Hillary Was Right!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
'WASHINGTON - The top official in charge of analyzing terror threats did not cut short his ski vacation after the underwear bomber nearly blew up an airliner on Christmas Day, the Daily News has learned.

Michael Leiter, director of the National Counterterrorism Center since 2007, decided not to return to his agency's "bat cave" nerve center in McLean, Va., until several days after Christmas, two U.S. officials said.

"People have been grumbling that he didn't let a little terrorism interrupt his vacation," said one of the sources.'

Read more: NCTC director Michael Leiter remained on ski slopes after Christmas Day airline bombing attempt

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Wow, who'd a thought Hillary was prescient.
The worst part is that Obama didn't even take time off of his chistmas break to make a statement yet he could stop to oversee the healthcare bill.
The worst part is that Obama didn't even take time off of his chistmas break to make a statement yet he could stop to oversee the healthcare bill.

President Obama could have saved so much time by breaking out one of his old speeches, and saying

"I don’t know – not having been there and not seeing all the facts – what role terrorism played in that, but I think it’s fair to say, number one, any of us would be pretty angry; number two that he Homeland Security police acted stupidly ..."
The President Golfs his way through the recent Terrorist attack and one of his minions refuses to leave the slopes during it. Yea we feel real safe. Yikes! My Gawd,imagine if these creeps had R's in front of their names? What would the Liberal Press being saying right now? I'm pretty sure the word 'Impeachment' would be coming up a lot today. Oh well these creeps have D's in front of their names so all is well i guess. What a scam. :(
Bush took 6 days to say anything about Richard Reid the shoe bomber.
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This President and his minions refused to interrupt their Vacations while the Terrorists attacked us. That should bother all Americans no matter what political affiliation you have. Seriously,could you imagine the Liberal Media reaction if these creeps had R's in front of their names instead of D's? You really would be hearing that 'Impeachment' word a lot today. I can see the pompous & hateful Moveon.org ads now. No one feels safe at this point and they probably shouldn't. Pretty dark days are ahead for this nation unfortunately. God Bless.
There is a real obvious hypocracy in everything this current republican base says.

They will just refuse to admitt it, just like they refuse the facts at every turn
The worst part is that Obama didn't even take time off of his chistmas break to make a statement yet he could stop to oversee the healthcare bill.
It took Obama half as long to respond as it took Bush, but you know that.

But, didn't you object to President Bush?

And now, he is the reason that absolves anything President Obama does?

Curiouser and curiouser.
How long will it take for Moveon.org and the Liberal Press to start calling for this guy's Impeachment? Golfing and Skiing their way through Terrorist attacks? Yikes! Oh that's right,he doesn't have an 'R' by his name so all is well i guess. What a bunch of disingenuous hypocrites.
The worst part is that Obama didn't even take time off of his chistmas break to make a statement yet he could stop to oversee the healthcare bill.
It took Obama half as long to respond as it took Bush, but you know that.

But, didn't you object to President Bush?

And now, he is the reason that absolves anything President Obama does?

Curiouser and curiouser.

I know I didn't object to how Bush handled the shoe bomber incident. Did you?
How long will it take for Moveon.org and the Liberal Press to start calling for this guy's Impeachment? Golfing and Skiing their way through Terrorist attacks? Yikes! Oh that's right,he doesn't have an 'R' by his name so all is well i guess. What a bunch of disingenuous hypocrites.

"How long will it take for Moveon.org and the Liberal Press to start calling for this guy's Impeachment?"

I think the geologic time scale refers to eras and epochs.

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