Is it wrong to balance my outrage with humor in this global pandemic?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I wish it wasn't here and I don't wish harm on anyone, no sane person does and I feel horrible for those who have been impacted. I'm not making light of the ill, but, I have made light of the general over reaction.

I'm seeing the craziest over reactions by healthy, seemingly normal people. We in the West, haven't been impacted like Italy or even Iran, but, media is selling fear. The same people promoted that kid from Europe who is sailing around wagging her finger at everybody about climate change.

You know the biggest problem in Canada? Toilet paper hoarding. Everywhere you go the shelves are empty (or near empty). What's worse, what others do impacts what you do.

When I see shelves empty, I start to ask, "am I the stupid one who ISN'T buying 200 rolls of TP?" Worse, people buy more toilet paper out of fear there actually won't be any left because others are stacking their carts full. I can imagine buying canned goods if one has to go nuts, but toilet paper?

Government officials need to be serious and take all measures. That's prudent and their job is to protect their citizens. Too many regular folks are going overboard. Maybe I see the world as Andy Kaufman or George Carlin did, life is just too surreal and absurd, even in pandemics; to not see the humor.

I hope I'm not alone in seeing some of this in this manner.
Even counting every death that we know of in the world there are far fewer then a bad year of the flu. Yes the media is hyping this way out of proportion but what else are they going to do? They need something to print, talk about.
I still have not figured out the toilet paper part yet. According to symptoms I have read there is no diarrhea associated with the virus.
Perhaps the idea is to wrap ones self like a mummy and there by insulating oneself.
Seems normal precautions used for any flu are effective.
I see people yelling about testing. Just because you were tested yesterday does not mean you are granted some invisible force so you don't get it tomorrow. No one is going to hunt down and hang a sign around someone that tested positive. All a test will do is if you have symptoms it will confirm if you have it or not. At the moment the only treatment is the same as any flu.
I find myself shaking my head in disbelief that such simple things create so much panic.
Even counting every death that we know of in the world there are far fewer then a bad year of the flu. Yes the media is hyping this way out of proportion but what else are they going to do? They need something to print, talk about.
I still have not figured out the toilet paper part yet. According to symptoms I have read there is no diarrhea associated with the virus.
Perhaps the idea is to wrap ones self like a mummy and there by insulating oneself.
Seems normal precautions used for any flu are effective.
I see people yelling about testing. Just because you were tested yesterday does not mean you are granted some invisible force so you don't get it tomorrow. No one is going to hunt down and hang a sign around someone that tested positive. All a test will do is if you have symptoms it will confirm if you have it or not. At the moment the only treatment is the same as any flu.
I find myself shaking my head in disbelief that such simple things create so much panic.

Critical thinking and logic is in short supply. Everyone will pay a price for this eventually. Until then, I find humour in the absurd. Even when I am the guy looking back at my own silly decisions in life.
I wish it wasn't here and I don't wish harm on anyone, no sane person does and I feel horrible for those who have been impacted. I'm not making light of the ill, but, I have made light of the general over reaction.

I'm seeing the craziest over reactions by healthy, seemingly normal people. We in the West, haven't been impacted like Italy or even Iran, but, media is selling fear. The same people promoted that kid from Europe who is sailing around wagging her finger at everybody about climate change.

You know the biggest problem in Canada? Toilet paper hoarding. Everywhere you go the shelves are empty (or near empty). What's worse, what others do impacts what you do.

When I see shelves empty, I start to ask, "am I the stupid one who ISN'T buying 200 rolls of TP?" Worse, people buy more toilet paper out of fear there actually won't be any left because others are stacking their carts full. I can imagine buying canned goods if one has to go nuts, but toilet paper?

Government officials need to be serious and take all measures. That's prudent and their job is to protect their citizens. Too many regular folks are going overboard. Maybe I see the world as Andy Kaufman or George Carlin did, life is just too surreal and absurd, even in pandemics; to not see the humor.

I hope I'm not alone in seeing some of this in this manner.
Toilet paper hording has begun here, too, in the most rural unlikely spot for anyone to catch this thing in a state with only one case, a National Guardsman who was just in Italy.... I'm smh--this IS herd mentality.

Most of us who are still sane are finding the humor in it.
I do that myself! If I don't laugh I'll cry.

On another message board somebody made a thread about a woman in china witnessed them cremating a person who was still alive.

Something too horrific to contemplate.

I responded..."That's a hot one" :)
As someone stated yesterday, it is a form of control, since many feel so helpless regarding the pandemic, it gives them a sense of a little bit of control over the situation.

And yes, I totally get the absurd humor in it.

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