Is Obama forcing Israel's hand?

My knee jerk reaction to the article, is I would like them to throw in with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and use that cover if they do strike...a coalition...take advantage of the Sunnis not wanting Iran as the power in the ME...

What would that actually accomplish? What would you strike? How would it stop Iran from pursuing (now covertly) it's nuclear ambitions?

Good questions. Don't hold your breath waiting for answer. Seems some people just don't know jack about America's involvement in the Middle East and how it's been an abject, $4,000,000,000,000 failure.
Well, maybe Israel knows that they can count on the support of Americans like you over our own country.
A meaningless reply.

The bearded lumber jack never offers up anything of substance, hence why it's on ignore

Obviously not.
My knee jerk reaction to the article, is I would like them to throw in with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and use that cover if they do strike...a coalition...take advantage of the Sunnis not wanting Iran as the power in the ME...

What would that actually accomplish? What would you strike? How would it stop Iran from pursuing (now covertly) it's nuclear ambitions?

Good questions. Don't hold your breath waiting for answer. Seems some people just don't know jack about America's involvement in the Middle East and how it's been an abject, $4,000,000,000,000 failure.
you living in Austin now, you old hag?
My knee jerk reaction to the article, is I would like them to throw in with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and use that cover if they do strike...a coalition...take advantage of the Sunnis not wanting Iran as the power in the ME...

What would that actually accomplish? What would you strike? How would it stop Iran from pursuing (now covertly) it's nuclear ambitions?

That would be the rubble where Iran's nuclear facilities are located.

We would know where they are?

So you feel that my ignorance of the whereabouts of such, is evidence that the Israelis are also ignorant of their location?

But let's assume for the sake of argument, that they don't know...

Now... there are only so many people in Iran who DO know, right? And people who are familiar with such matters know who they are... SOOooo... if we eliminate all of the places where such a person MIGHT GO to do what they do, ... then it follows that one way of finding out where 'they are'... is to eliminate all other options with regard to where such people would go to do their job, and when they go to work... ya just follow those people and PRESTO... ya turn THAT place into rubble too.

Now... even IF they get it wrong in terms of where that IS... at some point, it's going to become VERY difficult to find people of those 'special skills' who are willing to 'go' anywhere, when it becomes clear that doing so, is tantamount to suicide.

So it all works itself out.

See how that works?

Oh Wait...

Did you think that this was complex?


Oh... how ADORABLE is THAT?

You seem to think the Israeli's are ominipotent. Judging from the failure of their claims that Iran would have a bomb any day now, I find that rather amusing. Almost as amusing as your fantasy that we can just go and willy nilly bomb things. I bet you stood proud when "W" declared "mission accomplished.
Well, maybe Israel knows that they can count on the support of Americans like you over our own country.

How would destroying Iran's nuclear capability be "over our own country?"

Apparently you think Iran is our ally, not Israel.

Where did she say that?

Since when is considering our own interests first a statement of alliance with Iran?

How silly.

Our interest is in destroying Iran's nuclear capability.

Yes. It is.

How do Israel's interest conflict with that goal? They simply don't.

Yes. They do.

She supports Obama's quisling scheme to give Iran everything it wants. Obviously she supports Iran's goals over our interests.

There is no scheme to "give Iran everything it wants".

Explain how Israel's interest conflict with that goal.

There certainly is a scheme to give Iran everything it wants. It's called "capitulate at any cost so long as Iran agrees to something."

Supporting Obama would be placing Iran's interests "over our own country."

The conflict isn't the "goal" it's the means used to achieve the goal. Supporting Obama is supporting OUR countries interests - including the lives of our soldiers in yet another poorly articulated Mid East war game.
How would destroying Iran's nuclear capability be "over our own country?"

Apparently you think Iran is our ally, not Israel.

Where did she say that?

Since when is considering our own interests first a statement of alliance with Iran?

How silly.

Our interest is in destroying Iran's nuclear capability.

Yes. It is.

How do Israel's interest conflict with that goal? They simply don't.

Yes. They do.

She supports Obama's quisling scheme to give Iran everything it wants. Obviously she supports Iran's goals over our interests.

There is no scheme to "give Iran everything it wants".

Explain how Israel's interest conflict with that goal.

There certainly is a scheme to give Iran everything it wants. It's called "capitulate at any cost so long as Iran agrees to something."

Supporting Obama would be placing Iran's interests "over our own country."

The conflict isn't the "goal" it's the means used to achieve the goal.

I didn't say it was. You obviously have a reading comprehension problem.

Supporting Obama is supporting OUR countries interests - including the lives of our soldiers in yet another poorly articulated Mid East war game.


Wrongo! Supporting Obama makes you an enemy of our country.
You seem to think the Israeli's are ominipotent.

Based upon what?

Judging from the failure of their claims that Iran would have a bomb any day now, I find that rather amusing.

No such claim exist... thus if you truly believe that, you should know, you're delusional and you should seek to have yourself removed from society.

Almost as amusing as your fantasy that we can just go and willy nilly bomb things.

Willy Nilly? No... Bombing specific targets, the destruction of which is essential to precluding an overtly evil government with a long history of international mass-murder... is not only possible, but a far as I can tell, inevitable.

I bet you stood proud when "W" declared "mission accomplished.

What American didn't? As the Mission had been accomplished and in record time... in what was among the most profound demonstrations of military efficacy in human history.
You seem to think the Israeli's are ominipotent.

Based upon what?

Your statements.

Judging from the failure of their claims that Iran would have a bomb any day now, I find that rather amusing.

No such claim exist... thus if you truly believe that, you should know, you're delusional and you should seek to have yourself removed from society.

"The rulers of Iran have said repeatedly that they will have an Islamic bomb and that its first target is Israel," he argued in a piece titled "The greatest danger," claiming that Iran will develop its first nuclear bomb by 1999 – 16 years ago.

A more recent Netanyahu prediction updated it to 2013 I believe.

Almost as amusing as your fantasy that we can just go and willy nilly bomb things.

Willy Nilly? No... Bombing specific targets, the destruction of which is essential to precluding an overtly evil government with a long history of international mass-murder... is not only possible, but a far as I can tell, inevitable.
Ya...willy nilly.

I bet you stood proud when "W" declared "mission accomplished.

What American didn't? As the Mission had been accomplished and in record time... in what was among the most profound demonstrations of military efficacy in human history.

Not many consider a Mid East conflagration to be Mission Accomplished.

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