Is Climate Change More Important Than Income Inequality?

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
First, Climate Change policies drive prices up, which hurts the poor to a higher degree than it hurts the rich. There's hardly any, if any at all, Climate Change policies which don't increase prices on any number of things from products to services.

Then, we can take Electric Vehicles, which cost more than regular cars. So, with more and more states banning regular cars at some point in the future, it will get to the point where only the more well off will be able to own and drive cars while the poorer will be forced to use more and more public transportation. It will be a very long time, if ever, that mass production of EV's will bring vehicle prices down to the price of gasoline powered cars. Now, the more people who use public transportation the better it probably is for the environment, BUT it INCREASES income inequality by the poorer having to utilize public transportation more and more while the richer own vehicles.

Those are just some examples. So, my question to lefties is, is the climate more important than income inequality? So, far, it seems like your answer is yes. While I understand your desire to save the planet, are you willing to accept ever increasing income inequality as the trade off?
Neither is important.
Climate change is normal. No amount of bedwetting entitlement will change that.
Inequality will always exist. Why would i care if that guy is rich as fuck, or that woman is poor as fuck?
Neither is important.
Climate change is normal. No amount of bedwetting entitlement will change that.
Inequality will always exist. Why would i care if that guy is rich as fuck, or that woman is poor as fuck?

Weather is weather, been going on forever
The truth came out at the last global warming thing.
It doesn't matter what the US and the EU do.
China, India, and the 3rd world are the problem, and there is nothing that will change that.

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