Is Barack Hussein Obama A MUSLIM?

Truth is, no one really knows who this guy is. He's a mystery and a lie. And he's a criminal too. For his awful IRS abuses alone, he should be Impeached. He's ruled as a foreign Anti-American Globalist. If it quacks like a duck...

The truth is you just admitted that you don't know what you're talking about. That you lack the knowledge sufficient to discuss the topic intelligently.

Yet oddly, you continue to babble about the topic. Its so strange with conspiracy theorists.....they treat their own ignorance like some badge of honor.

And the 'IRS'? My, your ilk are just desperate to switch topics. Throwing up one red herring after another in an attempt to divert the conversation from your hapless, comic failure to back any part of your 'Obama is a Muslim' narrative.

Which speaks volumes.

Oh, on his father's side there were plenty of Muslims. Obama met them twice. Once when he was 20 for a couple of weeks. And again as a US senator.

So you were there right??

You blubberd out something about knowing what your talking about??
Seriously, this guy's a delusional dipshit...

Obama: "Muslims built 'the very fabric of our nation.'

On Sunday, President Obama and First Lady Michelle released a statement thanking Muslim Americans for their many “achievements and contributions… to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”...

Obama: Muslims Built 'The Very Fabric of Our Nation'

Here's the actual statement, with the portion you seem to be commenting on in bold:

As Muslims throughout the United States and around the world celebrate Eid-al-Fitr, Michelle and I extend our warmest wishes to them and their families. This last month has been a time of fasting, reflection, spiritual renewal, and service to the less fortunate. While Eid marks the completion of Ramadan, it also celebrates the common values that unite us in our humanity and reinforces the obligations that people of all faiths have to each other, especially those impacted by poverty, conflict, and disease.

In the United States, Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy. That is why we stand with people of all faiths, here at home and around the world, to protect and advance their rights to prosper, and we welcome their commitment to giving back to their communities.

On behalf of the Administration, we wish Muslims in the United States and around the world a blessed and joyous celebration. Eid Mubarak.

Statement by the President on the Occasion of Eid-al-Fitr | The White House

What exactly do you disagree with? And if you've twisted that into 'evidence' of Obama being a secret Muslim, then George Bush must be a super, *super* secret Muslim for his Eid statement:

"Here in the United States our Muslim citizens are making many contributions in business, science and law, medicine and education, and in other fields. Muslim members of our Armed Forces and of my administration are serving their fellow Americans with distinction, upholding our nation's ideals of liberty and justice in a world at peace."

....."Over the past month, Muslims have fasted, taking no food or water during daylight hours, in order to refocus their minds on faith and redirect their hearts to charity. Muslims worldwide have stretched out a hand of mercy to those in need. Charity tables at which the poor can break their fast line the streets of cities and towns. And gifts of food and clothing and money are distributed to ensure that all share in God's abundance. Muslims often invite members of other families to their evening iftar meals, demonstrating a spirit of tolerance."

....."America treasures the relationship we have with our many Muslim friends, and we respect the vibrant faith of Islam which inspires countless individuals to lead lives of honesty, integrity, and morality. This year, may Eid also be a time in which we recognize the values of progress, pluralism, and acceptance that bind us together as a Nation and a global community. By working together to advance mutual understanding, we point the way to a brighter future for all."

....."Islam brings hope and comfort to millions of people in my country, and to more than a billion people worldwide. Ramadan is also an occasion to remember that Islam gave birth to a rich civilization of learning that has benefited mankind."

George Bush, 2002

And that's just from one speech! Where were conservatives soiling themselves with panty shitting hysterics over Bush the 'secret muslim' in 2002? Oh, that's right. Bush is one of 'us'. And Obama is one of 'them'. And only one of 'them' could be a 'secret Muslim'. I know, how inconvenient that I hold you to the same standards.

Consistency is a fickled mistress. For example.....can you imagine how utterly your ilk would lose their fucking minds if Obama made this statement:

"The Islam that we know is a faith devoted to the worship of one God, as revealed through The Holy Qur'an. It teaches the value and the importance of charity, mercy, and peace."

George Bush, November 2001

But when Bush says it......nothing from conservatives. Chirping crickets. So much for your 'evidence'. Even you don't believe your own bullshit.

The problem here is people like yourself,don't LISTEN and do the very best they can to p-aint there fellow countrymen that think differently into corners
The problem here is people like yourself,don't LISTEN and do the very best they can to p-aint there fellow countrymen that think differently into corners

The problem with people like that I do listen. And then I fact check what is being said. While some of my 'countrymen' simply cut and paste carefully edited blurbs from right wing websites with almost no comment or insight of their own. They're regurgitators, repeating what they've been told to think.

They research nothing, they question nothing, they verify nothing.

I question and I check. And when you read Obama's full statement, its bland, generic fair. And far less obsequious and fawning that Bush's own statements on the topic.

Its not me who 'p-aints fellows into the corner''. Its the evidence, which utterly obliterates most of the more inane conspiracy nonsense posted in this forum.
I don't care if he's an alien from outer space

He's not a patriotic American and he's the most ugly thuggish President
I don't care if he's an alien from outer space

He's not a patriotic American and he's the most ugly thuggish President don't like Obama.

This is pretty much where most of these silly Obama conspiracies begin. And where they end.
The problem here is people like yourself,don't LISTEN and do the very best they can to p-aint there fellow countrymen that think differently into corners
The problem with people like that I do listen. And then I fact check what is being said. While some of my 'countrymen' simply cut and paste carefully edited blurbs from right wing websites with almost no comment or insight of their own. They're regurgitators, repeating what they've been told to think.

They research nothing, they question nothing, they verify nothing.

I question and I check. And when you read Obama's full statement, its bland, generic fair. And far less obsequious and fawning that Bush's own statements on the topic.

Its not me who 'p-aints fellows into the corner''. Its the evidence, which utterly obliterates most of the more inane conspiracy nonsense posted in this forum.

Reading the DNC playbook is NOT fact-checking.
I don't care if he's an alien from outer space

He's not a patriotic American and he's the most ugly thuggish President don't like Obama.

This is pretty much where most of these silly Obama conspiracies begin. And where they end.

I don't care about any conspiracies but I didn't like the man from the moment he jumped on the stage at the convention....he was frikken nobody anyone ever heard of and he started talking all his BS and it's yet to stop
He's a bald faced liar, he selective in who he represents, that is blacks and he's just a community Agitator of our us and our country.....every week it's something with him, last week people were gaming the system, and then we didn't build that, according to him we are bitter bible thumpers afraid of people not like us and cling to our guns..I was a bartender for 20 years I can judge a book by the cover and I've been right as now almost 70% of the people can't stand him either.....I can't even stand him as a human being...he's a horrible person how he treats Congress, how he treats us as if we are nothing but his subjects..... he's a thug smug jerk....and his traveling road show of blaming everyone but himself I don't know how he can stand himself or sleep at night...and don't get me started on Mabell Obama
I wished for our first black President they really had tried to work on the racial divide, but all they've done is opened it to size of the grand canyon with every criticism about them you accused of being racist...first it was the stupid beer summit where he took the black mans side, then came with if he had frikken son he could be Trayvon Martin...the hell the other person in that case was a latino and a minority....he CHOSE SIDES...that should of given people a clue right no, I can't stand the man and know he's been one of the ugliest, divisive, hateful president I've ever lived under
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You Obamabots still desperately searching for all those 'Husseins' out there who aren't Muslims? Let us know when y'all find em.
The problem here is people like yourself,don't LISTEN and do the very best they can to p-aint there fellow countrymen that think differently into corners
The problem with people like that I do listen. And then I fact check what is being said. While some of my 'countrymen' simply cut and paste carefully edited blurbs from right wing websites with almost no comment or insight of their own. They're regurgitators, repeating what they've been told to think.

They research nothing, they question nothing, they verify nothing.

I question and I check. And when you read Obama's full statement, its bland, generic fair. And far less obsequious and fawning that Bush's own statements on the topic.

Its not me who 'p-aints fellows into the corner''. Its the evidence, which utterly obliterates most of the more inane conspiracy nonsense posted in this forum.

Reading the DNC playbook is NOT fact-checking.

Nor are your quoting of tired bumpersticker slogans in place of a rational, fact based argument.

The reason your ilk have switched from a factual debate to one of personal because you couldn't win on the facts. The 'argument' of the OP is self contradictory mush. The 'logic' of the OP when applied consistently prove Obama is a Christian. And all the 'damning quotes' that supposedly prove Obama is a Muslim.....vanish the moment you ask to see them.

And I asked. I questioned. I checked.
You Obamabots still desperately searching for all those 'Husseins' out there who aren't Muslims? Let us know when y'all find em.

Um, frankly I'd forgotten that silly argument. Who says you can't be a Christian because of your middle name?

That would be you
You Obamabots still desperately searching for all those 'Husseins' out there who aren't Muslims? Let us know when y'all find em.

Um, frankly I'd forgotten that silly argument. Who says you can't be a Christian because of your middle name?

That would be you

You Obamabots crack me up. Uh huh sure, the name 'Hussein' has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. But that seems to only be true in your Dear Leader's case. Gee, how convenient for you worshippers. ;)
You Obamabots still desperately searching for all those 'Husseins' out there who aren't Muslims? Let us know when y'all find em.

Um, frankly I'd forgotten that silly argument. Who says you can't be a Christian because of your middle name?

That would be you

You Obamabots crack me up. Uh huh sure, the name 'Hussein' has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. But that seems to only be true in your Dear Leader's case. Gee, how convenient for you worshippers. ;) question completely stumped you. Who says that one can't be a Christian because your middle name?
Um, frankly I'd forgotten that silly argument. Who says you can't be a Christian because of your middle name?

That would be you

You Obamabots crack me up. Uh huh sure, the name 'Hussein' has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. But that seems to only be true in your Dear Leader's case. Gee, how convenient for you worshippers. ;) question completely stumped you. Who says that one can't be a Christian because your middle name?

Yes we know, your Dear Leader is a special unique case. The name 'Hussein' has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. It's just a middle name. It means nothing. Anyway, get back to us when you find all those 'Husseins' out there who aren't Muslim. Good luck.
I don't care what Saul Alinsky says (OK, so Saul is using a puppet)!

It walks like a Muslim.

It talks like a Muslim.

It displays blatant favouritism toward Muslims.

That does tend to lead one to believe it might actually be a Muslim.

But of course the possibility remains that His chief defender might also.........
You Obamabots crack me up. Uh huh sure, the name 'Hussein' has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. But that seems to only be true in your Dear Leader's case. Gee, how convenient for you worshippers. ;) question completely stumped you. Who says that one can't be a Christian because your middle name?

Yes we know, your Dear Leader is a special unique case. The name 'Hussein' has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. It's just a middle name. It means nothing. Anyway, get back to us when you find all those 'Husseins' out there who aren't Muslim. Good luck.

A unique case in what? Again, who says you can't be a Christian based on your middle name?

If this is genuinely the best your ilk have got to support your "Obama is a Muslim" fantasy, then why did you guys even bother to start this thread? question completely stumped you. Who says that one can't be a Christian because your middle name?

Yes we know, your Dear Leader is a special unique case. The name 'Hussein' has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. It's just a middle name. It means nothing. Anyway, get back to us when you find all those 'Husseins' out there who aren't Muslim. Good luck.

A unique case in what? Again, who says you can't be a Christian based on your middle name?

If this is genuinely the best your ilk have got to support your "Obama is a Muslim" fantasy, then why did you guys even bother to start this thread?

There is a reason he was named Hussein. Just like there is a reason you were given your name. Most Husseins in the world are given that name for a reason. Your guy is not a special unique case. Just think about that for a bit.
It walks like a Muslim. It talks like a Muslim.

Other than the fact that he doesn't follow any of the 5 core tenets of Islam, drinks beer, eats pork, was baptized a Christian, raised by Christian mother, raised by a Christian grandmother, raised by a Christian grandfather, went to Catholic school, has lived almost all of his life in a predominantly Christian nation, attended Christian services for 20 years, married a Christian, had both his children baptized as Christians, has expressed his Christian faith and his personal relationship with Jesus Christ?

If that's how you define 'walking like a Muslim', then perhaps you're not clear on what a Muslim is or does.
Yes we know, your Dear Leader is a special unique case. The name 'Hussein' has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. It's just a middle name. It means nothing. Anyway, get back to us when you find all those 'Husseins' out there who aren't Muslim. Good luck.

A unique case in what? Again, who says you can't be a Christian based on your middle name?

If this is genuinely the best your ilk have got to support your "Obama is a Muslim" fantasy, then why did you guys even bother to start this thread?

There is a reason he was named Hussein. Just like there is a reason you were given your name. Most Husseins in the world are given that name for a reason. Your guy is not a special unique case. Just think about that for a bit.

And for the fifth time.....who says that you can't be a Christian because of your middle name? Even you won't back that rhetorical turd.

Ending your entire argument.

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