Is Obama a liar?

Well actually since it's not the job of government to provide us with jobs, it's a heckuva job by the working public.

Yeah, but since the Obamunist was bragging about what great job his Messiah® is doing, I thought I'd point out the obvious.

We are in the worst economy since Carter - in some ways it's worse.

Obama's doing the best he can to destroy this country like he promised he would. As far as I can tell he has not rested a single day from doing his best to exact revenge on America for his father, mother, and billions of others around the world. Give the guy a break, he's doing what he said he'd do, what he was voted in to do. Why should we expect anything else from him?
Well actually since it's not the job of government to provide us with jobs, it's a heckuva job by the working public.

Yeah, but since the Obamunist was bragging about what great job his Messiah® is doing, I thought I'd point out the obvious.

We are in the worst economy since Carter - in some ways it's worse.

Obama's doing the best he can to destroy this country like he promised he would. As far as I can tell he has not rested a single day from doing his best to exact revenge on America for his father, mother, and billions of others around the world. Give the guy a break, he's doing what he said he'd do, what he was voted in to do. Why should we expect anything else from him?
Exactly. It's all what you consider to be good. If destroying everything America stands for is what one would consider good, then Obama is the best. That's why all the America haters on this board love him so much.
Well actually since it's not the job of government to provide us with jobs, it's a heckuva job by the working public.

Yeah, but since the Obamunist was bragging about what great job his Messiah® is doing, I thought I'd point out the obvious.

We are in the worst economy since Carter - in some ways it's worse.

It's a little hard to judge just yet. Give it until next year when the employer mandate kicks in. Remember, Barry, knowing full well how kicking 10-20 million Americans off their employer sponsored healthcare would play in the mid-terms, decided to "give them a break" until after the 2014 elections.

As it stands right now, employers are hiring more part-timers than ever before and it only promises to get MUCH worse.

Of course to a liberal, 29 hours a week making $8 per hour is considered "working". :lol:
Well actually since it's not the job of government to provide us with jobs, it's a heckuva job by the working public.

Yeah, but since the Obamunist was bragging about what great job his Messiah® is doing, I thought I'd point out the obvious.

We are in the worst economy since Carter - in some ways it's worse.

It's a little hard to judge just yet. Give it until next year when the employer mandate kicks in. Remember, Barry, knowing full well how kicking 10-20 million Americans off their employer sponsored healthcare would play in the mid-terms, decided to "give them a break" until after the 2014 elections.

As it stands right now, employers are hiring more part-timers than ever before and it only promises to get MUCH worse.

Of course to a liberal, 29 hours a week making $8 per hour is considered "working". :lol:

What the fuck does how much an hour a person makes with whether they work?
Yeah, but since the Obamunist was bragging about what great job his Messiah® is doing, I thought I'd point out the obvious.

We are in the worst economy since Carter - in some ways it's worse.

It's a little hard to judge just yet. Give it until next year when the employer mandate kicks in. Remember, Barry, knowing full well how kicking 10-20 million Americans off their employer sponsored healthcare would play in the mid-terms, decided to "give them a break" until after the 2014 elections.

As it stands right now, employers are hiring more part-timers than ever before and it only promises to get MUCH worse.

Of course to a liberal, 29 hours a week making $8 per hour is considered "working". :lol:

What the fuck does how much an hour a person makes with whether they work?

Cause traditionally minimum wage was a wage only handed out to high school kids, and even then only as a starting wage and only if the job was really easy.
It's a little hard to judge just yet. Give it until next year when the employer mandate kicks in. Remember, Barry, knowing full well how kicking 10-20 million Americans off their employer sponsored healthcare would play in the mid-terms, decided to "give them a break" until after the 2014 elections.

As it stands right now, employers are hiring more part-timers than ever before and it only promises to get MUCH worse.

Of course to a liberal, 29 hours a week making $8 per hour is considered "working". :lol:

What the fuck does how much an hour a person makes with whether they work?

Cause traditionally minimum wage was a wage only handed out to high school kids, and even then only as a starting wage and only if the job was really easy.

I read that it was started as a way to protect white jobs. Blacks were being hired at super cheap wages, so the minimum wage was adopted, and the new minimum was high enough that people might say blacks weren't worth paying that much and they might as well hire a white person for the job.

fwiw ... this is way off topic ... *sheepish*
What the fuck does how much an hour a person makes with whether they work?

Cause traditionally minimum wage was a wage only handed out to high school kids, and even then only as a starting wage and only if the job was really easy.

I read that it was started as a way to protect white jobs. Blacks were being hired at super cheap wages, so the minimum wage was adopted, and the new minimum was high enough that people might say blacks weren't worth paying that much and they might as well hire a white person for the job.

fwiw ... this is way off topic ... *sheepish*

It doesn't matter why minimum wage came about it has shit to do with whether a person works hard or not. Only elitist fucking slobs use wage as a measure of whether a person is a hard worker.

tapatalk post
Well actually since it's not the job of government to provide us with jobs, it's a heckuva job by the working public.

Yeah, but since the Obamunist was bragging about what great job his Messiah® is doing, I thought I'd point out the obvious.

We are in the worst economy since Carter - in some ways it's worse.

It's a little hard to judge just yet. Give it until next year when the employer mandate kicks in. Remember, Barry, knowing full well how kicking 10-20 million Americans off their employer sponsored healthcare would play in the mid-terms, decided to "give them a break" until after the 2014 elections.

As it stands right now, employers are hiring more part-timers than ever before and it only promises to get MUCH worse.

Of course to a liberal, 29 hours a week making $8 per hour is considered "working". :lol:

Exactly--this nation is quickly becoming a part-time workforce because of Obamacare. Millions right this very day are receiving cancellation notices on their individual policies--after being promised 32 TIMES that they could keep their policies and NOTHING would change with them. Those millions that are receiving these notices are checking on the government approved plans--where premiums have doubled from what they were paying for the ones they were promised they could keep.

This fire has just started. Obama is going to go down with Obamacare--and he is going to take every single democrat running for reelection in 2014 with him.

And I love the summation:

The president’s statements were sweeping and unequivocal — and made both before and after the bill became law. The White House now cites technicalities to avoid admitting that he went too far in his repeated pledge, which, after all, is one of the most famous statements of his presidency.

The president’s promise apparently came with a very large caveat: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan — if we deem it to be adequate.”

Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan

The real question and the telling questions are ones concerning why he said what he said.

Did he not know the content of his own signature legislation?

Did he just want people to love him so he made up a story?

Is, as we have said, a good talker but not really all that bright?

I would like to hear from liberals why they think Obama said what he said. And not the lame ass excuses that he really didn't say what he did, or we misunderstood.
Yeah, but since the Obamunist was bragging about what great job his Messiah® is doing, I thought I'd point out the obvious.

We are in the worst economy since Carter - in some ways it's worse.

It's a little hard to judge just yet. Give it until next year when the employer mandate kicks in. Remember, Barry, knowing full well how kicking 10-20 million Americans off their employer sponsored healthcare would play in the mid-terms, decided to "give them a break" until after the 2014 elections.

As it stands right now, employers are hiring more part-timers than ever before and it only promises to get MUCH worse.

Of course to a liberal, 29 hours a week making $8 per hour is considered "working". :lol:

Exactly--this nation is quickly becoming a part-time workforce because of Obamacare. Millions right this very day are receiving cancellation notices on their individual policies--after being promised 32 TIMES that they could keep their policies and NOTHING would change with them. Those millions that are receiving these notices are checking on the government approved plans--where premiums have doubled from what they were paying for the ones they were promised they could keep.

This fire has just started. Obama is going to go down with Obamacare--and he is going to take every single democrat running for reelection in 2014 with him.

Well if that happens then at least Obamacare served some good.
Allow me to correct your mistakes ...

Democrats took over in 2007. By 2007, the damage was done. By 2007, the housing market was already dropping like a rock and foreclosures were already rising rapidly. The time to take action was years earlier.

And your talking points about Frank and Dodd are duly noted, however, they were in the minority party and did nothing to prevent the majority party from passing oversight of the GSE's. Despite Democrats being completely wrong on the issue, Frank and Dodd ultimately represented nothing but two votes against oversight.

Majority party Republicans were in charge ... Majority party Republicans had 3 bills introduced in Congress to address the problem ... Majority party Republicans passed zero bills to add oversight of the GSE's. None of the 3 bills were filibustered. All 3 bills died because they were crappy bills which didn't actually address the problem.

So why didn't the Democrats remedy that immediately when they obtained power in January 2007? Please point to a single Democratic bill even offered to address the situation even as Pelosi, Dodd, and Frank were proclaiming in front of every microphone they could get in front of that the housing market was just fine - Freddie and Fannie were just fine - the banking regulations in place were just fine? Show me a single Democrat who voted for any of those Republican bills intended to address some of the problems.

Show me Senator's Barack Obama's vote to address some of the problem. (Clue: he either voted nay with the Democrats or, more typically, didn't vote.)

But of course he commissions his shills to blame it all on the Republicans. Yep those eeeeeeeeeevul Republicans did this all to us single handedly. Because they refused to fix the bad laws the Democrats put into place, the GOP is totally to blame and the Democrats are pure as the driven snow.

Just ask our fearless leader. Who even now won't admit that Obamacare is terrible law and is hurting people. And the Democrats who could TODAY agree to put this turkey back on the shelf will not consent to do that lest the GOP get some credit for wanting to do the right thing.

The President's 'apology' comes up really empty when he won't admit he didn't realize how bad it was going to be, that he didn't fully understand the consequences, and he is unwilling to back off what is obviously terrible law. And because we all know it resulting from that meeting with Democrats this week who no doubt demanded he do something because they are terrified that they are going to get the blame for this entire fiasco as no Republicans voted for it. And they should.
[emphasis added]

I see you're one of them low information voters .... Show you a bill offered by Democrats to address the problem after they took over in 2007?

Easy-peasy ....

In March, 2007, just 2 months after gaining control of the Congress .... sponsored by (are ya sitting down?) Barney Frank ... H.R.1427

A few months later, Nancy Pelosi sponsored H.R.3221, which was ultimately signed into law by Bush.

A few months after Pelosi's bill was introduced into the House, another Democrat introduced a third bill in an attempt to address the problem. H.R.3915.

So I gave you not one, but three bills offered up by Democrats after they took over.

except neither one addressed the problems :lol:

3221 was passed but it was just blah-blah-blah toothless and did nothing.
two others never passed the senate
Last edited:
So why didn't the Democrats remedy that immediately when they obtained power in January 2007? Please point to a single Democratic bill even offered to address the situation even as Pelosi, Dodd, and Frank were proclaiming in front of every microphone they could get in front of that the housing market was just fine - Freddie and Fannie were just fine - the banking regulations in place were just fine? Show me a single Democrat who voted for any of those Republican bills intended to address some of the problems.

Show me Senator's Barack Obama's vote to address some of the problem. (Clue: he either voted nay with the Democrats or, more typically, didn't vote.)

But of course he commissions his shills to blame it all on the Republicans. Yep those eeeeeeeeeevul Republicans did this all to us single handedly. Because they refused to fix the bad laws the Democrats put into place, the GOP is totally to blame and the Democrats are pure as the driven snow.

Just ask our fearless leader. Who even now won't admit that Obamacare is terrible law and is hurting people. And the Democrats who could TODAY agree to put this turkey back on the shelf will not consent to do that lest the GOP get some credit for wanting to do the right thing.

The President's 'apology' comes up really empty when he won't admit he didn't realize how bad it was going to be, that he didn't fully understand the consequences, and he is unwilling to back off what is obviously terrible law. And because we all know it resulting from that meeting with Democrats this week who no doubt demanded he do something because they are terrified that they are going to get the blame for this entire fiasco as no Republicans voted for it. And they should.
[emphasis added]

I see you're one of them low information voters .... Show you a bill offered by Democrats to address the problem after they took over in 2007?

Easy-peasy ....

In March, 2007, just 2 months after gaining control of the Congress .... sponsored by (are ya sitting down?) Barney Frank ... H.R.1427

A few months later, Nancy Pelosi sponsored H.R.3221, which was ultimately signed into law by Bush.

A few months after Pelosi's bill was introduced into the House, another Democrat introduced a third bill in an attempt to address the problem. H.R.3915.

So I gave you not one, but three bills offered up by Democrats after they took over.

except neither one addressed the problems :lol:

3221 was passed but it was just blah-blah-blah toothless and did nothing.
two others never passed the senate

True. HR 3221 was basically just a reorganization of existing regulations. The other two were of little consequence and certainly did nothing to address the problem with GSEs or Fannie and Freddie.
And I love the summation:

The president’s statements were sweeping and unequivocal — and made both before and after the bill became law. The White House now cites technicalities to avoid admitting that he went too far in his repeated pledge, which, after all, is one of the most famous statements of his presidency.

The president’s promise apparently came with a very large caveat: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan — if we deem it to be adequate.”

Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan

The real question and the telling questions are ones concerning why he said what he said.

Did he not know the content of his own signature legislation?

Did he just want people to love him so he made up a story?

Is, as we have said, a good talker but not really all that bright?

I would like to hear from liberals why they think Obama said what he said. And not the lame ass excuses that he really didn't say what he did, or we misunderstood.

Well you know, Freewill, that in this day and age it all depends on what the definition of 'is' is. So in Obama's case, he now wants us to believe that he was referring to the law which would include the caveats and we should have known that. He only erred in not specifically pointing that out but that is what he meant all the time.

It could even fly, if he hadn't left out the caveat 26 different times.

Once Bill Clinton looked straight into our eyes through that camera and said, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky" the die was cast and he couldn't find any words to make that sound like he meant something else. Of course Lewinsky did by claiming that a blow job was not having sexual relations. :)

So here we are with a President who said publicly, for public consumption, 26 different times various versions of "If you like your existing health plan, you can keep it, period. If you like your existing doctor, you can keep him, period. Nothing is going to change for you."

And no amount of apology can get around that Obamacare was sold to the American public on just that basis. So the President either lied. Or he was totally clueless about his own signature legislation which makes him the most dangerously incompetent President we have ever had..

There is no other conclusion to draw.
We have fewer employed Americans than the day he took office, and the country has grown. Only a liberal would view persuading people that giving up finding work because things are so bad is a good thing. And of course you only think that when a liberal is in office.

Great. Yet another low information voter who needs to be educated by a Liberal.

Employment Level:
Jan/2009: 142,153,000
Oct/2013: 143,568,000

So we have finally reached the number of job holders which we had in Jan 2009. Aren't you proud.

Could have happened years earlier if Obama had not squandered the stimulus and had not chosen to take the path of hyperregulation instead of allowing a healthy jobs environment to gain traction.
Not too shabby given there were 12.6 million people to fall to under/unemployment during the Great Recession. That quite a hole to have to dig out from.
We have fewer employed Americans than the day he took office, and the country has grown. Only a liberal would view persuading people that giving up finding work because things are so bad is a good thing. And of course you only think that when a liberal is in office.

Great. Yet another low information voter who needs to be educated by a Liberal.

Employment Level:
Jan/2009: 142,153,000
Oct/2013: 143,568,000

Where are you getting your numbers? The BLS which has been shown again and again to be skewing the numbers to make the Administration look good?

Though the numbers are not ALL necessarily the fault of the current Administration, it does bear full responsibility for the slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

The real picture is pretty much here:
The U.S. labor force is still shrinking. Here?s why.

This is exactly the reason you goopers make me laugh so much.

You whine about the BLS making up numbers (though you have no evidence, of course) ... but then you post to an article with what you call the, "real picture." What's the source of the numbers from the article you linked ... ?

The BLS.

Great. Yet another low information voter who needs to be educated by a Liberal.

Employment Level:
Jan/2009: 142,153,000
Oct/2013: 143,568,000

So we have finally reached the number of job holders which we had in Jan 2009. Aren't you proud.

Could have happened years earlier if Obama had not squandered the stimulus and had not chosen to take the path of hyperregulation instead of allowing a healthy jobs environment to gain traction.

We are so far behind in job creation. Labor Force Participation is abyssmal, and we haven't even kept up with population growth.

Yes, labor force participation is way down. Did you happen to read the article posted by a fellow Conservative just before your post?

  • One big reason the participation rate dropped involves long-run demographic trends that have little to do with the current economy. Baby boomers are starting to retire en masse, which means that there are fewer eligible American workers.

  • But since 2000, the labor force rate has been declining steadily as the baby-boom generation has been retiring. Because of this, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago expects the labor force participation rate to be lower in 2020 than it is today, regardless of how well the economy does.
Great. Yet another low information voter who needs to be educated by a Liberal.

Employment Level:
Jan/2009: 142,153,000
Oct/2013: 143,568,000

Where are you getting your numbers? The BLS which has been shown again and again to be skewing the numbers to make the Administration look good?

Though the numbers are not ALL necessarily the fault of the current Administration, it does bear full responsibility for the slowest recovery since the Great Depression.

The real picture is pretty much here:
The U.S. labor force is still shrinking. Here?s why.

That's why I use Shadowstats.

Considering all the people who have given up looking for work, Unemployment is getting worse, not better.

Alternate Unemployment Charts

That's hysterical too!

You concur with another post about the BLS skewing numbers -- so you post a link to a site which skews the numbers.


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