Is it no wonder why more and more Americans believe Trump rather than the MSM?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Impeachment Frenzy: TV Networks Blast Trump With 96% Negative News
Impeachment Frenzy: TV Networks Blast Trump With 96% Negative News

Thank you, you idiots that run these MSM operations!
All the increasing number of Americans that support Trump need is to see how this has done more to
discredit them and increase Americans that support Trump.

Keep it up folks as you are truly digging deeper holes!
One of President Trump's greatest accomplishment has been his outing of the Fake News.
Impeachment Frenzy: TV Networks Blast Trump With 96% Negative News
Impeachment Frenzy: TV Networks Blast Trump With 96% Negative News
View attachment 289468

Thank you, you idiots that run these MSM operations!
All the increasing number of Americans that support Trump need is to see how this has done more to
discredit them and increase Americans that support Trump.

Keep it up folks as you are truly digging deeper holes!
Not exactly an unbiased source. Their mission:
The Media Research Center is the only conservative organization that documents, exposes, and neutralizes liberal media bias 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Where is the positive side in this mess? Even Fox News is having difficulty maintaining Trump's innocence since he is incapable of shutting the fuck up.
REPORT: President Trump shot a man in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue today.

TARDS: The press is attacking our Emperor with negative news!

Here's an idea on how to stop getting so much negative press:

The truth is bribing a foreign government for a very personal favor to benefit you politically is one of the two named Impeachable offenses in the Constitution.

What on earth were the positive stories?
I don't believe Trump. I believe the news. Everything is looking good...certainly better than with Obama!
The truth is bribing a foreign government for a very personal favor to benefit you politically is one of the two named Impeachable offenses in the Constitution.

What on earth were the positive stories?
Look at that statement and find the witness that heard him bribe a foreign government for a personal favor. Not hearsay, not innuendo, actual witness that heard Trump say I will pay you this much for ...and hear what the paersonal favor was.
The truth is bribing a foreign government for a very personal favor to benefit you politically is one of the two named Impeachable offenses in the Constitution.

What on earth were the positive stories?
Someone has to 1) prove a bribe took place and what it was and 2)what personal benefit took place and how it benefited Trump. None of this, "I heard", "so and so told me he heard" and did the personal benefit take place on what date.
Impeachment Frenzy: TV Networks Blast Trump With 96% Negative News
Impeachment Frenzy: TV Networks Blast Trump With 96% Negative News
View attachment 289468

Thank you, you idiots that run these MSM operations!
All the increasing number of Americans that support Trump need is to see how this has done more to
discredit them and increase Americans that support Trump.

Keep it up folks as you are truly digging deeper holes!
The house is on fire, and you want the news to report that fire is a good thing
Trumps following has always been around 30 to 40 percent .. middle age, white, and uneducated.

he doesnt have a majority of americans that believe his horseshit.
Trumps following has always been around 30 to 40 percent .. middle age, white, and uneducated.

he doesnt have a majority of americans that believe his horseshit.

Funny, there are way more, black supporters of Trump, than there are trans people...

yet, you easily dismiss them, as though they don't count.
The truth is bribing a foreign government for a very personal favor to benefit you politically is one of the two named Impeachable offenses in the Constitution.

What on earth were the positive stories?
Look at that statement and find the witness that heard him bribe a foreign government for a personal favor. Not hearsay, not innuendo, actual witness that heard Trump say I will pay you this much for ...and hear what the paersonal favor was.

"....We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps. specifically we a·re almost. ready to buy more Javelins from ·_ the United· States for defense purposes ........I would like you to do us a favor though.......Crowdstrike....Server......The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son,. that Biden stopped the prosecution........."
Trumps following has always been around 30 to 40 percent .. middle age, white, and uneducated.

he doesnt have a majority of americans that believe his horseshit.
It's also hard to put the White Nationalism out of Nationalism once you let it in.

Never been a problem as long as this nation has existed.

No problem since McCarthy with immigrants in the military till Rump came along, either.[/QUOTE]
The truth is bribing a foreign government for a very personal favor to benefit you politically is one of the two named Impeachable offenses in the Constitution.

What on earth were the positive stories?
Someone has to 1) prove a bribe took place and what it was and 2)what personal benefit took place and how it benefited Trump. None of this, "I heard", "so and so told me he heard" and did the personal benefit take place on what date.

The thing of value to the Ukraine was mostly the anti-tank weapons we were withholding. The thing of value for Trumpybear they were hoping to achieve was a public announcement of investigations into the RNC and Donnies political enemies. The plotters didn't get what they wanted because they were not able to contain the whistle blowers compliant from becoming public and it all blew up in their faces. Like a hand grenade.
The truth is bribing a foreign government for a very personal favor to benefit you politically is one of the two named Impeachable offenses in the Constitution.

What on earth were the positive stories?
Someone has to 1) prove a bribe took place and what it was and 2)what personal benefit took place and how it benefited Trump. None of this, "I heard", "so and so told me he heard" and did the personal benefit take place on what date.

The thing of value to the Ukraine was mostly the anti-tank weapons we were withholding. The thing of value for Trumpybear they were hoping to achieve was a public announcement of investigations into the RNC and Donnies political enemies. The plotters didn't get what they wanted because they were not able to contain the whistle blowers compliant from becoming public and it all blew up in their faces. Like a hand grenade.
And that's why it's logically impossible to say no harm no foul. Because there was harm to Ukraine until the foul was called. The question is whether Trump get's ejected for a second technical foul or whether Schiff just gets three free throws.
Impeachment Frenzy: TV Networks Blast Trump With 96% Negative News
Impeachment Frenzy: TV Networks Blast Trump With 96% Negative News
View attachment 289468

Thank you, you idiots that run these MSM operations!
All the increasing number of Americans that support Trump need is to see how this has done more to
discredit them and increase Americans that support Trump.

Keep it up folks as you are truly digging deeper holes!
The house is on fire, and you want the news to report that fire is a good thing
You idiot! Journalists are NOT to be opinionated! Therefore any headline or 30 sec blurb should state facts not hyperbole, or exaggeration or fake!
Perfect example...
Just did a search on Google on "Trump anti-immigrant"...
71,800 results...
Now "Trump anti-illegal immigrant"..
619 results.
A) Trump married a legal immigrant so where do idiots come off thinking he is "anti-immigrant"? MSM biased reporting!
B) His grandmother was a "legal immigrant"... again you idiots still think he's anti-immigrant as the MSM obviously portrays!
This is why people continue to distrust the MSM and idiots like you still don't see how you are being lead like lemmings!

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