CDZ Is calling someone Fat okay?

Is it your place to tell anyone they are fat?

If a person asks you about their weight then you can certainly respond. I would rather hope you say something like "You are overweight and could stand to lose some" instead of saying "You're fat"

If you aren't asked then keep your comments to yourself.
A girl ask my daughter "does this dress make me look fat". My daughter responded No your fat makes you look fat.
The topic of "Fat shaming" get's muddled down by simplicity. It usually goes like this:

Normal Person: Fat shaming is tough to hear but it's factually accurate and can cause self-reflection. Reality can be harsh.
Body Positive Activist: But it's mean and traumatizes people, I've been called fat and it hurt me. I feel beautiful how I am and I shouldn't be made fun of for it.
NP: Nobody is making fun of you. If someone relentlessly bullies you for being fat, it's wrong. But if someone sizes you up and says you're fat in an informative way, it's entirely appropriate.
BPA: Yes you can make changes... BUT (insert reason to stay overweight)

Does anyone on this board have a problem with people saying an obese person is fat? I'm not talking about pointing fingers in public and mocking them... I'm saying, whether warmly or coldly, just some constructive criticism that you're overweight, and there's significant health problems associated.

Also, does anyone support body positive activists trying influence the youth that "big is beautiful" to supposedly protect their mental health?

Why not? I get joked at for being skinny quite often. Either it's all ok or none of it's ok.

I remember when everyone made fun of everyone and it was perfectly fine. In movies or shows or stand up people made fun of skinny people, Louie Anderson made fun of himself, Chris Farley was the funny fat guy and so on and no complained about "oh my feelings". No one even paid attention to these types of jokes or worried about them, we just laughed and still loved those people.

As long as something is evenly distributed then I'm fine with it. If people can make fun of me and there no flack for me making fun of fat people then I'm fine with it. What bothers me is when something is one sided, or something isn't allowed to even have a side.
Virtue signaling has turned everything into a crusade.
And it has now created a generation of the "perpetually outraged". People who literally seek out issues to be outraged about. Funny though, they are never outraged by things that actually matter.
Who do you think is more "outraged" with this?


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