Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?

Is that the only authority you'll believe?

PP acolytes only believe what is fed to them by PP propagandists.

I reckon porn acolytes only believe what is fed to them by the porn industry PR men.
Is that a yes or a no? Do you or do you not speak for the porn industry?
I typically don't answer nonsensical questions that serve no purpose except to illustrate the idiocy of the person asking the question.
Yes or no? Do you or do you not speak for the porn industry?

You can't make statements like and I quote... "there are no women in the porn industry who aren't being abused and exploited" if you don't speak even for ONE OF THE WOMEN IN THE PORN INDUSTRY. Who the HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?

Here's a weird question: why is it legal/OK for someone to pay Bill and Mary to have sex on camera in order to sell porn videos - they even file tax returns as sex workers - but it is illegal for Bill to pay Mary directly to have sex, that's prostitution?

Is a woman doing what is illegal a form of abuse?

The reason prostitution is illegal, is the morality police are a bunch of authoritarians jerks that need to get out of everyone else's business. We're supposed to be this free country.. but that's a myth. We live under the soft tyranny of the democrat/republican two headed snake.

Have you bothered to read any of the psychiatric reports on legal prostitution and how it is not in the prostitutes best interest in most cases?

If you did, you would not be so cavalier with the mental health of prostitutes.

As to your last. You, like all of us are owned by your oligarch owner. Be you democrat or republican, your owner does not care as he owns them all.

Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?

These scholars and experts are at the forefront of this research. Apologies but you will have to listen to at least one of these clips to get what this O.P. is all about.

Is it possible that in sexual matters, the right wing conservatives might be ahead of the left wing in their thinking?

If not, then what should the left do to help us save our children from the indoctrination via internet porn into unhealthy and unwanted sexual habits? Or have them not be able to perform without porn?

I consider myself left wing but I think we may be going a tad far and should move to the right on this issue due to things like you saw in the clips above as well as what is shown in this clip below.

At one time, parents would have closed any shop that gave access to the young to porn. Yet today, parents do not seem to care and as more and more young children get cell phones, parental prohibition will be impossible.

Have parents forgotten how to parent and are men and women willing to allow the status quo to ruin the sexuality of the next generation?

"Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime." - Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart

To date, I have lived by the above quote. I do not lack confidence in our adult population but see this issue as more of a medical one and I am willing to censure for our children's sake.

Some Eastern countries have used censorship to gain control of what their children can access. Should the West do the same?

Are our children worth it?


I think education is the key here. If you teach kids how to be decent parents, have kids learn to think for themselves and make judgements on what is right and wrong at an early age, by the time they're parents they'll already have a clear idea of how they want to be as parents.

Absolutely. But have you seen what we are presently producing and what makes you think this generation of parents can or want to do better than the last?

That aside.

Education is good but would likely only help 1/2 of the 50% who are presently harmed by internet porn. Boys will be boys after all.

Are we to ignore the other half or just cure them after they have screwed up a few years of their lives?

Is that a yes or a no? Do you or do you not speak for the porn industry?
I typically don't answer nonsensical questions that serve no purpose except to illustrate the idiocy of the person asking the question.
Yes or no? Do you or do you not speak for the porn industry?

You can't make statements like and I quote... "there are no women in the porn industry who aren't being abused and exploited" if you don't speak even for ONE OF THE WOMEN IN THE PORN INDUSTRY. Who the HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?

Here's a weird question: why is it legal/OK for someone to pay Bill and Mary to have sex on camera in order to sell porn videos - they even file tax returns as sex workers - but it is illegal for Bill to pay Mary directly to have sex, that's prostitution?

Is a woman doing what is illegal a form of abuse?

The reason prostitution is illegal, is the morality police are a bunch of authoritarians jerks that need to get out of everyone else's business. We're supposed to be this free country.. but that's a myth. We live under the soft tyranny of the democrat/republican two headed snake.
Hyperbolic nonsense.

Although inalienable, our rights are not absolute, and subject to reasonable restrictions by government. (See, e.g., DC v. Heller)

We are a free country, it is not a 'myth,' and our legal process is designed to create a Constitutional balance between freedom to and freedom from, where laws and regulatory measures must be rational, fact-based, and pursue a proper legislative end.

For your files buddy.

This study call the U.S. an oligarchy.

Most countries are and the U.S. is not above that.

Study: US is an oligarchy, not a democracy - BBC News

Is that a yes or a no? Do you or do you not speak for the porn industry?
I typically don't answer nonsensical questions that serve no purpose except to illustrate the idiocy of the person asking the question.
Yes or no? Do you or do you not speak for the porn industry?

You can't make statements like and I quote... "there are no women in the porn industry who aren't being abused and exploited" if you don't speak even for ONE OF THE WOMEN IN THE PORN INDUSTRY. Who the HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?

Here's a weird question: why is it legal/OK for someone to pay Bill and Mary to have sex on camera in order to sell porn videos - they even file tax returns as sex workers - but it is illegal for Bill to pay Mary directly to have sex, that's prostitution?

Is a woman doing what is illegal a form of abuse?

The reason prostitution is illegal, is the morality police are a bunch of authoritarians jerks that need to get out of everyone else's business. We're supposed to be this free country.. but that's a myth. We live under the soft tyranny of the democrat/republican two headed snake.

Have you bothered to read any of the psychiatric reports on legal prostitution and how it is not in the prostitutes best interest in most cases?

If you did, you would not be so cavalier with the mental health of prostitutes.

As to your last. You, like all of us are owned by your oligarch owner. Be you democrat or republican, your owner does not care as he owns them all.

Have you not bothered to read any of the psychiatric reports on working and how it is not in the workers best interest in most cases?

If you did, you would not be so cavalier with the mental health of workers.

As to your last... You, like all of us, are owned by your twisted logic. Be you democrat or republican, your twisted logic does not care as it makes you think you have all the answers for everyone and everyone must bow to your world view.
Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?

These scholars and experts are at the forefront of this research. Apologies but you will have to listen to at least one of these clips to get what this O.P. is all about.

Is it possible that in sexual matters, the right wing conservatives might be ahead of the left wing in their thinking?

If not, then what should the left do to help us save our children from the indoctrination via internet porn into unhealthy and unwanted sexual habits? Or have them not be able to perform without porn?

I consider myself left wing but I think we may be going a tad far and should move to the right on this issue due to things like you saw in the clips above as well as what is shown in this clip below.

At one time, parents would have closed any shop that gave access to the young to porn. Yet today, parents do not seem to care and as more and more young children get cell phones, parental prohibition will be impossible.

Have parents forgotten how to parent and are men and women willing to allow the status quo to ruin the sexuality of the next generation?

"Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime." - Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart

To date, I have lived by the above quote. I do not lack confidence in our adult population but see this issue as more of a medical one and I am willing to censure for our children's sake.

Some Eastern countries have used censorship to gain control of what their children can access. Should the West do the same?

Are our children worth it?


Porn is addictive. Porn is very lucrative. That is a bad combination to fight against.

There is no profit in suggesting that porn be controlled.

The Constitution prohibits it's restraint. This, the third pillar of strength that porn enjoys is by far the most powerful to go up against.

There was no way for the founders to envision this far into the future when constructing our guidelines as a nation. There was no such thing as porn. The camera had not yet been invented. All images were hand drawn.

The main thing that makes porn the insidious evil it is that it is based on natural urges. Hormones that rage in post pubescent youths drive the sex urges. Our laws prohibit the natural expression of those urges so we by protecting our young people from the consequences of sexual activity drive the curious underground. These young people must keep their urges and involvement in viewing sexual activity a secret. These secretive habits follow them on through their latter years still urged on by hormonal drives.

The question is how to alter a natural human desire without the conflicts that would come up legally with the constitution as it is now written.

The answer is you can't. Freedom of speech was obviously intended in the political sense as "porn" wasn't even considered by the forefathers. If they could have had a crystal ball and seen into the future the First Amendment would have addressed more specifically it's intent.

It would take a constitutional amendment to extract porn from the freedom of speech protection it now enjoys. I don't see that happening. Porn is here to stay and it will get worse. As it creeps steadily into the mainstream our so-called-culture is doomed.

Prostitution in most of the U.S. is illegal yet put a camera there and pay for sex and it somehow becomes legal.

This shows clearly that your constitution and laws are poorly written and yes, if a country continues to live under poorly written laws, it is bound to fail just as the U.S. is now failing.

I wish the U.S. citizens would come out of their mental funk and smarten up so that they can save their country and revive the dead American Dream.

Please see that link just above shows truth as it states that the U.S. is now an oligarchy.

There is nothing positive about prostitution. Most often it involves victimization the prostitute and sometimes also the john. STDs, robbery, murder, and exploitation of vulnerable, desperate women are closely associated with it. Also paying someone for sex seems sad.

Sad indeed and illegal in most states until you put a camera there and call it porn.

Rather hypocritical. No?

There is nothing positive about prostitution. Most often it involves victimization the prostitute and sometimes also the john. STDs, robbery, murder, and exploitation of vulnerable, desperate women are closely associated with it. Also paying someone for sex seems sad.
No one says there is.

But it will never go away.

And governments are clearly doing a poor job of 'managing' prostitution by criminalizing it.

I am partially in agreement but if you read some of the reports from countries that have legalized prostitution, you will note that prostitutes still get the short end.

People selling is bad business. They used to call that slavery.

I do not believe in making prostitution illegal as that would just abuse women that are already being abused but full legalization does not seem to serve women well either.

The problem is that no man would wants his daughter to be a prostitute yet those same men are quite willing to pay to abuse some other man's daughter.

If porn is produced in a mainstream environment where exploitation and victimization is minimized, it is better than prostitution. But it still would have its addictive effect on its viewers where they learn to dehumanizing the objects of their sexual desire.

Making porn illegal ... main problem is that porn is hard to define. Should we make all the prime time TV shows illegal? They are pornographic.

Porn is not that hard to define. We all know what titillation is as compared to porn. Even if some do not, experts are around to help us define it rather exactly.

If porn is produced in a mainstream environment where exploitation and victimization is minimized, it is better than prostitution. But it still would have its addictive effect on its viewers where they learn to dehumanizing the objects of their sexual desire.

Making porn illegal ... main problem is that porn is hard to define. Should we make all the prime time TV shows illegal? They are pornographic.

Porn is not that hard to define. We all know what titillation is as compared to porn. Even if some do not, experts are around to help us define it rather exactly.

Nonsense. The line between what is titillation and what is porn is entirely subjective. Give the authoritarians and inch and they'll have every woman in America wearing a burka.
Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?
... DL

Yes... Internet porn is an endless train of ever increasing degrees of degeneracy... .

Thus as the individual witnesses one level, its senses become saturated and must move to the next level to become aroused. Repeat and wipe until eventually it ends up in the kiddy porn... or the snuff-films and inevitably it can find no satisfaction in the mere viewing of such material and must extend itself into the actual act.

Some people find the strength of character to stop the obsession and some do not. For them... there is only death.

Now, the question becomes: Do you have a right to subject others to such. The answer to which is an emphatic NO.

There is no right to injure another and there is no pornography that does not injure those who have participated in the creation, distribution and viewing of such.

Well put.

How do we improve the system when so many are against censorship and do nor care about the harm to society?

What do you have that we can go viral with that people will actually get behind and push?

Even countries that have legalized prostitution there is still illegal prostitution. There is no way to fully legalize prostitution and eliminate the detrimental issues of illegal prostitution.

While there is certainly instances where women are forced into prostitution, by far and away most whores are whores voluntarily. Women are allowed to make their own bad decisions.
If porn is produced in a mainstream environment where exploitation and victimization is minimized, it is better than prostitution. But it still would have its addictive effect on its viewers where they learn to dehumanizing the objects of their sexual desire.

Making porn illegal ... main problem is that porn is hard to define. Should we make all the prime time TV shows illegal? They are pornographic.

Porn is not that hard to define. We all know what titillation is as compared to porn. Even if some do not, experts are around to help us define it rather exactly.

Nonsense. The line between what is titillation and what is porn is entirely subjective. Give the authoritarians and inch and they'll have every woman in America wearing a burka.

You have nothing worth hearing and do not even have the intelligence to be original.

If porn is produced in a mainstream environment where exploitation and victimization is minimized, it is better than prostitution. But it still would have its addictive effect on its viewers where they learn to dehumanizing the objects of their sexual desire.

Making porn illegal ... main problem is that porn is hard to define. Should we make all the prime time TV shows illegal? They are pornographic.

Porn is not that hard to define. We all know what titillation is as compared to porn. Even if some do not, experts are around to help us define it rather exactly.

Nonsense. The line between what is titillation and what is porn is entirely subjective. Give the authoritarians and inch and they'll have every woman in America wearing a burka.

You have nothing worth hearing and do not even have the intelligence to be original.

Do you need a tissue? Maybe some ropes and a whip to tie some prostitutes down and beat them in the town square?
Is internet porn ruining our next generation? Is censorship the answer?

These scholars and experts are at the forefront of this research. Apologies but you will have to listen to at least one of these clips to get what this O.P. is all about.

Is it possible that in sexual matters, the right wing conservatives might be ahead of the left wing in their thinking?

If not, then what should the left do to help us save our children from the indoctrination via internet porn into unhealthy and unwanted sexual habits? Or have them not be able to perform without porn?

I consider myself left wing but I think we may be going a tad far and should move to the right on this issue due to things like you saw in the clips above as well as what is shown in this clip below.

At one time, parents would have closed any shop that gave access to the young to porn. Yet today, parents do not seem to care and as more and more young children get cell phones, parental prohibition will be impossible.

Have parents forgotten how to parent and are men and women willing to allow the status quo to ruin the sexuality of the next generation?

"Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime." - Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart

To date, I have lived by the above quote. I do not lack confidence in our adult population but see this issue as more of a medical one and I am willing to censure for our children's sake.

Some Eastern countries have used censorship to gain control of what their children can access. Should the West do the same?

Are our children worth it?


You killed my eyes on that one, good thing I am 50 you guys are screwed
Even countries that have legalized prostitution there is still illegal prostitution. There is no way to fully legalize prostitution and eliminate the detrimental issues of illegal prostitution.

While there is certainly instances where women are forced into prostitution, by far and away most whores are whores voluntarily. Women are allowed to make their own bad decisions.

Read where most prostitutes come from. 60 odd % are from homes where they were abused by fathers and step fathers. Many more have to be to earn enough for their drug addictions. And today many major center has a fleet of slave prostitutes.

Tell us again how it is all about free choice.

Even countries that have legalized prostitution there is still illegal prostitution. There is no way to fully legalize prostitution and eliminate the detrimental issues of illegal prostitution.

While there is certainly instances where women are forced into prostitution, by far and away most whores are whores voluntarily. Women are allowed to make their own bad decisions.

Read where most prostitutes come from. 60 odd % are from homes where they were abused by fathers and step fathers. Many more have to be to earn enough for their drug addictions. And today many major center has a fleet of slave prostitutes.

Tell us again how it is all about free choice.

Which major center in America has fleets of legal slave prostitutes? Link?
Even countries that have legalized prostitution there is still illegal prostitution. There is no way to fully legalize prostitution and eliminate the detrimental issues of illegal prostitution.

While there is certainly instances where women are forced into prostitution, by far and away most whores are whores voluntarily. Women are allowed to make their own bad decisions.

Read where most prostitutes come from. 60 odd % are from homes where they were abused by fathers and step fathers. Many more have to be to earn enough for their drug addictions. And today many major center has a fleet of slave prostitutes.

Tell us again how it is all about free choice.

Which major center in America has fleets of legal slave prostitutes? Link?

Who said legal?

Global Human Trafficking, a Modern form of Slavery

Even countries that have legalized prostitution there is still illegal prostitution. There is no way to fully legalize prostitution and eliminate the detrimental issues of illegal prostitution.

While there is certainly instances where women are forced into prostitution, by far and away most whores are whores voluntarily. Women are allowed to make their own bad decisions.

Read where most prostitutes come from. 60 odd % are from homes where they were abused by fathers and step fathers. Many more have to be to earn enough for their drug addictions. And today many major center has a fleet of slave prostitutes.

Tell us again how it is all about free choice.

Which major center in America has fleets of legal slave prostitutes? Link?

Who said legal?

Oh wait... so slave prostitution is illegal? Who knew?

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