Is it possible for American Blacks to see beyond skin color?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013

Yes....but I think it is very difficult and also highly unlikely.
Let's just draw up a few cursory observations while we're
looking at it shall we?

If, as some are foolishly wont to do we consider hispanics part of the white population ( check with LaRaza on that one for more details but I digress ) That leaves us with the general categories of approximately 13 percent black to 87 percent white and lets take five percentage points out for other nationalities and minorities.

Sooo we are left with portions of 13 percent to 82 percent. Of those two whole numbers the 82 percent is roughly divided about 50/50 between conservative and liberal. Of the 13 percent the split is about 95/5....hmmmm that's a pretty significant trend no?

What could possibly explain this? I know lefty likes to point out that Bill Clinton got 90 percent of the black vote...but why did he get it? Was it for his ideologies or was it the pressure of the leaders of the black community to vote democrat which brings us right back to the skin color issue again.

It was a day of Historical proportions to watch a country that once legalized black slavery ( among other kinds of slavery BTW ) to elect a man that was about half black ( he was/is white too remember? ) But who expected a race pimp to enter that august position? We're not talking about Frederick Douglass here... a real man, a real patriot, a genuine scholar. We are talking about the rise of a Rabble rousing anarchist with designs of transforming the nation into some kind of Collectivist borg state.

Sooo what explains the Unity of the black vote? Is it political philosophy or is it just that the black community will vote skin no matter the issue? Let's cut them some slack for the fight or flight syndrome that the left has utterly drowned them in so that they can't see anything but victimhood in their lives or in their future.

I think the answer is pretty obvious.

Oh and to be fair let's admit that there are a number of each skin color that also cannot see beyond that skin color and that ignorant bigots ( an ignorant bigot is an ignorant bigot...regardless of how he/she became that way ) will always comprise a certain percentage of the population.

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I agree and I do think that it will be a part of our future...

I had thought that we might see it in our lifetime but I guess that was too much to hope for.

But yes.....not only do I think that will happen I also happen to believe that it is inevitable as a part of our social evolution.

Knowledge and ignorance are like sponge and water.

Knowledge is contagious despite the dark motives of those who wish to use ignorance for their own gain.

Knowledge erases bigotry....that simple.

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