Is China playing "GO" while the US is trying to play "3D-Chess"?

Do you agree with Joe Xiden that the Chinese "aren't bad folks"?

  • Yes, I trust the Chinese like Biden says

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I do NOT trust the Chinese, in spite of what Joe Xiden says

    Votes: 7 100.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2009
The AL part of PA
Just watched the Netflix series "Pine Gap" where the NSA has a base in Australia and the Chinese are vying for land and people all around it in order to compromise it.
In one scene a Chinese agent explained to one of the US wives he was playing that the Chinese play "go" while the US plays chess. The games of strategy are totally different. Chess is a game of war, with captures and sacrifices in order to capture the opposing king and win the game. "Go" on the other hand is non-violent, and is actually more complex. Its like an anaconda constricting an opponent very slowly.

The Chinese analogy to "go" seems to make sense. China is not spending wildly on military, but is playing all over the world doing many small strategic moves in order to control more territory. At first look, its not very scary, but if you look out 30-50 years, which is their game plan, the US could be a very insignificant world player. If we keep borrowing and borrowing, and the dollar crashes, the US economy and the US military will become second rate.

So lets take a poll. Xiden said that the Chinese "aren't bad folks". Do you agree with Joe Xiden?

I sometimes can't fathom what planet conservatives live on. During Trump's tenure, China grew more brazen, richer, more influential and more powerful than ever. The Trump Administration was not playing Chess, Go, Monopoly or any other game with the Chinese as they had no strategy. Their strategy was to commence a trade war with China while simultaneously starting trade wars with our allies, breaking treaties with our allies, and offending our allies.

The problem was, Trumpers thought only for the short term. They wanted instant gratification at the expense of the long-term. Thus we had an America First policy that put America first. But in so doing drove some of our strongest European allies into the arms of the Chinese. The America First policy that Trump implemented made Trump cancel TPP thus allowing the exponential increase in Chinese influence and power in the Asian-Pacific arena.

While at the same time Trump was destroying our alliances, he turned the word and trustworthiness of the American nation into trash. To this day now, countries wonder if the USA will honor any of its obligations when a new, read conservative, administration comes to power.

Trumpers got what they wanted.

They got America first for four years.

Now stop your bitching about the rise of China and blaming others

You're more responsible for the rapid growth of Chinese power than anyone else.
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I sometimes can't fathom what planet conservatives live on. During Trump's tenure, China grew more brazen, richer, more influential and more powerful than ever. The Trump Administration was not playing Chess, Go, Monopoly or any other game with the Chinese as they had no strategy. Their strategy was to commence a trade war with China while simultaneously starting trade wars with out allies, breaking treaties with our allies, and offending our allies.

The problem is, Trumpers thought only for the short term. They wanted instant gratification at the expense of the long-term. Thus we had an America First policy that put America first. But in so doing drove some of strongest European allies into the arms of the Chinese. The America First policy that Trump implemented made Trump cancel TPP thus allowing the exponential increase in Chinese influence and power in the Asia-Pacific arena.

While at the same time Trump was destroying our alliances, he turned the word and trustworthiness of the Ameircan nation into trash. To this day now, countries wonder if the USA will honor any of its obligations when a new, read conservative, administration comes to power.

Trumpers got what they wanted.

They got America first for four years.

Now stop your fucking bitching about the rise of China.

You're more responsible for the rapid growth of Chinese power than anyone else.
Trump insisted on fair trade, with everyone.
Navarro and Lighthizer did a fantastic job for US workers and farmers.
I fully support Trump's "America First" policies.
If the EU prefers the Chinese we can bring US troops home and save $24b a year. (what countries are you talking about anyway?)
Trump cancelled TPP and made better trade deals for US workers.
How did Trump destroy alliances? Which alliances, be specific.
How did Trump "trash" US trustworthiness? Be specific.
Why should I stop bitching about the rise of China? I don't trust them, do you?

Please show us how Obama and Xiden did a better job with specific policies, at opposing China's expansion, including currency manipulation, their expansion in the South China Sea, their threats to Taiwan, their clamping down on Hong Kong, their intellectual property theft, their release of Covid-19, their "Belt, and Road" initiative, their Chinese students spying, their cyber hacking, their telecom spying: Huewei, China Mobile, etc., their spies sleeping with US pols, like Swallwell, or Feinstein's Chinese chauffeur,

Here are a few links proving that Trump did more to oppose China's expansion than Xiden.

"From Britain to India, Japan to Australia, and even among the usually deferential nations of Southeast Asia, China’s aggressive expansionism, trade warfare, alleged espionage, cyberattacks and COVID-19 propaganda have provoked a growing pushback against President Xi Jinping’s ambition to build the world’s next superpower."

I sometimes can't fathom what planet conservatives live on. During Trump's tenure, China grew more brazen, richer, more influential and more powerful than ever. The Trump Administration was not playing Chess, Go, Monopoly or any other game with the Chinese as they had no strategy. Their strategy was to commence a trade war with China while simultaneously starting trade wars with out allies, breaking treaties with our allies, and offending our allies.

The problem is, Trumpers thought only for the short term. They wanted instant gratification at the expense of the long-term. Thus we had an America First policy that put America first. But in so doing drove some of strongest European allies into the arms of the Chinese. The America First policy that Trump implemented made Trump cancel TPP thus allowing the exponential increase in Chinese influence and power in the Asia-Pacific arena.

While at the same time Trump was destroying our alliances, he turned the word and trustworthiness of the Ameircan nation into trash. To this day now, countries wonder if the USA will honor any of its obligations when a new, read conservative, administration comes to power.

Trumpers got what they wanted.

They got America first for four years.

Now stop your fucking bitching about the rise of China.

You're more responsible for the rapid growth of Chinese power than anyone else.
Trump insisted on fair trade, with everyone.
Navarro and Lighthizer did a fantastic job for US workers and farmers.
I fully support Trump's "America First" policies.
If the EU prefers the Chinese we can bring US troops home and save $24b a year. (what countries are you talking about anyway?)
Trump cancelled TPP and made better trade deals for US workers.
How did Trump destroy alliances? Which alliances, be specific.
How did Trump "trash" US trustworthiness? Be specific.
Why should I stop bitching about the rise of China? I don't trust them, do you?

Please show us how Obama and Xiden did a better job with specific policies, at opposing China's expansion, including currency manipulation, their expansion in the South China Sea, their threats to Taiwan, their clamping down on Hong Kong, their intellectual property theft, their release of Covid-19, their "Belt, and Road" initiative, their Chinese students spying, their cyber hacking, their telecom spying: Huewei, China Mobile, etc., their spies sleeping with US pols, like Swallwell, or Feinstein's Chinese chauffeur,

Here are a few links proving that Trump did more to oppose China's expansion than Xiden.

"From Britain to India, Japan to Australia, and even among the usually deferential nations of Southeast Asia, China’s aggressive expansionism, trade warfare, alleged espionage, cyberattacks and COVID-19 propaganda have provoked a growing pushback against President Xi Jinping’s ambition to build the world’s next superpower."

Let us start with this bit of information:

"THE EUROPEAN UNION concluded 2020 by striking an opportunistic note in its relations with China: Brussels has agreed to a new economic deal with Beijing that will clear the way for wider investment in the People’s Republic by E.U.-based companies, in spite of President Xi Jinping’s crackdown on dissent in Hong Kong and imposition of forced labor in the majority-Muslim Xinjiang region. The benefits of more favorable terms for German auto manufacturers operating in China caused German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in particular, to push for the deal, though Europe did extract a fig-leaf concession from China in the form of an agreement to “continued and sustained” efforts to ratify international labor conventions against forced labor.

The new E.U.-China deal, which the European Parliament still must ratify, is a diplomatic coup for China. It is also an indicator that President Trump’s belligerent “America First” approach may have done lasting damage to transatlantic relations. First, Mr. Trump alienated traditional U.S. allies in Europe by accusing them of “treating us very badly” in trade — even “worse than China,” he asserted at one point. Then, he abated tariffs on Beijing in return for a “phase one” market-access deal at the beginning of this year, giving Europe both a rationale and an incentive to do the same.

Brussels seems to have concluded that it must hedge against the possibility the changes Mr. Trump made will prove at least in part irreversible..."

Now it is up to a real American president to rebuild the alliances that Trump tried his best to destroy and rip asunder.

Godspeed, President Biden.
I sometimes can't fathom what planet conservatives live on. During Trump's tenure, China grew more brazen, richer, more influential and more powerful than ever. The Trump Administration was not playing Chess, Go, Monopoly or any other game with the Chinese as they had no strategy. Their strategy was to commence a trade war with China while simultaneously starting trade wars with out allies, breaking treaties with our allies, and offending our allies.

The problem is, Trumpers thought only for the short term. They wanted instant gratification at the expense of the long-term. Thus we had an America First policy that put America first. But in so doing drove some of strongest European allies into the arms of the Chinese. The America First policy that Trump implemented made Trump cancel TPP thus allowing the exponential increase in Chinese influence and power in the Asia-Pacific arena.

While at the same time Trump was destroying our alliances, he turned the word and trustworthiness of the Ameircan nation into trash. To this day now, countries wonder if the USA will honor any of its obligations when a new, read conservative, administration comes to power.

Trumpers got what they wanted.

They got America first for four years.

Now stop your fucking bitching about the rise of China.

You're more responsible for the rapid growth of Chinese power than anyone else.
Trump insisted on fair trade, with everyone.
Navarro and Lighthizer did a fantastic job for US workers and farmers.
I fully support Trump's "America First" policies.
If the EU prefers the Chinese we can bring US troops home and save $24b a year. (what countries are you talking about anyway?)
Trump cancelled TPP and made better trade deals for US workers.
How did Trump destroy alliances? Which alliances, be specific.
How did Trump "trash" US trustworthiness? Be specific.
Why should I stop bitching about the rise of China? I don't trust them, do you?

Please show us how Obama and Xiden did a better job with specific policies, at opposing China's expansion, including currency manipulation, their expansion in the South China Sea, their threats to Taiwan, their clamping down on Hong Kong, their intellectual property theft, their release of Covid-19, their "Belt, and Road" initiative, their Chinese students spying, their cyber hacking, their telecom spying: Huewei, China Mobile, etc., their spies sleeping with US pols, like Swallwell, or Feinstein's Chinese chauffeur,

Here are a few links proving that Trump did more to oppose China's expansion than Xiden.

"From Britain to India, Japan to Australia, and even among the usually deferential nations of Southeast Asia, China’s aggressive expansionism, trade warfare, alleged espionage, cyberattacks and COVID-19 propaganda have provoked a growing pushback against President Xi Jinping’s ambition to build the world’s next superpower."

Let us start with this bit of information:

"THE EUROPEAN UNION concluded 2020 by striking an opportunistic note in its relations with China: Brussels has agreed to a new economic deal with Beijing that will clear the way for wider investment in the People’s Republic by E.U.-based companies, in spite of President Xi Jinping’s crackdown on dissent in Hong Kong and imposition of forced labor in the majority-Muslim Xinjiang region. The benefits of more favorable terms for German auto manufacturers operating in China caused German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in particular, to push for the deal, though Europe did extract a fig-leaf concession from China in the form of an agreement to “continued and sustained” efforts to ratify international labor conventions against forced labor.

The new E.U.-China deal, which the European Parliament still must ratify, is a diplomatic coup for China. It is also an indicator that President Trump’s belligerent “America First” approach may have done lasting damage to transatlantic relations. First, Mr. Trump alienated traditional U.S. allies in Europe by accusing them of “treating us very badly” in trade — even “worse than China,” he asserted at one point. Then, he abated tariffs on Beijing in return for a “phase one” market-access deal at the beginning of this year, giving Europe both a rationale and an incentive to do the same.

Brussels seems to have concluded that it must hedge against the possibility the changes Mr. Trump made will prove at least in part irreversible..."

Now it is up to a real American president to rebuild the alliances that Trump tried his best to destroy and rip asunder.

Godspeed, President Biden.
Capitalism means making money, if the EU prefers working with China, so what? Se La Vie.
Germany has a deal with Russia for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, which gives Putin cash to modernize his military. Putin's Bitch sells the US out again, no surprise.
Apparently the EU was used to the US paying for their defense, Trump said pay up.
If you want Xiden to sell the US out again, just offer him or Hunter a bribe, its easy as pie.

Enjoy Putin's Bitch while you can, he won't have much power after the 2022 mid-terms.
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Is China playing "GO" while the US is trying to play "3D-Chess"​

Biden is playing peekaboo. If he were a horse, it would be time to put him down
Pres. Biden is fixing the dumpster fire that Trump created with China.

Thanks, but I'm already aware of the fascist Democrat propaganda
Is that your best response? If it is, I just won the argument.

LOL, sure you did. You slammed me with your Democrat racist cult talking points. A decisive victory. Explains your "D" average in high school, huh?

Is China playing "GO" while the US is trying to play "3D-Chess"​

Biden is playing peekaboo. If he were a horse, it would be time to put him down
Pres. Biden is fixing the dumpster fire that Trump created with China.

Thanks, but I'm already aware of the fascist Democrat propaganda
Is that your best response? If it is, I just won the argument.

LOL, sure you did. You slammed me with your Democrat racist cult talking points. A decisive victory. Explains your "D" average in high school, huh?
Thanks for the belly laugh.
Just watched the Netflix series "Pine Gap" where the NSA has a base in Australia and the Chinese are vying for land and people all around it in order to compromise it.
In one scene a Chinese agent explained to one of the US wives he was playing that the Chinese play "go" while the US plays chess. The games of strategy are totally different. Chess is a game of war, with captures and sacrifices in order to capture the opposing king and win the game. "Go" on the other hand is non-violent, and is actually more complex. Its like an anaconda constricting an opponent very slowly.

The Chinese analogy to "go" seems to make sense. China is not spending wildly on military, but is playing all over the world doing many small strategic moves in order to control more territory. At first look, its not very scary, but if you look out 30-50 years, which is their game plan, the US could be a very insignificant world player. If we keep borrowing and borrowing, and the dollar crashes, the US economy and the US military will become second rate.

So lets take a poll. Xiden said that the Chinese "aren't bad folks". Do you agree with Joe Xiden?

The Biden administration doesn't really care what China does. In his feeble mind, and reinforced by his Marxist handlers, China is our friend and when nations complain about China's aggression, he is to, per their orders, simply make a nominal verbal objection, then move on quickly to other matters, such as continuing to work towards a One-Party Government, run by Marxism itself.
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I sometimes can't fathom what planet conservatives live on. During Trump's tenure, China grew more brazen, richer, more influential and more powerful than ever. The Trump Administration was not playing Chess, Go, Monopoly or any other game with the Chinese as they had no strategy. Their strategy was to commence a trade war with China while simultaneously starting trade wars with out allies, breaking treaties with our allies, and offending our allies.

The problem is, Trumpers thought only for the short term. They wanted instant gratification at the expense of the long-term. Thus we had an America First policy that put America first. But in so doing drove some of strongest European allies into the arms of the Chinese. The America First policy that Trump implemented made Trump cancel TPP thus allowing the exponential increase in Chinese influence and power in the Asia-Pacific arena.

While at the same time Trump was destroying our alliances, he turned the word and trustworthiness of the Ameircan nation into trash. To this day now, countries wonder if the USA will honor any of its obligations when a new, read conservative, administration comes to power.

Trumpers got what they wanted.

They got America first for four years.

Now stop your fucking bitching about the rise of China.

You're more responsible for the rapid growth of Chinese power than anyone else.
Trump insisted on fair trade, with everyone.
Navarro and Lighthizer did a fantastic job for US workers and farmers.
I fully support Trump's "America First" policies.
If the EU prefers the Chinese we can bring US troops home and save $24b a year. (what countries are you talking about anyway?)
Trump cancelled TPP and made better trade deals for US workers.
How did Trump destroy alliances? Which alliances, be specific.
How did Trump "trash" US trustworthiness? Be specific.
Why should I stop bitching about the rise of China? I don't trust them, do you?

Please show us how Obama and Xiden did a better job with specific policies, at opposing China's expansion, including currency manipulation, their expansion in the South China Sea, their threats to Taiwan, their clamping down on Hong Kong, their intellectual property theft, their release of Covid-19, their "Belt, and Road" initiative, their Chinese students spying, their cyber hacking, their telecom spying: Huewei, China Mobile, etc., their spies sleeping with US pols, like Swallwell, or Feinstein's Chinese chauffeur,

Here are a few links proving that Trump did more to oppose China's expansion than Xiden.

"From Britain to India, Japan to Australia, and even among the usually deferential nations of Southeast Asia, China’s aggressive expansionism, trade warfare, alleged espionage, cyberattacks and COVID-19 propaganda have provoked a growing pushback against President Xi Jinping’s ambition to build the world’s next superpower."

actually Trump did not do insist on fair trade for everyone. He cut separate deals with any country to claim political wins.

We lost on china. They increased their ties with the EU, while ours were lessened.

Our exports declined about as much as did our imports during Trump's trade wars.

Trump sold "a minority" of Americans that if we stopped buying washers and dryers and TVs and clothing overseas, mftrs would come back here. They didn't.

McConnell's tax cuts of his dreams caused employment to rise at about the same rate it rose before the tax cuts.

Is China playing "GO" while the US is trying to play "3D-Chess"​

Biden is playing peekaboo. If he were a horse, it would be time to put him down
Pres. Biden is fixing the dumpster fire that Trump created with China.

No he's not. China owns Biden. He is their installed invalid.
Wow...Deep, man.

The truth doesn't need to be deep. Every country that Biden was in charge of US policy knew all they had to do was fund Joe through Hunter
I sometimes can't fathom what planet conservatives live on. During Trump's tenure, China grew more brazen, richer, more influential and more powerful than ever. The Trump Administration was not playing Chess, Go, Monopoly or any other game with the Chinese as they had no strategy. Their strategy was to commence a trade war with China while simultaneously starting trade wars with out allies, breaking treaties with our allies, and offending our allies.

The problem is, Trumpers thought only for the short term. They wanted instant gratification at the expense of the long-term. Thus we had an America First policy that put America first. But in so doing drove some of strongest European allies into the arms of the Chinese. The America First policy that Trump implemented made Trump cancel TPP thus allowing the exponential increase in Chinese influence and power in the Asia-Pacific arena.

While at the same time Trump was destroying our alliances, he turned the word and trustworthiness of the Ameircan nation into trash. To this day now, countries wonder if the USA will honor any of its obligations when a new, read conservative, administration comes to power.

Trumpers got what they wanted.

They got America first for four years.

Now stop your fucking bitching about the rise of China.

You're more responsible for the rapid growth of Chinese power than anyone else.
Trump insisted on fair trade, with everyone.
Navarro and Lighthizer did a fantastic job for US workers and farmers.
I fully support Trump's "America First" policies.
If the EU prefers the Chinese we can bring US troops home and save $24b a year. (what countries are you talking about anyway?)
Trump cancelled TPP and made better trade deals for US workers.
How did Trump destroy alliances? Which alliances, be specific.
How did Trump "trash" US trustworthiness? Be specific.
Why should I stop bitching about the rise of China? I don't trust them, do you?

Please show us how Obama and Xiden did a better job with specific policies, at opposing China's expansion, including currency manipulation, their expansion in the South China Sea, their threats to Taiwan, their clamping down on Hong Kong, their intellectual property theft, their release of Covid-19, their "Belt, and Road" initiative, their Chinese students spying, their cyber hacking, their telecom spying: Huewei, China Mobile, etc., their spies sleeping with US pols, like Swallwell, or Feinstein's Chinese chauffeur,

Here are a few links proving that Trump did more to oppose China's expansion than Xiden.

"From Britain to India, Japan to Australia, and even among the usually deferential nations of Southeast Asia, China’s aggressive expansionism, trade warfare, alleged espionage, cyberattacks and COVID-19 propaganda have provoked a growing pushback against President Xi Jinping’s ambition to build the world’s next superpower."

actually Trump did not do insist on fair trade for everyone. He cut separate deals with any country to claim political wins.

We lost on china. They increased their ties with the EU, while ours were lessened.

Our exports declined about as much as did our imports during Trump's trade wars.

Trump sold "a minority" of Americans that if we stopped buying washers and dryers and TVs and clothing overseas, mftrs would come back here. They didn't.

McConnell's tax cuts of his dreams caused employment to rise at about the same rate it rose before the tax cuts.
1. Navarro and Lighthizer did the best job ever getting fair trade deals for US workers and farmers.

2. China can do business with whoever is dumb enough to trust them. The EU, so what? Se La Vie.

3. Trump to his credit tried to oppose China, especially where spying or unfair trade or currency manipulation is involved, even "open seas in the South China Sea", Taiwan independence, reducing IP theft, reducing cyber hacking, etc.

4. McConnell's tax cuts, before covid hit, had US unemployment at the lowest level EVER.

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