Is Joe Biden a Russian Agent?


From Russia.
That’s the best you got? Some rich Russians happen to like using the most high end hotels and apartments?

But it’s perfectly fine for Hunter to take a $3.5 million check from a Russian politician family, and BJ Clinton a half million check for one speech?

You really are delusional.

This is a classic example how a alliance beats a single nation... They can't even see this... Biden could possibly win this war without firing a shot. Even if Putin is still in charge of Russia he will be so weakened he won't be able to threaten again...

Could see a lot of countries joining NATO straight after this...

This is something they don't understand, 'Soft Power' and how to use it... They gutted the State Dept. because they didn't understand how important it is... Biden is building back and Senior GOP are thankful he is doing that... They might not be able to explain the State Dept to the knuckle draggers but they know it stops bodybags...
No doubt part of the reason these folks keep attacking is that they're seeing that their myopic view of the world no longer applies. This has been a bad moment for their simplistic hyper-nationalism, as one of their own has made a huge mistake in Ukraine.

Soft power is about nuance, intellect, collaboration and recognizing complexity. That's just not their thing. Period.
Listening to you Repubtards is how we got sucked into the Iraq quagmire that killed 10,000+ US citizens & showed Putin that no country will stop another's military adventurism.
Well that’s a weird statement to make, considering all those same neocons are on the same page as Biden. Biden, who of course voted for the Iraq war, along with Hillary and John Kerry.
Anyone else think it’s curious that Biden hasn’t sent US troops into Ukraine yet?

Not even a No Fly Zone for Ukraine?

It’s really weird how us on the right get called a “Putin propagandist” or “Russian Agent” for merely saying we shouldn’t be involved in this war. But these same people who call us these things never say the same thing about Biden.

I mean let’s get serious, the lefties are right, you either fully support Ukraine or you support Russia. So why aren’t we doing more? Why is Biden doing almost nothing to help them? He thinks some sanctions are going to stop Putin? I love paying $5 a gallon to “stick it to Putin” as much as the next guy, but is it going to stop the war?

If simple farmers and Instagram models are winning against the Russians, then imagine how fast and easy it would be for us to win a war against Russia. Biden is a great Commander-in-Chief and Blinken is a military genius, just look at how well they got us out of Afghanistan. And their response to Iran’s missile attack on the US consulate in Iraq, just have the media ignore it say the consulate wasn’t the target, ingenious! We can trust these guys to win a war against nuclear Russia.

So why isn’t Biden doing anything? Is he working for Putin?
Lol, you truly are shameless. Nothing but pure horse shit as usual.
I, too, am not happy with the limp-wristed response that Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is serving-up...

But that doesn't mean that I think he's a Russian agent...

That's just stupid..
Yet we get called “Russian agents” for not wanting the US to be involved.

That makes you a bunch of hypocrites.
We know that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in payoffs from the Russians. The wife of the Mayor of Moscow was the bag lady.

We know that Joe Biden is a fucking idiot.

We know that Joe Biden is corrupt as hell and is owned by foreign interest that have made his family filthy rich.

We know that Joe Biden is a fucking coward.

We know that Joe Biden doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about anything.

We know that Joe Biden fucks up everything he touches. Obama even told us that..

We know that Joe Biden stole an election from the American people.

Joe Biden is a piece of shit and anybody that voted for him is a moron.

We know that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in payoffs from the Russians. The wife of the Mayor of Moscow was the bag lady.

We know that Joe Biden is a fucking idiot.

We know that Joe Biden is corrupt as hell and is owned by foreign interest that have made his family filthy rich.

We know that Joe Biden is a fucking coward.

We know that Joe Biden doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground about anything.

We know that Joe Biden fucks up everything he touches. Obama even told us that..

We know that Joe Biden stole an election from the American people.

Joe Biden is a piece of shit and anybody that voted for him is a moron.

Pretty much says it all.....
That’s the best you got? Some rich Russians happen to like using the most high end hotels and apartments?
More to the point, what is the cult leader's secret message to his lickspittles concerning Ukraine?

View attachment 616665

Some followers now reportedly believe that Trump's unusual pronunciation of "China" is actually a secret message referring to Ukraine.

View attachment 616666
QAnon, a far-right political movement, has become well known in the past few years for their numerous conspiracy theories. Many of these theories revolve around liberal politicians, including the disproven idea that President Joe Biden stole the 2020 election as a result of widespread voter fraud.
As Russia's invasion of Ukraine nears the end of week three, the eyes of QAnon conspirators have now turned to Ukraine. The latest QAnon theory concerns the uncommon way in which former President Trump pronounces "China," often emphasizing the word so that it sounds more like "chy-na."
Some QAnon followers now reportedly believe that Trump's pronunciation is purposeful... The pronunciation, these followers allegedly think, is actually a codeword that Trump is using to refer not to China, but to Ukraine.
Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 9.23.11 AM.png
"Whenever the Board of health closes the local pedophile pizza parlor,
I order me a Kiyv poo poo platter!"
I agree with much of what you have to say. My hope is that Joe isn't as sleepy as many think he is. We don't know all of what might be happening in Poland and western Ukraine. There is likely to be a steady stream of weapons and equipment flowing there right now. Can't imagine that NATO countries are sitting around and watching this all go down. The media aren't privy to everything happening behind the scenes.
So a “stream of weapons” is going to defeat the Russians?

Zelensky is sending the Ukrainian men to slaughter by forcing them to fight the Russians. Men are literally not allowed to leave the country, or they get shot.
More to the point, what is the cult leader's secret message to his lickspittles concerning Ukraine?

View attachment 616665

Some followers now reportedly believe that Trump's unusual pronunciation of "China" is actually a secret message referring to Ukraine.

View attachment 616666
QAnon, a far-right political movement, has become well known in the past few years for their numerous conspiracy theories. Many of these theories revolve around liberal politicians, including the disproven idea that President Joe Biden stole the 2020 election as a result of widespread voter fraud.
As Russia's invasion of Ukraine nears the end of week three, the eyes of QAnon conspirators have now turned to Ukraine. The latest QAnon theory concerns the uncommon way in which former President Trump pronounces "China," often emphasizing the word so that it sounds more like "chy-na."
Some QAnon followers now reportedly believe that Trump's pronunciation is purposeful... The pronunciation, these followers allegedly think, is actually a codeword that Trump is using to refer not to China, but to Ukraine.

"Whenever the Board of health closes the local pedophile pizza parlor,
I order me a Kiyv poo poo platter!"
We know that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars in payoffs from the Russians...
Please list all charges, indictments, prosecutions, and/or ongoing investigations concerning this citizen.

If rabid Trumpies feel they need to smear him because of a familial relationship, why are none pursuing the matter via all the legitimate, legal recourses available to them in venues where actual, credible evidence is demanded.

It seems to be a case of ideological media entertainers training their disciples to parrot ravings they cannot sustain in any court of law.

This is reminiscent of crackpots mindlessly shrieking "Lock her up! Lock her up!" when no actual pretext for doing so could be contrived throughout four years of Trumpery.
Please list all charges, indictments, prosecutions, and/or ongoing investigations concerning this citizen.

If rabid Trumpies feel they need to smear him because of a familial relationship, why are none pursuing the matter via all the legitimate, legal recourses available to them in venues where actual, credible evidence is demanded.

It seems to be a case of ideological media entertainers training their disciples to parrot ravings they cannot sustain in any court of law.

This is reminiscent of crackpots mindlessly shrieking "Lock her up! Lock her up!" when no actual pretext for doing so could be contrived throughout four years of Trumpery.
If you haven't heard anything about the Biden's family corruption and ties to foreign interest then you must have been living under a rock for the last few years. Hell, boy, that shithead Biden is even on record as bragging about putting US pressure on a foreign government for investigating the corruption of his cokehead son.

Like we all know, anybody that voted for Joe Potatohead is a friggin moron. You just substantiated that.
Anyone else think it’s curious that Biden hasn’t sent US troops into Ukraine yet?

Not even a No Fly Zone for Ukraine?

It’s really weird how us on the right get called a “Putin propagandist” or “Russian Agent” for merely saying we shouldn’t be involved in this war. But these same people who call us these things never say the same thing about Biden.

I mean let’s get serious, the lefties are right, you either fully support Ukraine or you support Russia. So why aren’t we doing more? Why is Biden doing almost nothing to help them? He thinks some sanctions are going to stop Putin? I love paying $5 a gallon to “stick it to Putin” as much as the next guy, but is it going to stop the war?

If simple farmers and Instagram models are winning against the Russians, then imagine how fast and easy it would be for us to win a war against Russia. Biden is a great Commander-in-Chief and Blinken is a military genius, just look at how well they got us out of Afghanistan. And their response to Iran’s missile attack on the US consulate in Iraq, just have the media ignore it say the consulate wasn’t the target, ingenious! We can trust these guys to win a war against nuclear Russia.

So why isn’t Biden doing anything? Is he working for Putin?

Not sure about Biden, but John Kerry and Jen Psaki are definitely Russian agents.

Evasion noted.

I understand why you can't honestly confront the "chy-naa"="Ukraine" trumpcode business, but it's hilarious, isn't it?

View attachment 616676
When he says "Landslide!"
he's really saying "ass-kicking!"
Sorry buck. You are not going to improvise your way out of this one. Biden IS a russian spy puppet. Watch as biden accepts 'puny-tin's version of recent history. For Christs Sake, Biden could have wrote the speech for putin's latest rant (7pm Moscow time, almost finished)!
Listening to you Repubtards is how we got sucked into the Iraq quagmire that killed 10,000+ US citizens & showed Putin that no country will stop another's military adventurism.

Putin has already threatened the US & NATO nuclear war. The only other option Biden has is a preliminary nuclear attack on Moscow & Russia's entire Nuclear Arsenal hoping few of their missiles get through to US.

Are you sure half of Russia's Nuclear Submarine fleet is not now sitting around the entire US coastline? As of the most recent data exchange on September 1, 2020, the Russian Federation declared 1,447 deployed strategic warheads. Is your bunker stocked up so your children can survive a 4 year nuclear winter?
You are a complete idiot and clueless about how to handle this current situation which was actually cause by The Obama-Biden regime, and Joe continued Obama's screwups per Joe himself. Just carrying out Obama Bin Lying's orders, he said. So, Obama really did get his 3rd term (why he is the 1st president never to leave DC after office) only it went through Biden instead of Clinton.
More to the point, what is the cult leader's secret message to his lickspittles concerning Ukraine?

View attachment 616665

Some followers now reportedly believe that Trump's unusual pronunciation of "China" is actually a secret message referring to Ukraine.

View attachment 616666
QAnon, a far-right political movement, has become well known in the past few years for their numerous conspiracy theories. Many of these theories revolve around liberal politicians, including the disproven idea that President Joe Biden stole the 2020 election as a result of widespread voter fraud.
As Russia's invasion of Ukraine nears the end of week three, the eyes of QAnon conspirators have now turned to Ukraine. The latest QAnon theory concerns the uncommon way in which former President Trump pronounces "China," often emphasizing the word so that it sounds more like "chy-na."
Some QAnon followers now reportedly believe that Trump's pronunciation is purposeful... The pronunciation, these followers allegedly think, is actually a codeword that Trump is using to refer not to China, but to Ukraine.

"Whenever the Board of health closes the local pedophile pizza parlor,
I order me a Kiyv poo poo platter!"
You are a moron propagandist. Why do you damn your soul like this and type out your silly lies on here every day? I have read a single post of yours that ever turned out to be true. 100% lies 24 x 7x 365.
Zelensky even told Biden in his address to Congress this morning to stop being a fucking pussy and start being a leader.

Meanwhile Biden is off licking an ice cream and sniffing little children.

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