Is Chief Justice Roberts a Player?

No compelling reason? Do you know what the census is used for? It's how they decide how many Congressional seats the different States receive...the more people counted in the census in your State...the more Congressional seats you get. Why do you think California has so many seats in Congress? That's the reason Democrats don't want that question too be on the census! They don't want those illegals to be excluded from the counts because that will almost certainly cost them seats in Congress!

But excluding "the illegals" to reduce Calif's House Seats violates the 14th amend.

How does that violate the 14th amendment? If they are illegals then that means they weren't born here or haven't become legalized citizens. They have no right to representation in Congress.

The 14th amendment states that the WHOLE population counts towards the apportionment of representatives, not just citizens.


poor little mindless sheep, cannot even read. :itsok:

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.

You Progressives are so terrified of losing Illegals you don't want SCOTUS to rule on it!

Remember, the democrat Party said that an accurate ledger is an "Existential threat" to their continued existence

LinkedIn co-founder backs $35 million voter data project in 'existential threat' to Democratic Party
How does that violate the 14th amendment? If they are illegals then that means they weren't born here or haven't become legalized citizens. They have no right to representation in Congress.

The 14th amendment states that the WHOLE population counts towards the apportionment of representatives, not just citizens.


poor little mindless sheep, cannot even read. :itsok:

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.

It does not say people here Illegally who can be deported.

We both know that without Illegals, the nonliving and outright fraud, the democrat Party would be down to 4 Senators and maybe 12 Congressmen

Let's try this...same thing I have advised your fellow sheep to do.

Go back to school, get your GED and learn what the word "WHOLE" means.

Once you have done that, come back and we can talk

Why do you need to count Illegals? Hmmm?

What's the motivation in counting people who should rightfully be deported BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT FUCKING CITIZENS?
How does that violate the 14th amendment? If they are illegals then that means they weren't born here or haven't become legalized citizens. They have no right to representation in Congress.

The 14th amendment states that the WHOLE population counts towards the apportionment of representatives, not just citizens.


poor little mindless sheep, cannot even read. :itsok:

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.

It does not say people here Illegally who can be deported.

We both know that without Illegals, the nonliving and outright fraud, the democrat Party would be down to 4 Senators and maybe 12 Congressmen

Let's try this...same thing I have advised your fellow sheep to do.

Go back to school, get your GED and learn what the word "WHOLE" means.

Once you have done that, come back and we can talk

Whole means Illegal? LOL

It is one thing to have been a wishy-washy, middle of the road crowd-pleaser like like Justice Kennedy, but Chief Justice Roberts seems to be playing his own Game of Thrones without any discernible judicial philosophy. First, he plays word games to uphold the ACA in order to preserve a campaign issue against President Obama, then he denies President Trump a perfectly legitimate question about Citizenship for the 2020 Census.

Where is he coming from? The answer that comes to mind is that he wants to be a political player, playing both sides against each other (a la James Comey). In a way, this may be more disturbing than an unyielding adherence to one's personal judicial philosophy.


Has it ever occurred to you that Roberts does not make his decisions based on political ideology?

Obama is blackmailing Roberts.
Seek help

Maybe Roberts joined Barack and Big Mikey at a Chicago Bathhouse Foamy Party?
The 14th amendment states that the WHOLE population counts towards the apportionment of representatives, not just citizens.


poor little mindless sheep, cannot even read. :itsok:

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.

It does not say people here Illegally who can be deported.

We both know that without Illegals, the nonliving and outright fraud, the democrat Party would be down to 4 Senators and maybe 12 Congressmen

Let's try this...same thing I have advised your fellow sheep to do.

Go back to school, get your GED and learn what the word "WHOLE" means.

Once you have done that, come back and we can talk

Why do you need to count Illegals? Hmmm?

What's the motivation in counting people who should rightfully be deported BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT FUCKING CITIZENS?

I did not write the 14th amendment, so I cannot say what their reasoning was. All I know is what it says.

I am one of those odd people that think we should follow our Constitution even if we disagree with it.

I will tell you the same thing I tell your mirror image wingnuts on the left when they go after guns....if you do not like what the Constitution says....change it. Don't ignore it.
Roberts made a legally sound decision. There was no compelling reason by the current Admin given for adding the question at this late date.

No compelling reason? Do you know what the census is used for? It's how they decide how many Congressional seats the different States receive...the more people counted in the census in your State...the more Congressional seats you get. Why do you think California has so many seats in Congress? That's the reason Democrats don't want that question too be on the census! They don't want those illegals to be excluded from the counts because that will almost certainly cost them seats in Congress!

But excluding "the illegals" to reduce Calif's House Seats violates the 14th amend.

How does that violate the 14th amendment? If they are illegals then that means they weren't born here or haven't become legalized citizens. They have no right to representation in Congress.

The 14th amendment states that the WHOLE population counts towards the apportionment of representatives, not just citizens.

I think he knows that. And the courts have been generally consistent in saying if you don't like the fact that the 14th says people subject to the law of the us get counted, your avenue is repeal the 14th or just deport them.

No "Foreigner Not Naturalized" is.

And again, this is why they can be deported and detained simply for being here Illegally.

This is why we can Deport them just for being here Illegally.


Being here is itself a CRIME because they did not legally apply for Immigration.

Sorry Pole Smoker....

You Lose again.

Ending Birthright Citizenship Does Not Require A Constitutional Amendment

This is why we can Deport them for simply crossing the border illegally

    • The plain meaning of the 14th Amendment means that one must BOTH be born in United States AND be subject to the jurisdiction thereof. Since there are two explicit requirements, they both cannot be met by simply being born on U.S. soil.

    • The history of the drafting of the 14th Amendment makes clear that the language “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” meant a citizen could not owe allegiance to any other foreign power. This excludes illegal immigrants who are in defiance of U.S. jurisdiction and are citizens of a foreign power.

    • The Supreme Court has never held that the children of illegal immigrants born in the United States are automatically citizens.

    • Because the Supreme Court has not interpreted the Constitution to mandate automatic birthright citizenship, the Congress can pass a law to correct the current misguided and incorrect policy of automatically granting citizenship to children of illegal immigrants.
Plain Meaning of the Language of the 14th Amendment:

The Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state where they reside.”

By its own terms, the language in the amendment precludes the notion of universal automatic birthright citizenship. It would have been quite simple for the language to exclude “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” to accomplish the goal of bestowing citizenship on any child born in the United States no matter the status of their parents. The 14th Amendment’s addition of a jurisdictional requirement to the territorial requirement, however, denies any interpretation that birth alone grants citizenship.

Counter to this logic, proponents of universal automatic birthright citizenship claim that those born in the United States necessarily are subject to the jurisdiction of the country. However, this renders the language “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” superfluous.

Why would the drafters of the 14th Amendment include this qualifier at all if it was met simply by virtue of being born in the United States?

The legislative history outlined below will make clear that the addition of “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” was designed specifically to make sure the people granted citizenship did not have divided political loyalties.

Full Article available at The LINK

Ending Birthright Citizenship Does Not Require A Constitutional Amendment

Last edited:

poor little mindless sheep, cannot even read. :itsok:

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.

It does not say people here Illegally who can be deported.

We both know that without Illegals, the nonliving and outright fraud, the democrat Party would be down to 4 Senators and maybe 12 Congressmen

Let's try this...same thing I have advised your fellow sheep to do.

Go back to school, get your GED and learn what the word "WHOLE" means.

Once you have done that, come back and we can talk

Why do you need to count Illegals? Hmmm?

What's the motivation in counting people who should rightfully be deported BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT FUCKING CITIZENS?

I did not write the 14th amendment, so I cannot say what their reasoning was. All I know is what it says.

I am one of those odd people that think we should follow our Constitution even if we disagree with it.

I will tell you the same thing I tell your mirror image wingnuts on the left when they go after guns....if you do not like what the Constitution says....change it. Don't ignore it.

You read only one word in it and got it COMPLETELY WRONG!

You have to explain how "whole" person suddenly incorporates people here Illegally and could and should be deported
You read only one word in it and got it COMPLETELY WRONG!

You have to explain how "whole" person suddenly incorporates people here Illegally and could and should be deported

It is not the "whole person" it is the "whole number of persons".

Since the 14th was ratified the apportionment of representatives has always been based on the whole number of people, both citizens and non-citizens.

This is not something new.

When you are getting your GED you should focus on reading and US history.
How does that violate the 14th amendment? If they are illegals then that means they weren't born here or haven't become legalized citizens. They have no right to representation in Congress.

The 14th amendment states that the WHOLE population counts towards the apportionment of representatives, not just citizens.


poor little mindless sheep, cannot even read. :itsok:

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed.

It does not say people here Illegally who can be deported.

We both know that without Illegals, the nonliving and outright fraud, the democrat Party would be down to 4 Senators and maybe 12 Congressmen

Let's try this...same thing I have advised your fellow sheep to do.

Go back to school, get your GED and learn what the word "WHOLE" means.

Once you have done that, come back and we can talk

We might want to revisit the 13th and 14th. The 13th outlawed slavery. The 14th set up protections for people so we could never again have property owners import a labor pool who could be exploited. IF a person is here, and is subject to our laws (that is he is not a foreign official), he is afforded individual rights, AND THEY ARE COUNTED FOR PURPOSES OF ALLOCATING EV AND CONGRESS, and his children who are born here are citizens. So the 14th makes it impossible to exploit foreigners.

I'm no fan of open borders, but again, we have laws to deport people illegally here. And we can amend amnesty laws.
No compelling reason? Do you know what the census is used for? It's how they decide how many Congressional seats the different States receive...the more people counted in the census in your State...the more Congressional seats you get. Why do you think California has so many seats in Congress? That's the reason Democrats don't want that question too be on the census! They don't want those illegals to be excluded from the counts because that will almost certainly cost them seats in Congress!

But excluding "the illegals" to reduce Calif's House Seats violates the 14th amend.

How does that violate the 14th amendment? If they are illegals then that means they weren't born here or haven't become legalized citizens. They have no right to representation in Congress.

The 14th amendment states that the WHOLE population counts towards the apportionment of representatives, not just citizens.

I think he knows that. And the courts have been generally consistent in saying if you don't like the fact that the 14th says people subject to the law of the us get counted, your avenue is repeal the 14th or just deport them.

No "Foreigner Not Naturalized" is.

And again, this is why they can be deported and detained simply for being here Illegally.

This is why we can Deport them just for being here Illegally.


Being here is itself a CRIME because they did not legally apply for Immigration.

Sorry Pole Smoker....

You Lose again.

Ending Birthright Citizenship Does Not Require A Constitutional Amendment

This is why we can Deport them for simply crossing the border illegally

    • The plain meaning of the 14th Amendment means that one must BOTH be born in United States AND be subject to the jurisdiction thereof. Since there are two explicit requirements, they both cannot be met by simply being born on U.S. soil.

    • The history of the drafting of the 14th Amendment makes clear that the language “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” meant a citizen could not owe allegiance to any other foreign power. This excludes illegal immigrants who are in defiance of U.S. jurisdiction and are citizens of a foreign power.

    • The Supreme Court has never held that the children of illegal immigrants born in the United States are automatically citizens.

    • Because the Supreme Court has not interpreted the Constitution to mandate automatic birthright citizenship, the Congress can pass a law to correct the current misguided and incorrect policy of automatically granting citizenship to children of illegal immigrants.
Plain Meaning of the Language of the 14th Amendment:

The Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state where they reside.”

By its own terms, the language in the amendment precludes the notion of universal automatic birthright citizenship. It would have been quite simple for the language to exclude “and subject to the jurisdiction thereof” to accomplish the goal of bestowing citizenship on any child born in the United States no matter the status of their parents. The 14th Amendment’s addition of a jurisdictional requirement to the territorial requirement, however, denies any interpretation that birth alone grants citizenship.

Counter to this logic, proponents of universal automatic birthright citizenship claim that those born in the United States necessarily are subject to the jurisdiction of the country. However, this renders the language “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” superfluous.

Why would the drafters of the 14th Amendment include this qualifier at all if it was met simply by virtue of being born in the United States?

The legislative history outlined below will make clear that the addition of “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” was designed specifically to make sure the people granted citizenship did not have divided political loyalties.

Full Article available at The LINK

Ending Birthright Citizenship Does Not Require A Constitutional Amendment

Illegal aliens are subject to our laws and jurisdiction. We can and do put them in jail for crimes. We can and do deport them. And their home country cannot just come here and grab em up, and that means their home country can't have them back unless we say so.

I know you don't like this Tree, but it's nothing new or complicated.

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