Is it time to abolish all gun laws and allow everyone to open carry?

Maybe you glamorize the Wild West and think it was wilder than it actually was and maybe things are worse now. Google the kids killed in sandy hook. Even in the wild West they didn’t murder kids women or priests.

Maybe when you realize if it was the wild west , We wouldn't have child molesters because people would OUT RIGHT KILL THEM,

Maybe when you realize if we were the wild west idiots like ANTIFA would exist because when people actually beat their asses they wouldn't get their asses beat they'd get shot........

Maybe you would realize we aren't the wild west when you'd see people WHO OBEY THE LAWS AND OWN GUNS RIGHTFULLY DON'T GO AROUND SHOOTING PEOPLE............ then the slap of reality might set in.
Ok John Wayne
At least in the wild West, when men called each other out, they waited for one or the other to draw his the people could call it "a fair fight".
And if you were a coward and shot people unarmed or in the back they hung you in the public square! I'm good with this..
They didn't have the criminal-defending ACLU at the time. If enough citizens thought criminal should be hanged, the criminal was hanged. Horse thieves, murderers, rapists....hang 'em all!
Back when actions and behaviors actually had consequences.
If we're going to live like the wild west - then we should also all be armed like the wild west. What do you think?

It's a shame if you don't live where you can ... Or just aren't ... :dunno:

I would encourage people to get some training if they intend on carrying either open or concealed.
I mean carrying a hammer and a skilsaw doesn't necessarily make you a carpenter.

You're obviously young and dumb, but entertaining. Let us know when the feds knock on your door...
I am a model fucking citizen. Why would they knock on my door?

As long as you understand that I don't give one single fuck about your bullshit anti-gun arguments and statistics. I am NEVER going to agree to ANY gun control. Zero. None.

So, give it up. IT's over. You're not getting our guns and you're not making them harder to get.

It's over.

Shoot back or we will all die.
I want black people to own hand guns. Every black person in the country should have a CCW. Why? Crime in black neighborhoods would drop like a fucking stone.
I have been saying the same thing for years. People living in war zones should be armed.

This is not a race issue. All races should be armed, but especially those in neighborhoods with rampant gun violence.
Ironically blacks are why politicians don’t allow us to carry guns.
I repeat: You are a sick fuck!
Yup. And you want me to have a 50 round gun? Think about that. You’re arguing for a sick fuck to have a gun. Stupid
Just because you are a racist and politicize a mass shooting by laughing at the victims doesn't mean you could become a crazed mass shooter. I don't care how many guns you have or how many rounds any one of them will hold. If and when you do go completely nuts and start shooting innocent people just to kill them, I want somebody nearby to be willing and able to take your sorry ass out.
Who doesnt
More faux rage from the left. Between 2011 and 2017 illegals committed 1,200 homicides...JUST IN TEXAS.
Let em die. Shoot them up. My nephews go to a private school with security guards. The kind baron trump attends. You ain’t shooting us in gated communities.

And I’m upset republicans in Michigan sold us out. They voted to let anyone carry without having to take the class and republicans voted it down. Why? Because they didn’t want black people carrying guns.

I agree I have to unload my handgun when I go hunting up north. In the middle of the night I have to dig out my unloaded handgun, load it, then unload it before I leave, then reload it when I get home. Fuck you! I want my gun loaded at all times not caught unprepared. I don’t need to take a class I’m busy. I just want to register my gun and carry.

I want everyone to register their guns. So we know who’s got a gun. No nuts or domestic violence nuts.

Your family has to write a letter saying you can have a gun. Your wife and ex girlfriend.

Hunting guns are ok

I lived in Michigan when I was a kid and back then completing a gun safety course was mandatory under the age of 18. I would support a gun safety course requirement for all ages, common sense.
More faux rage from the left. Between 2011 and 2017 illegals committed 1,200 homicides...JUST IN TEXAS.
What about 2007? 2018?

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.
Should schools teach gun protocol as we used to see in the old western movies? Schools could have all kinds of intramural contests, target shooting, firearm care, quick-draw contests all approved by the NRA.
More faux rage from the left. Between 2011 and 2017 illegals committed 1,200 homicides...JUST IN TEXAS.
Let em die. Shoot them up. My nephews go to a private school with security guards. The kind baron trump attends. You ain’t shooting us in gated communities.

And I’m upset republicans in Michigan sold us out. They voted to let anyone carry without having to take the class and republicans voted it down. Why? Because they didn’t want black people carrying guns.

I agree I have to unload my handgun when I go hunting up north. In the middle of the night I have to dig out my unloaded handgun, load it, then unload it before I leave, then reload it when I get home. Fuck you! I want my gun loaded at all times not caught unprepared. I don’t need to take a class I’m busy. I just want to register my gun and carry.

I want everyone to register their guns. So we know who’s got a gun. No nuts or domestic violence nuts.

Your family has to write a letter saying you can have a gun. Your wife and ex girlfriend.

Hunting guns are ok

I lived in Michigan when I was a kid and back then completing a gun safety course was mandatory under the age of 18. I would support a gun safety course requirement for all ages, common sense.

I asked my boss what he thinks and he said as soon as the Brady bill expired, mass shootings starting getting more deadly and more common. Why did we let that expire? You should not be allowed to have a 20 clip gun. Will that solve every problem no but it will save a few lives. And those lives are more important than your paranoia that the government is going to take your guns.

Was the “Old West” violent? Scholars have established that it was not as violent as most movies and novels would suggest. Murder was not a daily, weekly, or even monthly occurrence in most small towns or farming, ranching, or mining communities. Still, homicide rates in the West were extraordinarily high by today’s standards and by the standards of the rest of the United States and the Western world in the nineteenth century, except for parts of the American South during the Civil War and Reconstruction. Most data that historians have gathered are preliminary, based on a single source such as newspapers, legal records, or official statistics, rather than on multiple sources. They are minimum counts, not estimates of the number of homicides that occurred. But preliminary data are available for Oregon, British Columbia, Texas, nine counties in California (which together held 57 percent of the population of central and southern California), eight Native peoples in California, five cattle towns, five mining towns, and two counties each in Arizona and Colorado.

Homicide Rates in the American West by Randolph Roth
More faux rage from the left. Between 2011 and 2017 illegals committed 1,200 homicides...JUST IN TEXAS.
What about 2007? 2018?

According to the FBI, 67,642 murders were committed in the U.S. from 2005 through 2008, and 115,717 from 2003 through 2009. The General Accounting Office documents that criminal immigrants committed 25,064 of these murders.

2004 is when the the assault weapon ban expired. Holy shit that perfectly lines up with your stats starting in 2005. Not surprised?

The expiration Monday of a 10-year federal ban on assault weapons means firearms like AK-47s, Uzis and TEC-9s can now be legally bought — a development that has critics upset and gun owners pleased.

The 1994 ban, signed by then President Clinton, outlawed 19 types of military-style assault weapons. A clause directed that the ban expire unless Congress specifically reauthorized it, which it did not.

Studies done by pro- and anti-gun groups as well as the Justice Department show conflicting results on whether the ban helped reduce crime. Loopholes allowed manufacturers to keep many weapons on the market simply by changing their names or altering some of their features or accessories.
If we're going to live like the wild west - then we should also all be armed like the wild west. What do you think?

The conservatives want us all to have machine guns, tanks and rpg's! We can defend our piece of land(farms)! That is the world they want to build.

Everyone should be given guns, tanks and rpgs if it is really constitutional duty to have them.

We need to pass this law again and not let it expire again

Congress lets assault weapons ban expire

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