAID of Christians/Conservatives/Republicans as homophobic and bigoted
and controlling people with religion
9. People AFRAID that liberals are mentally ill and Democrats are keeping people ignorant to control them politically

C'mon do you really want me to list out "how do I fear thee, let me count the ways?"

You don't seem to understand what "AFRAID" means.
Can anyone off the top of your head recall a memorable line from any of Obama's speeches?
"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor, period" and
"You didnt build that"
don't count because conservatives harped on them.

Kennedy-"Ask not what your country can do for you..."
Nixon "My wife Pat has a plain Republican cloth coat."
Reagan "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
Bush "Read my lips, no new taxes."
Clinton "I did not have sex with that woman, Ms Lewinsky
Bush "Freedom itself was attacked"

See. Many other presidents have delivered memorable lines you know right away. Obama? Not so much.
Obama: Bin Laden is dead and GM is alive.
I've got a big stick and I know how to use it... giggle,giggle.....
Oh that's right Crazy,woman fondling,ear nuzzling Uncle Joe Biden said that of Obama...

It would take about a year to go over every Obama speech to see if there is anything memorable....
After all he has given thousands of speeches in the time he's been in office so far....

The man do like to talk that's for sure.
I've got a big stick and I know how to use it... giggle,giggle.....
Oh that's right Crazy,woman fondling,ear nuzzling Uncle Joe Biden said that of Obama...

It would take about a year to go over every Obama speech to see if there is anything memorable....
After all he has given thousands of speeches in the time he's been in office so far....

The man do like to talk that's for sure.
I disagree....

Here are some memorable moments...

"join me as I fundamentally transform America"

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor....period!"

" Navy Corpse-man Christian Brossard"

"The police acted stupidly"

"If I had a son he could look like Trayvon Martin"

"This strategy of taking out terrorists.................., is one that we have successfully pursued in Yemen and Somalia for years."
[QUOTE="Unkotare, post: 10839992, member: 31918"]You don't seem to understand what "AFRAID" means.[/QUOTE]
you do NOT understand what she is saying ! :up:
To assholes like rdean or rightwinger, he could spew bubbly diarrhea from his mouth and it would mesmerize them.

Let us take a look at their black socialist god in action shall we?


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