Gold Member
I consider it degenerate and terrible, I dont understand why it is left. But somehow the article says it is right wing if you think it is degenerate. Shouldnt leftism be about social justice, wealth distribution, anti-imperialist, anti oppression etc. I do get that somehow it is anti-oppression to be for rights of LGBTQ but for me that is somehow made up, not real, it is degeneracy as if you are against oppression of pedophiles or cannibals, that is not real, why is it left?
Transgender in Bundeswehr posaunt öffentlich: "Ich lasse mich gern vögeln in Darkrooms"
Hat die Transperson, die schon ein Bundeswehrauto mit einem Einhorn verzierte und Deutsches Heer der Lächerlichkeit preisgab, keine Scham?