Is Drew Barrymore a scab ?

Hundreds ( British Actors & Writers ) are working today in France , Spain, Hungary , Estonia , Ireland , Monaco , Portugal , Warsaw ...
Which of those countries are on strike ?
UK mailworkers are on strike. US railworkers are not . Do you understand ?
Every one of those Countries have had Hollywood Productions and Union Workers using their ( Studios ) ( Sets ) ( Locations) ( Production facilities and Workers ) ...
If an American union calls a strike then good luck to them. I know that UK unions are concerned that the strike brreakers do not shift production over here.
Do you have a list ? I have already asked you but you ignored it.
If an American union calls a strike then good luck to them. I know that UK unions are concerned that the strike brreakers do not shift production over here.
Do you have a list ? I have already asked you but you ignored it.
Productions are in full swing , you need a list ? There are no halts to production in Europe of ( European TV shows ) ( Multi Country European Movies , many with British Directors / Actors / Producers / Writers ) it’s full speed ahead ( and I believe there are Americans & British Folks workin em too regardless of if they just finished up a project In The States or have one coming up soon
Scabbing makes you lower than a snake.. Stealing food from babies.

I guess it should be no surprise at all to hear that from a worthless fucking parasite that has never done an honest day of work in it's life, to express such contempt for an honest worker for wanting to work. It ties very neatly into the contempt that you have expressed toward me on account of my honest profession.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

Now what is it, again, that you do for a living? Oh, that's right, you don't do a damn thing. You just sit on your fat ass all day, and live off of government handouts paid for by taxes on honest people who work to support themselves, and are forced also to work to support you.

Just as being British leaves you with no standing to speak of anything to do with American, being a lazy, worthless, burdensome parasite on society leaves you no standing to speak to honest workers about anything to do with our jobs.
I guess it should be no surprise at all to hear that from a worthless fucking parasite that has never done an honest day of work in it's life, to express such contempt for an honest worker for wanting to work. It ties very neatly into the contempt that you have expressed toward me on account of my honest profession.

Now what is it, again, that you do for a living? Oh, that's right, you don't do a damn thing. You just sit on your fat ass all day, and live off of government handouts paid for by taxes on honest people who work to support themselves, and are forced also to work to support you.

Just as being British leaves you with no standing to speak of anything to do with American, being a lazy, worthless, burdensome parasite on society leaves you no standing to speak to honest workers about anything to do with our jobs.
If he's British, how are you supporting him financially?
If he's British, how are you supporting him financially?

I'm not. It's his own countrymen, who work at honest jobs, and pay taxes, that are supporting his lazy, worthless ass.

Of course, my country has Tainted-Tommy-like parasites as well, and honest American workers like myself have to support them on top of supporting ourselves, just as honest British workers have to support worthless parasites like Tainted Tommy on top of supporting themselves.

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