Is it cool for a five time draft dodger to talk to military families about their sacrifice?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
How is it not a spit in the eye?

He never sacrificed, and he passed tax cuts for himself and other billionaires while those families who sacrificed will have to foot the bill.

Is that because billionaires are special and deserve to be protected above all others?

How do you explain it?
Not really, but this is the US and politicians do that kinda shit all.the time.
You'd be surprised how many felt the same about Clinton, Biden, REMF Gore, and many others in your party when they did the same.

on second thought, you wouldn't be surprised.

but you'd ignore it, just like you did when they were in office.
How is it not a spit in the eye?

He never sacrificed, and he passed tax cuts for himself and other billionaires while those families who sacrificed will have to foot the bill.

Is that because billionaires are special and deserve to be protected above all others?

How do you explain it?
and if he would not have said anything because he feels like hypocrite,you would have jumped on him for are like the constant complainers who call the PO everyday whining about everything.....after a while they get put on hold....your same old shit whining is like that.....
He's the President, I'm all for it.

The level of hatred just gets uglier every day. Bad enough during Obama, and we're just continuing to sink.

I don't know how folks make it through a day like this.
it will be even worse for the next person....
He's the President, I'm all for it. The level of hatred just gets uglier every day. Bad enough during Obama, and we're just continuing to sink. I don't know how folks make it through a day like this.
it will be even worse for the next person....
Sad but true. As long as the crazies are in control, we'll keep sinking.
Trump is the Commander in Chief. He is supposed to address the families and friends of those who lost loved ones in service to the country while wearing the countries uniform. Doesn't matter if he is a jerk or not. It is his job to show respect as the CiC.
I suppose I missed your threads on Clinton and Obama doing the very same... speechifying to the military and their families though they themselves never served... and Clinton was himself a draft dodger...

I don't like Trump any more than you do, but he is the President and this is what presidents do on these occasions.

With you, and others, he was damned if he did and damned if he didn't.
How is it not a spit in the eye?

He never sacrificed, and he passed tax cuts for himself and other billionaires while those families who sacrificed will have to foot the bill.

Is that because billionaires are special and deserve to be protected above all others?

How do you explain it?
and if he would not have said anything because he feels like hypocrite,you would have jumped on him for are like the constant complainers who call the PO everyday whining about everything.....after a while they get put on hold....your same old shit whining is like that.....

More Fake News Lies from Repubtards!!!

It's the tax evading wealthy & businesses who whine about everything calling the police 5+ times a day on working class tax paying Americans.

The average local Walmart or McDonald's restaurant doesn't pay property taxes that fund police, but they call the police 5 times a day, while the average citizen pays property taxes & calls the police once every 5 years!!!

Trump & his minions have round the clock tax payer funded police protection! The private security protecting the top .1%, all their assets, properties & their $20 million mansions you are not allowed to see, were all trained by the tax payers.
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How is it not a spit in the eye?

He never sacrificed, and he passed tax cuts for himself and other billionaires while those families who sacrificed will have to foot the bill.

Is that because billionaires are special and deserve to be protected above all others?

How do you explain it?

You first shit-for-brains.
Most of the front line individuals in the military now are there NOT because of a draft so it's not particularly relevant. The people in the military chose to be there and they are there. Trump chose to not be there and he isn't there.
LBJ was not Black but was a voice for Civil Rights. Should we have ignored him since he had no personal experience? JFK was not a pilot, nor a scientist. Yet he directed our Space efforts from beyond the grave.

I was in the Army when Clinton was President. I had joined before Bush and was still in when Clinton stepped into the Presidency. He was the Commander in Chief. His orders were binding. Just as President Bush’s orders were binding. We do not require that a President has served to make him the Commander in Chief.

On that note. It is that simple fact that has always bothered me regarding Carter. People blame him for the Desert One failure. We do not select our Presidents based upon their ability to plan military operations. Carter did not plan it. The Generals planned it, and Carter approved the plan. If he had shot it down, or modified it, then people would have been outraged that Carter had tried to micromanage the Military.

Desert One was a terrible plan. Too complicated. Too many fingers in the pie. The Generals who all wanted a piece of the historic operation deserve the blame. Carters mistake was in trusting the Generals, a lesson he learned too late.

If we are going to have Military Experience as a qualifier, that is fine with me. But if you make the rule with Trump, you don’t get to throw it out when you nominate a candidate in 2020.
How is it not a spit in the eye?

He never sacrificed, and he passed tax cuts for himself and other billionaires while those families who sacrificed will have to foot the bill.

Is that because billionaires are special and deserve to be protected above all others?

How do you explain it?

The military appreciates Trump's approach to Commander in Chief, unlike the relationship they shared with Obama.
Trump is even more despicable on talking on Memorial Day as president than Bill Clinton.

The officer corps despises Trump, and less than 45% of the NCO and enlisted ranks like him.
How is it not a spit in the eye?

He never sacrificed, and he passed tax cuts for himself and other billionaires while those families who sacrificed will have to foot the bill.

Is that because billionaires are special and deserve to be protected above all others?

How do you explain it?
and if he would not have said anything because he feels like hypocrite,you would have jumped on him for are like the constant complainers who call the PO everyday whining about everything.....after a while they get put on hold....your same old shit whining is like that.....

More Fake News Lies from Repubtards!!!

It's the tax evading wealthy & businesses who whine about everything calling the police 5+ times a day on working class tax paying Americans.

The average local Walmart or McDonald's restaurant doesn't pay property taxes that fund police, but they call the police 5 times a day, while the average citizen pays property taxes & calls the police once every 5 years!!!

Trump & his minions have round the clock tax payer funded police protection! The private security protecting the top .1%, all their assets, properties & their $20 million mansions you are not allowed to see, were all trained by the tax payers.
whatever that has to do with what i said....

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