Is Biden is going to take away our cash savings accounts?


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
I've been reading online and some youtubes where they all say the same thing: that soon, our savings accounts , IRAs, etc. will all be erased and we have to figure out how to not get burned with disappearing accounts. Is this true? Why are they doing this to elderly widows and people who can't defend themselves against what they're going to do with getting rid of our money. I use my money to buy materials to make charity quilts with for fatherless babies born to single moms with others in my quilt guild. How will they be able to have healthy cotton quilts? Is the government going to force people to have that polyester fluff stuff that half of the country is allergic to? This won't be good for the little children who are most susceptible to allergies. How can we get the government off our backs for ten minutes so we can do good with what we have? I just don't think it's right, and it's wrong, because my generation worked hard for saving a nest egg for after retirement. What are they going to do with us? Work us to an early grave and burn up our bodies so they won't have to pay for funerals? I think that the government has gone to far. I heard that they are going to jail or kill people who criticize the Marxists in charge of this push, and the Republicans are in the minority because the press lied about Donald Trump 24/7/365 x 4 long years of his presidency. Biden is being called a dictator now because he had his rival, Donald Trump, indicted, impeached, accused of 35-year-old sex in which he paid a prostitute hush money to not break his wife's heart because the Democrats want complete control over everybody's breathing in and breathing out, cameras and tape recorders every where so they can execute critics of the Democrats' Marxist Deep State that wants to implement communism in the USA, and they want to erase all history books, tear down museums of the Founders in east coast, and burn all Texans at the stake because we oppose the murderous drug cartels that have killed 300,000 Americans with fentanyl weaponized as a deadly killer by the Chinese that makes us think that Biden is paying the Cartels to do their most frightening things of all and collect all kinds of money and power over the Texas border because our Governor rightfully put some rubber balls in the Rio Grande to slow down the horrific crimes being committed by the sex trafficking arm of the Cartels. I hear they are going to execute anyone who threatens to shoot the DeepStaters including a President, former Vice President, and Democrat presss pushers. Is that what the Democrats are willing to do to their rival Americans who are their loyal opposition? Why are they doing this to the best Country on God's green earth? I'm just not getting this theft of people's money who can't stand up and shake their fists at the immature creeps who have no intention of ever accounting to the public for their hateful thefts and snubbery of the Christian people. What are they going to do? Rebuild the Roman Colliseums to put wild animals in to kill and eat Christians? Inquiring minds want to know why they're targeting our life savings accounts. They charged about a billion dollars for a fairytale love-in in the Caribbean where their tax-free takings are being put instead of them paying income tax. And they don't want us to know about it, either, ans they cheat us out of our Amendment protections and freedom of speech, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I think this is unfair to the American people who don't kiss they rotten butts.
Bad information... what that stems from is the actual truth, in that the Biden administration was discussing/seeking authorization for the IRS to be able to keep tabs on private bank accounts. Basically banks would have to give the IRS access to balance totals etc. much like the online access you have.
Hard to find good information on the net - but I believe once this was exposed to the public - it faded away as the Biden admin was hoping to just quietly get that through.
I've been reading online and some youtubes where they all say the same thing: that soon, our savings accounts , IRAs, etc. will all be erased and we have to figure out how to not get burned with disappearing accounts. Is this true? Why are they doing this to elderly widows and people who can't defend themselves against what they're going to do with getting rid of our money. I use my money to buy materials to make charity quilts with for fatherless babies born to single moms with others in my quilt guild. How will they be able to have healthy cotton quilts? Is the government going to force people to have that polyester fluff stuff that half of the country is allergic to? This won't be good for the little children who are most susceptible to allergies. How can we get the government off our backs for ten minutes so we can do good with what we have? I just don't think it's right, and it's wrong, because my generation worked hard for saving a nest egg for after retirement. What are they going to do with us? Work us to an early grave and burn up our bodies so they won't have to pay for funerals? I think that the government has gone to far. I heard that they are going to jail or kill people who criticize the Marxists in charge of this push, and the Republicans are in the minority because the press lied about Donald Trump 24/7/365 x 4 long years of his presidency. Biden is being called a dictator now because he had his rival, Donald Trump, indicted, impeached, accused of 35-year-old sex in which he paid a prostitute hush money to not break his wife's heart because the Democrats want complete control over everybody's breathing in and breathing out, cameras and tape recorders every where so they can execute critics of the Democrats' Marxist Deep State that wants to implement communism in the USA, and they want to erase all history books, tear down museums of the Founders in east coast, and burn all Texans at the stake because we oppose the murderous drug cartels that have killed 300,000 Americans with fentanyl weaponized as a deadly killer by the Chinese that makes us think that Biden is paying the Cartels to do their most frightening things of all and collect all kinds of money and power over the Texas border because our Governor rightfully put some rubber balls in the Rio Grande to slow down the horrific crimes being committed by the sex trafficking arm of the Cartels. I hear they are going to execute anyone who threatens to shoot the DeepStaters including a President, former Vice President, and Democrat presss pushers. Is that what the Democrats are willing to do to their rival Americans who are their loyal opposition? Why are they doing this to the best Country on God's green earth? I'm just not getting this theft of people's money who can't stand up and shake their fists at the immature creeps who have no intention of ever accounting to the public for their hateful thefts and snubbery of the Christian people. What are they going to do? Rebuild the Roman Colliseums to put wild animals in to kill and eat Christians? Inquiring minds want to know why they're targeting our life savings accounts. They charged about a billion dollars for a fairytale love-in in the Caribbean where their tax-free takings are being put instead of them paying income tax. And they don't want us to know about it, either, ans they cheat us out of our Amendment protections and freedom of speech, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I think this is unfair to the American people who don't kiss they rotten butts.
I've been reading online and some youtubes where they all say the same thing: that soon, our savings accounts , IRAs, etc. will all be erased and we have to figure out how to not get burned with disappearing accounts. Is this true? Why are they doing this to elderly widows and people who can't defend themselves against what they're going to do with getting rid of our money. I use my money to buy materials to make charity quilts with for fatherless babies born to single moms with others in my quilt guild. How will they be able to have healthy cotton quilts? Is the government going to force people to have that polyester fluff stuff that half of the country is allergic to? This won't be good for the little children who are most susceptible to allergies. How can we get the government off our backs for ten minutes so we can do good with what we have? I just don't think it's right, and it's wrong, because my generation worked hard for saving a nest egg for after retirement. What are they going to do with us? Work us to an early grave and burn up our bodies so they won't have to pay for funerals? I think that the government has gone to far. I heard that they are going to jail or kill people who criticize the Marxists in charge of this push, and the Republicans are in the minority because the press lied about Donald Trump 24/7/365 x 4 long years of his presidency. Biden is being called a dictator now because he had his rival, Donald Trump, indicted, impeached, accused of 35-year-old sex in which he paid a prostitute hush money to not break his wife's heart because the Democrats want complete control over everybody's breathing in and breathing out, cameras and tape recorders every where so they can execute critics of the Democrats' Marxist Deep State that wants to implement communism in the USA, and they want to erase all history books, tear down museums of the Founders in east coast, and burn all Texans at the stake because we oppose the murderous drug cartels that have killed 300,000 Americans with fentanyl weaponized as a deadly killer by the Chinese that makes us think that Biden is paying the Cartels to do their most frightening things of all and collect all kinds of money and power over the Texas border because our Governor rightfully put some rubber balls in the Rio Grande to slow down the horrific crimes being committed by the sex trafficking arm of the Cartels. I hear they are going to execute anyone who threatens to shoot the DeepStaters including a President, former Vice President, and Democrat presss pushers. Is that what the Democrats are willing to do to their rival Americans who are their loyal opposition? Why are they doing this to the best Country on God's green earth? I'm just not getting this theft of people's money who can't stand up and shake their fists at the immature creeps who have no intention of ever accounting to the public for their hateful thefts and snubbery of the Christian people. What are they going to do? Rebuild the Roman Colliseums to put wild animals in to kill and eat Christians? Inquiring minds want to know why they're targeting our life savings accounts. They charged about a billion dollars for a fairytale love-in in the Caribbean where their tax-free takings are being put instead of them paying income tax. And they don't want us to know about it, either, ans they cheat us out of our Amendment protections and freedom of speech, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I think this is unfair to the American people who don't kiss they rotten butts.

Paragraphs are your friend
I've been reading online and some youtubes where they all say the same thing: that soon, our savings accounts , IRAs, etc. will all be erased and we have to figure out how to not get burned with disappearing accounts. Is this true? Why are they doing this to

If you believe this, start hiding your money under your mattress. You can stop lying now, you been bagged.
I've been reading online and some youtubes where they all say the same thing: that soon, our savings accounts , IRAs, etc. will all be erased and we have to figure out how to not get burned with disappearing accounts. Is this true? Why are they doing this to elderly widows and people who can't defend themselves against what they're going to do with getting rid of our money. I use my money to buy materials to make charity quilts with for fatherless babies born to single moms with others in my quilt guild. How will they be able to have healthy cotton quilts? Is the government going to force people to have that polyester fluff stuff that half of the country is allergic to? This won't be good for the little children who are most susceptible to allergies. How can we get the government off our backs for ten minutes so we can do good with what we have? I just don't think it's right, and it's wrong, because my generation worked hard for saving a nest egg for after retirement. What are they going to do with us? Work us to an early grave and burn up our bodies so they won't have to pay for funerals? I think that the government has gone to far. I heard that they are going to jail or kill people who criticize the Marxists in charge of this push, and the Republicans are in the minority because the press lied about Donald Trump 24/7/365 x 4 long years of his presidency. Biden is being called a dictator now because he had his rival, Donald Trump, indicted, impeached, accused of 35-year-old sex in which he paid a prostitute hush money to not break his wife's heart because the Democrats want complete control over everybody's breathing in and breathing out, cameras and tape recorders every where so they can execute critics of the Democrats' Marxist Deep State that wants to implement communism in the USA, and they want to erase all history books, tear down museums of the Founders in east coast, and burn all Texans at the stake because we oppose the murderous drug cartels that have killed 300,000 Americans with fentanyl weaponized as a deadly killer by the Chinese that makes us think that Biden is paying the Cartels to do their most frightening things of all and collect all kinds of money and power over the Texas border because our Governor rightfully put some rubber balls in the Rio Grande to slow down the horrific crimes being committed by the sex trafficking arm of the Cartels. I hear they are going to execute anyone who threatens to shoot the DeepStaters including a President, former Vice President, and Democrat presss pushers. Is that what the Democrats are willing to do to their rival Americans who are their loyal opposition? Why are they doing this to the best Country on God's green earth? I'm just not getting this theft of people's money who can't stand up and shake their fists at the immature creeps who have no intention of ever accounting to the public for their hateful thefts and snubbery of the Christian people. What are they going to do? Rebuild the Roman Colliseums to put wild animals in to kill and eat Christians? Inquiring minds want to know why they're targeting our life savings accounts. They charged about a billion dollars for a fairytale love-in in the Caribbean where their tax-free takings are being put instead of them paying income tax. And they don't want us to know about it, either, ans they cheat us out of our Amendment protections and freedom of speech, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I think this is unfair to the American people who don't kiss they rotten butts.

35 year old sex? Baron was a baby.
I've been reading online and some youtubes where they all say the same thing: that soon, our savings accounts , IRAs, etc. will all be erased and we have to figure out how to not get burned with disappearing accounts. Is this true? Why are they doing this to elderly widows and people who can't defend themselves against what they're going to do with getting rid of our money. I use my money to buy materials to make charity quilts with for fatherless babies born to single moms with others in my quilt guild. How will they be able to have healthy cotton quilts? Is the government going to force people to have that polyester fluff stuff that half of the country is allergic to? This won't be good for the little children who are most susceptible to allergies. How can we get the government off our backs for ten minutes so we can do good with what we have? I just don't think it's right, and it's wrong, because my generation worked hard for saving a nest egg for after retirement. What are they going to do with us? Work us to an early grave and burn up our bodies so they won't have to pay for funerals? I think that the government has gone to far. I heard that they are going to jail or kill people who criticize the Marxists in charge of this push, and the Republicans are in the minority because the press lied about Donald Trump 24/7/365 x 4 long years of his presidency. Biden is being called a dictator now because he had his rival, Donald Trump, indicted, impeached, accused of 35-year-old sex in which he paid a prostitute hush money to not break his wife's heart because the Democrats want complete control over everybody's breathing in and breathing out, cameras and tape recorders every where so they can execute critics of the Democrats' Marxist Deep State that wants to implement communism in the USA, and they want to erase all history books, tear down museums of the Founders in east coast, and burn all Texans at the stake because we oppose the murderous drug cartels that have killed 300,000 Americans with fentanyl weaponized as a deadly killer by the Chinese that makes us think that Biden is paying the Cartels to do their most frightening things of all and collect all kinds of money and power over the Texas border because our Governor rightfully put some rubber balls in the Rio Grande to slow down the horrific crimes being committed by the sex trafficking arm of the Cartels. I hear they are going to execute anyone who threatens to shoot the DeepStaters including a President, former Vice President, and Democrat presss pushers. Is that what the Democrats are willing to do to their rival Americans who are their loyal opposition? Why are they doing this to the best Country on God's green earth? I'm just not getting this theft of people's money who can't stand up and shake their fists at the immature creeps who have no intention of ever accounting to the public for their hateful thefts and snubbery of the Christian people. What are they going to do? Rebuild the Roman Colliseums to put wild animals in to kill and eat Christians? Inquiring minds want to know why they're targeting our life savings accounts. They charged about a billion dollars for a fairytale love-in in the Caribbean where their tax-free takings are being put instead of them paying income tax. And they don't want us to know about it, either, ans they cheat us out of our Amendment protections and freedom of speech, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I think this is unfair to the American people who don't kiss they rotten butts.

one word for you....paragraphs.
I've been reading online and some youtubes where they all say the same thing: that soon, our savings accounts , IRAs, etc. will all be erased and we have to figure out how to not get burned with disappearing accounts. Is this true? Why are they doing this to elderly widows and people who can't defend themselves against what they're going to do with getting rid of our money. I use my money to buy materials to make charity quilts with for fatherless babies born to single moms with others in my quilt guild. How will they be able to have healthy cotton quilts? Is the government going to force people to have that polyester fluff stuff that half of the country is allergic to? This won't be good for the little children who are most susceptible to allergies. How can we get the government off our backs for ten minutes so we can do good with what we have? I just don't think it's right, and it's wrong, because my generation worked hard for saving a nest egg for after retirement. What are they going to do with us? Work us to an early grave and burn up our bodies so they won't have to pay for funerals? I think that the government has gone to far. I heard that they are going to jail or kill people who criticize the Marxists in charge of this push, and the Republicans are in the minority because the press lied about Donald Trump 24/7/365 x 4 long years of his presidency. Biden is being called a dictator now because he had his rival, Donald Trump, indicted, impeached, accused of 35-year-old sex in which he paid a prostitute hush money to not break his wife's heart because the Democrats want complete control over everybody's breathing in and breathing out, cameras and tape recorders every where so they can execute critics of the Democrats' Marxist Deep State that wants to implement communism in the USA, and they want to erase all history books, tear down museums of the Founders in east coast, and burn all Texans at the stake because we oppose the murderous drug cartels that have killed 300,000 Americans with fentanyl weaponized as a deadly killer by the Chinese that makes us think that Biden is paying the Cartels to do their most frightening things of all and collect all kinds of money and power over the Texas border because our Governor rightfully put some rubber balls in the Rio Grande to slow down the horrific crimes being committed by the sex trafficking arm of the Cartels. I hear they are going to execute anyone who threatens to shoot the DeepStaters including a President, former Vice President, and Democrat presss pushers. Is that what the Democrats are willing to do to their rival Americans who are their loyal opposition? Why are they doing this to the best Country on God's green earth? I'm just not getting this theft of people's money who can't stand up and shake their fists at the immature creeps who have no intention of ever accounting to the public for their hateful thefts and snubbery of the Christian people. What are they going to do? Rebuild the Roman Colliseums to put wild animals in to kill and eat Christians? Inquiring minds want to know why they're targeting our life savings accounts. They charged about a billion dollars for a fairytale love-in in the Caribbean where their tax-free takings are being put instead of them paying income tax. And they don't want us to know about it, either, ans they cheat us out of our Amendment protections and freedom of speech, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I think this is unfair to the American people who don't kiss they rotten butts.
Nope. We will rid the country of the Evil Reich in a year.
I've been reading online and some youtubes where they all say the same thing: that soon, our savings accounts , IRAs, etc. will all be erased and we have to figure out how to not get burned with disappearing accounts. Is this true? Why are they doing this to elderly widows and people who can't defend themselves against what they're going to do with getting rid of our money. I use my money to buy materials to make charity quilts with for fatherless babies born to single moms with others in my quilt guild. How will they be able to have healthy cotton quilts? Is the government going to force people to have that polyester fluff stuff that half of the country is allergic to? This won't be good for the little children who are most susceptible to allergies. How can we get the government off our backs for ten minutes so we can do good with what we have? I just don't think it's right, and it's wrong, because my generation worked hard for saving a nest egg for after retirement. What are they going to do with us? Work us to an early grave and burn up our bodies so they won't have to pay for funerals? I think that the government has gone to far. I heard that they are going to jail or kill people who criticize the Marxists in charge of this push, and the Republicans are in the minority because the press lied about Donald Trump 24/7/365 x 4 long years of his presidency. Biden is being called a dictator now because he had his rival, Donald Trump, indicted, impeached, accused of 35-year-old sex in which he paid a prostitute hush money to not break his wife's heart because the Democrats want complete control over everybody's breathing in and breathing out, cameras and tape recorders every where so they can execute critics of the Democrats' Marxist Deep State that wants to implement communism in the USA, and they want to erase all history books, tear down museums of the Founders in east coast, and burn all Texans at the stake because we oppose the murderous drug cartels that have killed 300,000 Americans with fentanyl weaponized as a deadly killer by the Chinese that makes us think that Biden is paying the Cartels to do their most frightening things of all and collect all kinds of money and power over the Texas border because our Governor rightfully put some rubber balls in the Rio Grande to slow down the horrific crimes being committed by the sex trafficking arm of the Cartels. I hear they are going to execute anyone who threatens to shoot the DeepStaters including a President, former Vice President, and Democrat presss pushers. Is that what the Democrats are willing to do to their rival Americans who are their loyal opposition? Why are they doing this to the best Country on God's green earth? I'm just not getting this theft of people's money who can't stand up and shake their fists at the immature creeps who have no intention of ever accounting to the public for their hateful thefts and snubbery of the Christian people. What are they going to do? Rebuild the Roman Colliseums to put wild animals in to kill and eat Christians? Inquiring minds want to know why they're targeting our life savings accounts. They charged about a billion dollars for a fairytale love-in in the Caribbean where their tax-free takings are being put instead of them paying income tax. And they don't want us to know about it, either, ans they cheat us out of our Amendment protections and freedom of speech, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I think this is unfair to the American people who don't kiss they rotten butts.

Raiding our private retirement accounts has been a dream of the left for decades. I'm sure they have many plans in place, for when the time is right.
What year might that be? And how will we be victorious? The 2030 takeover is winning. We just handed our health over to the WHO/Gates/CDC. Our government supports the WEF.
Trump can stall it for four years, but that's only if we elect him.
2024 is the election that dumps the evil....we start securing the border again, inflation drops and we can afford to eat, and people who actually voted for this Reich take their heads out of their pelosis and don't let it happen again.

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