Is it OK to be white?

I don’t really care about all that trivial bullshit either…I really can’t give two-shits. I do however like to evaluate today’s reality / happenings and wonder how skin color makes people behave so differently….the behaviorial traits we see between those with different skin color is not exclusive to America….it’s a global thing.
Do you think melanin comes with genetic deficiencies?
Based on the data….What would an all white Chicago, Baltimore and or St Louis behave like?

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But the LOSER cries and cries when the fact of his spineless racism is rubbed in his un-American face.
Agian….you are hung up on this “invention” bullshit….NOBODY GIVES TWO FUCKS.
However, the invention thing does prove cultural / skin color advancement and ambition.

Stupid racist contradicts itself in just two sentences. ^^^^^
...ALL good, real, core Americans simply want to live among people who can articulate the English language, who are considerate, decent, clean, law abiding and positive contributing.

ALL of which leaves YOU out, loser.
Quite a informative video and you can see in the video that there are some black folks who say “no It’s not OK to be white”. And so this is a very issue that far left people and so many democrats never respond to.. they actually agree with it or they just let it go by without saying anything. Or they just post some picture of Donald Trump or Marjorie Green. This is why our country has problems because the types of blm racist people who think it’s not OK to be white are somehow in positions of power in America.

So how do we defeat racism? .. how do we actually stand up for racial equality in America? . It starts with respecting yourself, respecting American history, respecting African and European history it’s about mutual respect. So many democrats today and even some Republicans do not care about mutual respect… they are race baiters they are race agitators. So we need change we can believe in.

See the video below

we live in an upside down country with terrible leader ship. With no mutual respect that is why statues of white men have been removed but not statues of Black people or statues of tribesman who have owned slaves or have done or have been accused of doing the same exact things that white people of history have. So we need to get back to having mutual respect and equality in this country.

Thank you have a nice day. God Bless

WHAT is the matter with you? ZERO people have a choice about what color they are,
What could that have to do with the kind of person you are? Think about it for a while.

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