Is It Time For True Christians To Put Bullets In The Heads Of Vaccine Nurses??

No Christian in his right mind would murder anybody; that would be a total perversion of the religion, no matter what the case was. Christians aren't supposed to have any enemies they're not supposed to be fighting especially in wars, legitimate or not.

Not exactly true. In the Old Testament are many references to armies raised by God's people. In the New Testament are plenty of references to centurions as Christians. That there's no direct statement for or against Christians serving in the Roman or other armies really proves that it wasn't a thing that even required special consideration; it was just an accepted thing: Christians served in their nations military service.
Exodus 21:22-25 “Suppose two men are fighting and hit a pregnant woman, causing the baby to come out. If there is no further injury, the man who caused the accident must pay money—whatever amount the woman’s husband says and the court allows. But if there is further injury, then the punishment that must be paid is life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, and bruise for bruise.”

Leviticus 24:19-22 And whoever causes an injury to a neighbor must receive the same kind of injury in return: Broken bone for broken bone, eye for eye, tooth for tooth.

Deuteronomy 19:19-21 then do to the false witness as that witness intended to do to the other party. You must purge the evil from among you. The rest of the people will hear of this and be afraid, and never again will such an evil thing be done among you. Show no pity: life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
Context matters...and these verses from the Old Testament are important...but you are pulling them out of context.

It's about how to treat someone who wants to argue all the time. Stir up trouble and cause dissention. Just like all the antivaxxers are doing.
Are there any nurses left? I heard they were genocided by right wingers?
Context matters...and these verses from the Old Testament are important...but you are pulling them out of context.

It's about how to treat someone who wants to argue all the time. Stir up trouble and cause dissention. Just like all the antivaxxers are doing.

Being an antivaxxer is soon going to be like being against school closings. At one time it meant you "didn't want grandma to die", but now if you were for school closings you must hide in shame because of the damage you did.

Almost there on masks. Getting there on vaccines. Read and weep



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"Earlier this month, Scott McKay, a prominent QAnon conspiracy theorist known online as Patriot Streetfighter, spoke at a ReAwaken America tour stop in Phoenix, Arizona, where he declared war on health care providers whom he blamed for the recent death of fellow QAnon and anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist Cirsten Weldon. McKay declared that “World War IV” is underway and warned doctors and nurses that if they “have the courage to kill our people, you better have the courage to stand in a direct crosshairs of Patriot Streetfighter because this is now going to happen.”

I’m going to name names—show pictures where I can—these are the nurses, doctors involved in murdering these people, and I’m going to start pushing these people into the public eye -- This is war. It’s gonna get bloody, and I’m going to get ugly too; no less ugly than any 1776 preacher that dropped his Bible on the lectern, grabbed his muzzle loader or musket, and went out and put balls and bullets inside people and watched blood flow on a battlefield. That’s what they had to do. That’s the name of Christ.” “It’s an evil enemy,” McKay declared. “Any of the minions, including the doctors and nurses who were part of it—knowingly or unknowingly, that’s not for me to sort out—but they need to know what’s coming next." can try to minimize or discount this guy as some random isolated religious nut-bag -- but there are tons and tons of examples of right-wing Christian fundamentalists calling for doctors and nurses to be killed -- due to their belief that these doctors and nurses are murdering hundreds of thousands of people with the vaccine....So I applaud them for having the religious courage to bring up this simple fact -- if you believe the enemy is evil and that enemy is murdering you, your family and your friends -- shouldn't you kill them?? Isn't that just simple self defense??

I mean this argument goes back to people who felt the only way to protect unborn fetuses was by killing the abortion doctors and blowing up the abortion clinics -- why wouldn't they?? These doctors were murdering people daily; any true hero would go in guns blazing if they know behind that door; children were being murdered...why shouldn't the same be said about these vaccine nurses and doctors?? Blow up the places where they are giving these shots; put bullets in these nurses and doctors...let the blood flow on the Christ commands.....or whatever....As long as no muslim clerics in mosques starts to call for the murder of vaccine nurses and doctors because of their fundamentalist beliefs...because that would be terrorism talk....

Yeah, I don't think this is a place to ask what "true Christians" should do.

Being an antivaxxer is soon going to be like being against school closings. At one time it meant you "didn't want grandma to die", but now if you were for school closings you must hide in shame because of the damage you did.

Almost there on masks. Getting there on vaccines. Read and weep

Yeah...the number of vaxxed and boostered patients is almost even with the unvaccinated.
(Which is why I have always been against vaccine mandates)

My biggest beef is that people are fighting the wrong fight.

We actually have predictive modeling of the future variants of Covid. They got them down. The initial pandemic was caused by three variants but all were preventable by one vaccine...Beta and Delta were also easily stopped by the same vaccine.


That didn't mean that they were truly surprised like they claimed about omicron and omicron+ variant. And they knew that the current vaccines are worthless. But the baloney is that the current mRNA vaccine manufacturers wanted to already be in production of the vaccines they might begin to distribute this spring... LAST YEAR.

Others in the Virus Research Community were talking about it as well but a lot got drowned out by people still arguing about masks and whether they should get vaccinated and boostered or not. Not to mention that vaccine mandates really stoked those arguments.

So instead of discussing which variants are coming next and how to best prepare...we were stuck discussing vaccine mandates for a vaccine that won't be relevant this time next year. Nevermind the blizzards of Abstracts that were fraudulently written claiming nutter garbage.

If people would stop listening to politicians and political rhetoric we could actually end the pandemic. We could actually get to the new normal and move on.
But we seem to be stuck arguing until the stampede finishes trampling us to death while arguing over what to do about it.
No Christian in his right mind would murder anybody; that would be a total perversion of the religion, no matter what the case was. Christians aren't supposed to have any enemies they're not supposed to be fighting especially in wars, legitimate or not.
What makes anyone suppose that Christians are in their right mind?
After all they are still making excuses for Khazar Talmud reading President Truman killing almost all or all the Christians in the 2 biggest cities in East Asia. Such Christians support most all of USA's murderous wars since 1900.
And such "Christians" have been supporting the USA's efforts to murder the Mother of Christianity and Western Civilization, Syria for an anti-Christ Greater Khazaaria. Most Christian churches support the Sodom Gomorraization of North America, murdering millions of babies, even using those dead babies in food products. And their guilt goes way beyond this.
It is not so much stupid deluded blind order obeying nurses or even AMA controlled doctors that is the problem, but the utter trash in the heads of most politicians who made the makers of the depopulation covid drugs exempt from all liability for creating this whole Covid Craziness and mass killing drugs.
No one has time for all that. These days people are just trying to not get pushed into a subway car by a black guy, or stabbed at a furniture store by a black guy, or car jacked by a black guy, etc.
In your little world the only folks who are killing folks are black folks, it is amazing how you turn a blind eye when a white man murders someone.
What makes anyone suppose that Christians are in their right mind?
After all they are still making excuses for Khazar Talmud reading President Truman killing almost all or all the Christians in the 2 biggest cities in East Asia. Such Christians support most all of USA's murderous wars since 1900.
And such "Christians" have been supporting the USA's efforts to murder the Mother of Christianity and Western Civilization, Syria for an anti-Christ Greater Khazaaria. Most Christian churches support the Sodom Gomorraization of North America, murdering millions of babies, even using those dead babies in food products. And their guilt goes way beyond this.

You're a nut
What makes anyone suppose that Christians are in their right mind?
After all they are still making excuses for Khazar Talmud reading President Truman killing almost all or all the Christians in the 2 biggest cities in East Asia. Such Christians support most all of USA's murderous wars since 1900.
And such "Christians" have been supporting the USA's efforts to murder the Mother of Christianity and Western Civilization, Syria for an anti-Christ Greater Khazaaria. Most Christian churches support the Sodom Gomorraization of North America, murdering millions of babies, even using those dead babies in food products. And their guilt goes way beyond this.
You say weird shit. Keep in mind, I'm an atheist, so it has nothing to do with you bashing Christianity.

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