Is it dangerous for a girl to sleep around a lot?

It has its perils.

On one side of the spectrum you can get all kinds of STD's .....on the other side, you can become Vice-President of the USA.

Just ask Kamasutra Harris. :04:
Is that supposed to be an answer to my post? Clearly you cant deal with it or defend your mysogyny.
Yes. That was the answer. If you don't like it, or find it mysogynistic, too bad. I don't make the rules. I just explain them to dullards, whose mentors failed to do so. You're welcome. Any further sessions, and I'm gonna have to start charging you for life coaching sevices...
What wheel is it that I am trying to reinvent? I agree a woman sleeping around a lot, is going to be judged. The issue is, should she be judged by a different standard than a man engaging in the same behavior?

And that is clearly the wheel you are trying to reinvent. So that you can talk shit about it being ok for a woman to sleep around and pretend that she will NOT be judged, and that it won't have any negative consequences, when we both know it will.
What wheel is it that I am trying to reinvent? I agree a woman sleeping around a lot, is going to be judged. The issue is, should she be judged by a different standard than a man engaging in the same behavior?

For once I agree with you. At least on the point that there shouldn't be a double standard. In my view promiscuity is bad news either way, whether it's men or women. And contrary to what some people may think, there's nothing cool or admirable about it.
For once I agree with you. At least on the point that there shouldn't be a double standard. In my view promiscuity is bad news either way, whether it's men or women. And contrary to what some people may think, there's nothing cool or admirable about it.
I think it's amazing and I support it! And they did on the show Shameless too with Fiona.
I think it's amazing and I support it! And they did on the show Shameless too with Fiona.

For once I agree with you. At least on the point that there shouldn't be a double standard. In my view promiscuity is bad news either way, whether it's men or women. And contrary to what some people may think, there's nothing cool or admirable about it.
Well, I think that people should live how they want and determine their own morality to the extent that they do it reponsibly, are honest about it, and no not intentionally harm anyone.

Ethical Non Monogamy is a thing

There are numerous different ways to practice ethical non-monogamy, all of which involve open communication between all parties involved. Ethical non-monogamy (ENM) is the practice of taking part in romantic relationships that are not completely exclusive between two people.

As is polyamory which involves being in a committed relationship with more than one person.

I don't think that the human species is hard wired to be monogamous. There seems to be a disconnect between our desire to pair bond and our ability to be sexually exclusive.

We have been conditioned to believe that being in a committed relationship requires monogamy but many people fail to live up to that expectation. As a result, many relationships that could have been viable long term have been destroyed. People just freak out over "infidelity" and make life changing decisions in a heart beat over it.

I say, if you consider sexual adventurism " cheating," change the rules. Easier than changing that wonderlust. We should stop using pejorative terms like "promiscuous" and "sleeping around" and embrace nonmonagamy and polyamory as fall back terms
I used to be a member of and bluelight. Though I agree with those liberal sites they were too strict on free speech.

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