Is Biden Catholic?

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
90% Agree with this man.
He is wrong about one thing. Joe Biden must be thrown out. John the Baptist said he is not welcome in his sins. He must bring forth fruit of repentance. He must be put out, so that he can be alone with his thoughts and hopefully repent. But Joe Biden's god is the Democrat Party

90% Agree with this man.
He is wrong about one thing. Joe Biden must be thrown out. John the Baptist said he is not welcome in his sins. He must bring forth fruit of repentance. He must be put out, so that he can be alone with his thoughts and hopefully repent. But Joe Biden's god is the Democrat Party

Poor dear. Such desperate trumpkins
As Biden is a genuinely good man,

And we know this how? :auiqs.jpg:

Jimmy Carter is a good man. Built houses for the poor most of his life.

Biden is what? What's he done? Raise the level of phony empathy? Show you how to squint your eyes so no one can see him reading the answers?

Please, do expound!
Much better to be an orange psychotic grifter.
Christian faiths have split so many times in history that this question is irrelevant. Catholics are splitting. Baptists are splitting. Methodists are splitting. This goes on and on throughout history. BTW: remember that the Catholic Church is run by a small group of males who somehow determine what is "right" without input from anyone else. This is a structural problem within the Catholic Church.
Well, you can join a Catholic parish, get donation envelopes, go to church when the Church says you oughtta, pay a tithe, and call yourself a "Catholic." Being a sinner doesn't enter into it; we are all sinners. Good enough?

But the issue goes deeper than that.

Imagine a "Born-again" Christian who states publicly that he believes that the personage we refer to as "Jesus Christ" is actually an amalgam of a dozen or so messianic figures who all lived around the same time in Palestine, and there is no actual "Jesus Christ," per se. Is this person a "Christian"? [No].

Imagine a Mormon who states publicly that he thinks Joseph Smith was a pure charlatan who made up the Book of Mormon, used his religious stature to screw a small army of women - some of whom were married at the time - claiming to have "married" them to justify his actions. Is he a "Mormon"? [No].

Imagine a Roman Catholic who believes that the morality of abortion is not absolute, but is something for each person to decide, and he enthusiastically supports the right of pregnant women to have abortions. Suppose he also is a firm believer in gay "marriage."

These two positions are diametrically opposed to the clear teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. You cannot be a "Catholic" and hold these views. No conscientious priest will knowingly administer the Holy Eucharist to anyone - especially a public figure - who holds these views. This "Roman Catholic" person is not "Catholic."

Being raised Catholic at the time when Biden was raised, and especially if you went to parochial schools, gives one a sense of "being Catholic," in an intrinsic sense that is comparable to one's race or nationality. The attitude is, "I am Catholic and no one can tell me that I'm not." But that's bullshit.
90% Agree with this man.
He is wrong about one thing. Joe Biden must be thrown out. John the Baptist said he is not welcome in his sins. He must bring forth fruit of repentance. He must be put out, so that he can be alone with his thoughts and hopefully repent. But Joe Biden's god is the Democrat Party

Joe Biden's choice of religion ---- or anyone's for that matter ---- amounts to zero of your fucking business.
Tend to your own shit.
Well, you can join a Catholic parish, get donation envelopes, go to church when the Church says you oughtta, pay a tithe, and call yourself a "Catholic." Being a sinner doesn't enter into it; we are all sinners. Good enough?

But the issue goes deeper than that.

Imagine a "Born-again" Christian who states publicly that he believes that the personage we refer to as "Jesus Christ" is actually an amalgam of a dozen or so messianic figures who all lived around the same time in Palestine, and there is no actual "Jesus Christ," per se. Is this person a "Christian"? [No].

Imagine a Mormon who states publicly that he thinks Joseph Smith was a pure charlatan who made up the Book of Mormon, used his religious stature to screw a small army of women - some of whom were married at the time - claiming to have "married" them to justify his actions. Is he a "Mormon"? [No].

Imagine a Roman Catholic who believes that the morality of abortion is not absolute, but is something for each person to decide, and he enthusiastically supports the right of pregnant women to have abortions. Suppose he also is a firm believer in gay "marriage."

These two positions are diametrically opposed to the clear teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. You cannot be a "Catholic" and hold these views. No conscientious priest will knowingly administer the Holy Eucharist to anyone - especially a public figure - who holds these views. This "Roman Catholic" person is not "Catholic."

Being raised Catholic at the time when Biden was raised, and especially if you went to parochial schools, gives one a sense of "being Catholic," in an intrinsic sense that is comparable to one's race or nationality. The attitude is, "I am Catholic and no one can tell me that I'm not." But that's bullshit.

It ain't bullshit at all. Religion is personal. The fascist OP has zero standing to run around declaring what other people's personal preferences are. Fuck him and everything he stands for.
Mammy says a pedophile is a "genuinely good man".

Says a devoted Trump asslicker. You can't make this stuff up. Dave spends his life lovingly tonguing pedo rectum, then he claims it's everyone else who likes pedos.

That's when he's not fantasizing about Nazis.

Dave, do you understand that your behavior is _not_ okay? Your cult has turned you into a disgusting human being.
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