Is it an Employer's Right to Discriminate?

Listen, guy, I talk to the owner of my company almost daily. This is because I'm the head of HR in a branch operation and we are well aware of the rules set in place and how they are applied when it comes to employment. I don't really give a shit if you want to act like a victim because the fed says you can't discriminate against *******. If you want to change the federally protected status that we ALL must observe, including those observed and protected by the state you do business in, then you might want to brush up on more than letting your pussy bleed all over the carpet.

I'm writing this from personal experience, guy. We don't get bogged down by discrimination accusations just because you want to cry about white people not being able to hire only white people.

Go start yourself another bait shop and pretend that your business owner status impresses someone else, guy, because I'm laughing at you right now.

You just dont want to hear the truth and inst4ead twist what I said.

As for youi being is a chance to prove it...

What are satutory costs? What is included in them and what would you say they are per capita?

I already know the truth, guy. You are certainly no expert by evidence of your posts thus far.

as far as proving something to you? :rofl: save it for your next bait shop, guy. what I'm certainly not in the business of is leaping through hoops in order to impress you.

true story.


So now we all know......Shogun will lie to make beleive he is an expert on a topic.

OK liar....time to learn...

Statutory costs refer to the cost of employment......includes payroll tax matching, insurances, health cpverage when applicable....bonuses....etc.

Usually anywhere from 18% to 25% of the base salary....can be as much as 35%....DEPENDING ON THE STATE PAYROLL TAX.
I think you stretch the truth quite a bit.

what a tangled web we weave...

I know...the thought of a black man being a conservative repulses you.

I thank my parents for not falliung back on the race crutch...and not letting me do the same.

And those statutoiry costs?

Not at all.. but it makes me laugh when people obviously pretend to be more than they are in order to scrape together validation of their opinion.

Now, maybe you can put a little more effort into spelling STATUTORY costs without running to google dot com...
Listen, guy, I talk to the owner of my company almost daily. This is because I'm the head of HR in a branch operation and we are well aware of the rules set in place and how they are applied when it comes to employment. I don't really give a shit if you want to act like a victim because the fed says you can't discriminate against *******. If you want to change the federally protected status that we ALL must observe, including those observed and protected by the state you do business in, then you might want to brush up on more than letting your pussy bleed all over the carpet.

I'm writing this from personal experience, guy. We don't get bogged down by discrimination accusations just because you want to cry about white people not being able to hire only white people.

Go start yourself another bait shop and pretend that your business owner status impresses someone else, guy, because I'm laughing at you right now.

I'm wondering if the owner of your company knows you place posts of message boards referring to black people as 'N's'........if not, are you brave enough to do in the real world what you do anonymously in cyberspace.

Anyone in HR is aware that the company is responsible for what is said from a company computer....and that use of that word could result in a mulktitude of negative ramifications.

He is probably some unemployed hack that wishes he were black so he could claim dicrimination for his plight.

what the hell is a MULKITUTE?


by all means, holmes.. if you want to do some internet sleuthing be my guest.


DICRIMINATION? what the fuck is that? The funniest thing about your sad little tangent here is that we both know that i'm right about every post i've added to this thread while your sole reaction is to cry foul and talk shit... actions which you are not even all that great at. So, until you get your new bait shop off the ground go ahead and cry foul about state and federal laws which apply to you since, again, we BOTH know that you know a sum total of two things about this topic: jack and shit.
Listen, guy, I talk to the owner of my company almost daily. This is because I'm the head of HR in a branch operation and we are well aware of the rules set in place and how they are applied when it comes to employment. I don't really give a shit if you want to act like a victim because the fed says you can't discriminate against *******. If you want to change the federally protected status that we ALL must observe, including those observed and protected by the state you do business in, then you might want to brush up on more than letting your pussy bleed all over the carpet.

I'm writing this from personal experience, guy. We don't get bogged down by discrimination accusations just because you want to cry about white people not being able to hire only white people.

Go start yourself another bait shop and pretend that your business owner status impresses someone else, guy, because I'm laughing at you right now.

I'm wondering if the owner of your company knows you place posts of message boards referring to black people as 'N's'........if not, are you brave enough to do in the real world what you do anonymously in cyberspace.

Anyone in HR is aware that the company is responsible for what is said from a company computer....and that use of that word could result in a mulktitude of negative ramifications.

He is probably some unemployed hack that wishes he were black so he could claim dicrimination for his plight.

I wish he were to so he could discover just how wrong he
still waiting for those statutiory costs.....anyone in HR can call them out immediately....


but not everyone in HR feels compelled to leap when you say jump. I guess you are used to lording over the minnow handlers from back in your golden years at the bait shop..


Now it is quite obvious you are looking them up.
But you will noyt FIND THE LAST PART OF THE QUESTION....nowhere to be found on the internet.
SO of course you will say you had to get back to work.

and that, folks, is another example of the outright paranoia that we've seen in this joker's posts.

NOYT? what the fuck IS that?

I'm wondering if the owner of your company knows you place posts of message boards referring to black people as 'N's'........if not, are you brave enough to do in the real world what you do anonymously in cyberspace.

Anyone in HR is aware that the company is responsible for what is said from a company computer....and that use of that word could result in a mulktitude of negative ramifications.

He is probably some unemployed hack that wishes he were black so he could claim dicrimination for his plight.

what the hell is a MULKITUTE?


by all means, holmes.. if you want to do some internet sleuthing be my guest.


DICRIMINATION? what the fuck is that? The funniest thing about your sad little tangent here is that we both know that i'm right about every post i've added to this thread while your sole reaction is to cry foul and talk shit... actions which you are not even all that great at. So, until you get your new bait shop off the ground go ahead and cry foul about state and federal laws which apply to you since, again, we BOTH know that you know a sum total of two things about this topic: jack and shit.
He's prolly trying to talk in Negro dialect to boost his cred.
You just dont want to hear the truth and inst4ead twist what I said.

As for youi being is a chance to prove it...

What are satutory costs? What is included in them and what would you say they are per capita?

I already know the truth, guy. You are certainly no expert by evidence of your posts thus far.

as far as proving something to you? :rofl: save it for your next bait shop, guy. what I'm certainly not in the business of is leaping through hoops in order to impress you.

true story.


So now we all know......Shogun will lie to make beleive he is an expert on a topic.

OK liar....time to learn...

Statutory costs refer to the cost of employment......includes payroll tax matching, insurances, health cpverage when applicable....bonuses....etc.

Usually anywhere from 18% to 25% of the base salary....can be as much as 35%....DEPENDING ON THE STATE PAYROLL TAX.

...says the jewish, er BLACK guy, er.. what are you supposed to be today? Oh yea... CEO.


Trust me, it's no sweat off of my balls that you think i'm not in HR. Hell, given what you have been posting of your thoughts in this thread thus far it's really a lesson in hilarity that you still think you are considered an expert at employment. Quoting Human Resources for Dummies isn't helping your case. Indeed, it only clarifies what kind of a dumb ass you are.

Now, where in your HR for Dummies book does it tell you how to command answers from people over the internet while winning spelling bees?
I'm wondering if the owner of your company knows you place posts of message boards referring to black people as 'N's'........if not, are you brave enough to do in the real world what you do anonymously in cyberspace.

Anyone in HR is aware that the company is responsible for what is said from a company computer....and that use of that word could result in a mulktitude of negative ramifications.

He is probably some unemployed hack that wishes he were black so he could claim dicrimination for his plight.

I wish he were to so he could discover just how wrong he

wishes don't impress hiring managers, duder.. come on.. get your sleuth on and go tell on me. GET EM, BOBBY!


enjoy, victim.

Types of Discrimination

From your link:

Possible Dismissal Prior To Investigation

If a charge appears to have little chance of success, or if it is something that we don’t have the authority to investigate, we may dismiss the charge without doing an investigation. We also do not offer mediation in such cases.

How we investigate a charge depends on the facts of the case and the kinds of information we need to gather. In some cases, we visit the employer to hold interviews and gather documents. In other cases, we interview witnesses over the phone and ask for documents by mail. After we finish our investigation, we will let you and the employer know the result.
How long the investigation takes depends on a lot of different things, including the amount of information that needs to be gathered and analyzed. It took us – on average – nearly 6 months to investigate a charge in 2004. We are often able to settle a charge faster through mediation (usually in less than 3 months).

Yeah, that sounds like all you need to do is claim Old and Tired called you a ****** and you own his ass for life.

And that is exactly what they want to have happen.

They want you to be afraid to hire the white christian man at any cost.



discrimination against someone because of their religion IS COVERED and part of this same law!?????

I for one, as a female working in a man's field have been grateful for the anti discrimination laws being in place which allowed me to be hired and advance on my own merits instead of being turned down for the job at the door.

All the while, some other gentleman was turned down at the door.

If, and I am not saying you did, you got your job based on AA then you did not get your job on your own merits.

Also, Care, it is impossible for a white christian male to claim he was discriminated against even if he was not hired because the company needed to hire a woman to keep from being sued.


What does Christian male have to do with it immie? WHY do you keep saying Christian males when religion and gender IS PROTECTED?

And utter bullcrap that I was ever hired on the grounds of me simply being a female and me getting a job over ANY MALE because of me being a female....I got my jobs and promotions because I was given the opportunity TO PROVE MYSELF and being BETTER and more qualified at the job than any other worker, INCLUDING blacks, hispanics, or white christian MALES.
Anyone in HR is aware that the company is responsible for what is said from a company computer....and that use of that word could result in a mulktitude of negative ramifications.

He is probably some unemployed hack that wishes he were black so he could claim dicrimination for his plight.

I wish he were to so he could discover just how wrong he

wishes don't impress hiring managers, duder.. come on.. get your sleuth on and go tell on me. GET EM, BOBBY!


Does anyone else find it disconcerting that the biggest jackass regarding politically correct speech when it comes to Republicans is ALWAYS the first one to jump in and talk like Mammy?

Waz up wi' dat, Rav?

discrimination against someone because of their religion IS COVERED and part of this same law!?????

I for one, as a female working in a man's field have been grateful for the anti discrimination laws being in place which allowed me to be hired and advance on my own merits instead of being turned down for the job at the door.

All the while, some other gentleman was turned down at the door.

If, and I am not saying you did, you got your job based on AA then you did not get your job on your own merits.

Also, Care, it is impossible for a white christian male to claim he was discriminated against even if he was not hired because the company needed to hire a woman to keep from being sued.


What does Christian male have to do with it immie? WHY do you keep saying Christian males when religion and gender IS PROTECTED?

And utter bullcrap that I was ever hired on the grounds of me simply being a female and me getting a job over ANY MALE because of me being a female....I got my jobs and promotions because I was given the opportunity TO PROVE MYSELF and being BETTER and more qualified at the job than any other worker, INCLUDING blacks, hispanics, or white christian MALES.

Do you know what "IF" means? Do you need a dictionary?

Religion is only protected when it is a minority religion.

Gender is only protected when it is of the so-called "weaker" sex.

It is often been said that conservatives are sexest because they believe in the traditional family of mom stay at home and father go to work. I don't really agree with that but, for argument sake, lets assume this is true. Isn't it someone's right to believe as they do and isn't it someone's personal choice as to what they think is right for their own life without having the PC police telling them otherwise. The next statement liberals make is that this violates someone's rights but how is this true when most conservatives who believe in this "lifestyle choice" usually do not seek laws mandating that to happen which allows a person to execute their personal choice as they see fit over their own lives regardless if that choice is deemed morally right or wrong by others.

The claim that someone's choice of how they want to live their life somehow violates your own choice to live your life differently such as not believing a woman's place is in her home is absurd because it is impossible for someone's independent will to violate your own will of how you should live your own life.

Now I suppose it can be argued that an employer who will not hire a woman because he believes women should stay home and raise kids violates a person's own belief that they shouldn't so the remedy is a law that forces the employers to hire that woman which violates his rights to conduct his life as he wishes.

I ask, at this point, who's rights are being violated by the law? Is it the woman's or is it the employers right to decide how they want to live their life (albeit for reasons most people don't agree with). It can be argued that, without the law, that the woman's rights are being violated but were her rights being violated by any action of the law?

This is where the real root of freedom exists and that is in the absence of law and if you think that the employers has to give up his freedom to be evil then every evil thing that people can do, such as adultry, has to be made illegal. It can be done for the same reason that the woman says it is her right to be treated fairly by an employer and that is it is her right to have a non-cheating husband so now adultry is a crime just like every other evil is which is another loss of freedom because someone believed they had a right over the behaviors of others.


I've always refused to hire fags. They're too faggotty. Not to mention they have diseases, and do weird things to each other.
I've always refused to hire fags. They're too faggotty. Not to mention they have diseases, and do weird things to each other.

Hetrosexuals have even more disceases and do stranger things to eachother.. Did you really think blow up dolls were for homosexuals?? Of course not!! They are for homophobes such as yourself.. Might I suggest a good lube for your rubber friend there??

I've always refused to hire fags. They're too faggotty. Not to mention they have diseases, and do weird things to each other.

Hetrosexuals have even more disceases and do stranger things to eachother.. Did you really think blow up dolls were for homosexuals?? Of course not!! They are for homophobes such as yourself.. Might I suggest a good lube for your rubber friend there??


lol...... Not to mention if you are at a larger company which self insures or covers much of the cost yourself, gays(men) don't live as long(45 year expectancy on average). That means they will be in the more expensive end of life care before they retire and it will be on your dime. A good reason not to hire one.
Employers do have a right to discriminate and do so all the time.

They're just not allowed to (legally) discriminate based on race, gender, religion, and I think one or two more.

But they can certainly discriminate based on intelligence, personality, relocation, and even your favorite sports team or rock band.

And employers can and should discriminate based on how fuckin' stupid a candidate is.

take a look around here.

99% of the posters here shouldn't be allowed to carry a bucket of shit without a supervisor in tow. I'd consider it an act of compassion to keep them out of the work place.

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