Is Democracy being destroyed?

There are more than 20 million Americans who own AR-15s. That is more than all of the army's of the world combined

And that doesn't count the 85 million other Americans who own guns.
And? Where were they today? Not protesting outside of the Georgia Capitol. LOL you thinking that your dumb gun stats scare anyone. We know you're cowards and don't want to go to jail.

Look coward, you can legally walk around Atlanta's airport with a long rifle strapped to your back before you get to security. Not a single one of you cowards had the guts to even show up to protest at the Georgia Capitol today.
The Democrats are making a big mistake that will at the minimum hurt them politically for some time and most likely hurt ALL Americans for a long time.
  • More and more Americans are recognizing the Democrat party is first and foremost and understandably, fighting to survive.
  • More Americans are realizing the sources of their information is not honest.
  • More Americans are realizing the President doesn't really care about Americans... look at Maui, Hi...and "no comment" Biden..after more than 100 Americans have perished.
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats total obsession with surviving has politicized our justice system...look at GA...
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats AND RINO GOPers!!... are destroying our democratic heritage...all to maintain their political status.
  • Nearly two-thirds of poll respondents agree that U.S. democracy is "more at risk" now than it was a year ago. Among Republicans, that number climbs to 4 in 5.
  • Overall, 70% of poll respondents agree that the country is in crisis and at risk of failing.

"Is Democracy being destroyed?"

NO! Are the right-wing Republican's seeking to do so?

Bullshit. Your fellow Americans are not you enemies. You're turning people who disagree with you into your most hated threats, falsely claiming they're out to destroy the nation.

The Democrat Party is the party which pulls the economy out of the ditch and gets it back on the road for the working people, only to have the next Republican President cut taxes and crash it again. Each economic crash has improverished working and middle class Americans, and enriched the wealthy.

But you keep voting for the party which crashes the economy. Why?

Why?Why? You ask. Because the liberal Democrat party of today is so much worse on all issues. I would take a benevolent dictator over all this country destroying liberal BS.
Why?Why? You ask. Because the liberal Democrat party of today is so much worse on all issues. I would take a benevolent dictator over all this country destroying liberal BS.

Once again you express anger and outrage and NOTHING ELSE.

Please don't waste my time with the "Democratic party of today is awful", because that's bullshit. I am not an American but it's plain as the nose on your face that all of this hatred, and denigration of people who disagree with you is both wrong headed and stupid.

Donald Trump has no intention of being a "benevolent dictator". He is your "retribution".

The term "benevolent dictator" is an oxymoron. There has never been, in the history of the world, a "benevolent dictator". You can't hold power, suppress all opposition, eliminate all forms of dissent, corrupt the courts, and control the media, using anything but an iron first.
And? Where were they today? Not protesting outside of the Georgia Capitol. LOL you thinking that your dumb gun stats scare anyone. We know you're cowards and don't want to go to jail.

Look coward, you can legally walk around Atlanta's airport with a long rifle strapped to your back before you get to security. Not a single one of you cowards had the guts to even show up to protest at the Georgia Capitol today.

And for thinking that, we thank you
The USA is about due soon to give Washington DC a long-overdue high colonic. Time to get the shit out and put honest, sane, hard-working patriots back in who actually look out for what is best for and represent Americans. And that begins by holding politicians accountable for lies, broken promises and under-performing malfeasance. 99% of those working in Washington would have been fired years ago if they had to cut it in the real world!
FedGov is fucking MISERABLE. None of their stuff works. I had to renew a ham license last week, couldn't even get in to the damn system. Those motherfuckers are not only completely clueless, a broken web site like that would NEVER get by any competent QA guy, which means they put the fucking thing in production WITHOUT TESTING IT.

Those fuckers oughta be SHOT for being so goddamn stupid.
The Democrats are making a big mistake that will at the minimum hurt them politically for some time and most likely hurt ALL Americans for a long time.
  • More and more Americans are recognizing the Democrat party is first and foremost and understandably, fighting to survive.
  • More Americans are realizing the sources of their information is not honest.
  • More Americans are realizing the President doesn't really care about Americans... look at Maui, Hi...and "no comment" Biden..after more than 100 Americans have perished.
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats total obsession with surviving has politicized our justice system...look at GA...
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats AND RINO GOPers!!... are destroying our democratic heritage...all to maintain their political status.
  • Nearly two-thirds of poll respondents agree that U.S. democracy is "more at risk" now than it was a year ago. Among Republicans, that number climbs to 4 in 5.
  • Overall, 70% of poll respondents agree that the country is in crisis and at risk of failing.

It started here...

"Is Democracy being destroyed?"

NO! Are the right-wing Republican's seeking to do so?

They are:
  1. Refusing to accept election results
  2. Promising to get rid of anyone in the government who can hold them accountable
  3. Defending fake electors
  4. Trashing our legal system
  5. Celebrating criminals who tried to stop the peaceful transfer of presidential power
  6. Claiming that anyone who disagrees with them is corrupt
  7. Supporting people at the top levels of our government who are pleading the Fifth
  8. Following and believing a man who said the EMMYS were rigged against him
Then they the point the finger at someone else for our democracy teetering on the precipice.

The projection these people have demonstrated since Escalator Day is astonishing. This is a fucking madness.
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so we are not a democracy,,

thanks for the confirmation,,

So your logic is "because the USA is no democracy the democracy USA has to be destroyed".

By the way: Trump lost in 2020, that's all. But without any doubt the super-democrat Putin and his hackers had massively tried to influence your elections in 2016. The result of 2020 was controlled over and over again and nowhere was seen a system relevant problem in this elections. But the elections in 2016 not had been controlled in such a detailed way. What about when Donald Trump had been a cuckoo's egg in 2016?

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