Is Democracy being destroyed?

Technically speaking? Sure, but NO ONE calls it that. They didnt in the past and they wont in the future. Its a useless, stupid attention needing point that just wastes everyones time.
who is this THEY you speak of??

around here honest people call it what it is,,

I can accept saying just a republic but democracy is intended to gaslight the uneducated,,
who is this THEY you speak of??

around here honest people call it what it is,,

I can accept saying just a republic but democracy is intended to gaslight the uneducated,,
Dipshit losers insist on calling it that. No one else.
Dipshit losers insist on calling it that. No one else.
all you have to do is look at the youth today that think the majority should decide issues like electing POTUS and many other things,,

the gaslighting has cause a cultural breakdown we now have to live with and try to correct,,

youre either with us or against us,,
I agree with your sentiment but today's career politicians have become too powerful and will do anything to keep and expand the stranglehold they currently enjoy. TRUMP, a NON-political individual tried, and look what the left, with the help of RINO's, has done to him. All is lost!
I agree with everything you said and would also like anti-trumpers that I agree with them ... on a personal level!
I can't stand Trump's braggadocio, narcissistic personality. I also knew bosses like him... i.e. narcissistic, braggarts etc... That LIKE TRUMP were EXECUTIVES... meaning that got things DONE!
The problem is most anti-trumpers are evidently not sophisticated enough let alone knowledgable to understand the difference between personality and motivation!
Trump's personality...again I can't stand... BUT his motivation is exactly like mine!
Love your God, your family, respect the law, the military and above all , love the USA!
My first clue to liking Trump as president was when I found out he did what only 2 other presidents had done!
Further clues Trump signs executive order requiring that for every one new regulation, two must be revoked!
This deregulatory action will increase the real incomes of Americans by $53 billion per year over the period of 2021-2029.
Oh and gas prices???
What a Debbie Downer

Look at the bright side, once totalitarianism takes over the world they can finally tackle climate change, really the only way, and what is more important than that?

Certainly not what you and I want or anyone else wants.

Time to embrace tyranny!

You have embraced tyranny in your support of Donald Trump. He's the guy who doesn't want the votes counted. He just wants to be President and to hell with what the voters want.
all you have to do is look at the youth today that think the majority should decide issues like electing POTUS and many other things,,

the gaslighting has cause a cultural breakdown we now have to live with and try to correct,,

youre either with us or against us,,
Bullshit. Your fellow Americans are not you enemies. You're turning people who disagree with you into your most hated threats, falsely claiming they're out to destroy the nation.

The Democrat Party is the party which pulls the economy out of the ditch and gets it back on the road for the working people, only to have the next Republican President cut taxes and crash it again. Each economic crash has improverished working and middle class Americans, and enriched the wealthy.

But you keep voting for the party which crashes the economy. Why?
You have embraced tyranny in your support of Donald Trump. He's the guy who doesn't want the votes counted. He just wants to be President and to hell with what the voters want.
So according to you then you'd rather have a President who entered politics some 40 years ago as a non-millionaire, has :
1) Today worth over $10,000,000 just from winning elections.
2) Who has told us he "guarantees to rid fossil fuels" in 2019 and when entered office your gas bill was $2.42/gal and today is 62% higher-$3.68!
3) Who told illegals, gun smugglers, to "immediate surge to the border", resulting in "Border Crossings 3 Times Higher Under Biden Than Trump"

And that is not a TYRANNY? Hey give me Trump tyranny any day! And I don't even have to like him!



Is Democracy being destroyed?​

Yes - nearly all democracies in the world are in danger to go lost. Russia, China and the USA are leading problems in this process. Also the world of the Muslims is also a leading problem in this context. In concrete danger to lose their democracies are Poland, Hungaria and Turkey ... and perhaps also the USA. A big tragedy today in the moment is Afghanistan where the values of the western world had been burned down. After the first steps to try to establish a democracy there this process broke totally down and was replaced with the tyranny of the extremist Taliban (Pashtuns). Currently about 2/3rd - or even more - of the children who live in Afghanistan are starving. I fear this process will not only lead to a constant cultural and civilisatoric implosion - it will also lead to a biological disaster with underdeveloped brains. In a worst case scenario it will need much more than only a hundred years to correct only this "little" problem of the whole world - made from extremely stupid, unjust and brutal people for an extremely stupid, unjust and brutal future of their couhrry.
we arent a democracy and any that exist need to be destroyed,,

we are a constitutional republic that protects people from democracys,,

This is one of the very most stupid idiocies I've ever had heard in my long life. The names of two of your political parties have absolutelly nothing to do with anything what means republic and/or democracy.
This is one of the very most stupid faek-ideas I ever had heard in my life. The names of two of your political parties have absolutelly nothing to do with anything what means republic and/or democracy.
why are you trying to change the subject??

what is a democracy???

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