Is America Ruled By A Socialist?

My speculation is that the have-your-cake-and-eat-it crowd would like to be able to brag that they voted for a President who is a first, in so very many ways...

......but don't want to admit that they've imposed socialism on this once great nation.

Smell the coffee.

When was America greater than it is now, and why?

That's far too simple....
What year were you born?
My speculation is that the have-your-cake-and-eat-it crowd would like to be able to brag that they voted for a President who is a first, in so very many ways...

......but don't want to admit that they've imposed socialism on this once great nation.

Smell the coffee.

When was America greater than it is now, and why?

That's far too simple....
What year were you born?

Amusing, and a bit puzzling, that at this late stage, and long after the hallmark " didn't build that....," almost daily some apologist writes that Obama certainly isn't a socialist.

Yeah, he is.

1. How can that even open to question???

2. As far back as 2001, in a radio interview on WBEZ, 'senior lecturer Obama' made his socialist intentions clear. In this tour-de-Marx performance- one which never made it into the mainstream media, he used these phrases:

"Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth"...."coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change...."
2001 Obama WBEZ Interview Redistribution Wealth Warren Court - YouTube

Turns out 'redistributive change' became 'hope and change.'

a. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" Oct. 12, 2008.
Hard to believe that the public was less concerned about whether the next President was a Marxist than if Joe was a licensed plumber.

b. "Obama could not have been clearer about his intentions to replace what he denigrated as the old "right-wing," "individualistic bootstrap myth" with a collectivist order- pure Marx." Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 29.

3. So...why no effect on voters? When, exactly, did apathy and the laughter become a kind of conditioned response that short-circuit actual thinking. Hard to imagine how "yawn and mock" trump anti-American subversion.
Must have been just after everyone got the memo "It's different this time."

4. "...Obama's radical past seems to be making no impact whatsoever among the American public. His connection to communists in particular, from communist-terrorists like Bill Ayers to the communist agitator-journalist Frank Marshall Davis to fellow travelers like Saul Alinsky, has simply failed to resonate beyond the political right....

Americans are painfully vulnerable to repeat mistakes that should have been forever tossed onto the ash-heap of history..... The problem is that it isn't being taught. Consequently, Americans today do not know why communism is such a devastating ideology, at both the level of plain economic theory and in actual historical practice. It is a remarkably hateful system, based on literal hatred and targeted annihilation of entire classes and groups of people. (Nazism sought genocide based on ethnicity; communism sought genocide based on class.)" Archived-Articles: Why Obama's Communist Connections Are Not Headlines the point:
"... to a Brit who has seen his fair share of socialists and
lives in a socialist country run by a self-described socialist party by a self-described socialist prime minister who has taken over for another self-described socialist prime minister, it is puzzling why self-described independents ... are doing backflips in an attempt to avoid the obvious fact -- President Obama is quite clearly a socialist.
All these verbal gymnastics that are used to avoid stating the obvious may be rather humorous for someone watching from over the Atlantic, but for Americans, such delusion is a very serious matter.

It is important, not just for the American right, but for the American people as a whole, to realise just exactly who it is they have elected to office.

To call someone a socialist is not conspiratorial, and it is not fear-mongering; it is simply the truth, and it is time for some in the conservative media to take a deep breath and admit it -- America has a socialist leading the country. Welcome to the club: It stinks!"
Archived-Articles: Obama's Socialism

My speculation is that the have-your-cake-and-eat-it crowd would like to be able to brag that they voted for a President who is a first, in so very many ways...

......but don't want to admit that they've imposed socialism on this once great nation.

Smell the coffee.

Blah, blah, blah.....America is ruled by Jamie Dimon and Lloyd Blankfein. It's called a plutocracy. And these two just love it when this type of blather is passed around as some sort of revelationary narrative.
I love it when people enter a thread just to tell us that they're not interested in it
Amusing, and a bit puzzling, that at this late stage, and long after the hallmark " didn't build that....," almost daily some apologist writes that Obama certainly isn't a socialist.

Yeah, he is.

1. How can that even open to question???

2. As far back as 2001, in a radio interview on WBEZ, 'senior lecturer Obama' made his socialist intentions clear. In this tour-de-Marx performance- one which never made it into the mainstream media, he used these phrases:

"Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth"...."coalitions of power through which you bring about redistributive change...."
2001 Obama WBEZ Interview Redistribution Wealth Warren Court - YouTube

Turns out 'redistributive change' became 'hope and change.'

a. "I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody" Oct. 12, 2008.
Hard to believe that the public was less concerned about whether the next President was a Marxist than if Joe was a licensed plumber.

b. "Obama could not have been clearer about his intentions to replace what he denigrated as the old "right-wing," "individualistic bootstrap myth" with a collectivist order- pure Marx." Diana West, "American Betrayal," p. 29.

3. So...why no effect on voters? When, exactly, did apathy and the laughter become a kind of conditioned response that short-circuit actual thinking. Hard to imagine how "yawn and mock" trump anti-American subversion.
Must have been just after everyone got the memo "It's different this time."

4. "...Obama's radical past seems to be making no impact whatsoever among the American public. His connection to communists in particular, from communist-terrorists like Bill Ayers to the communist agitator-journalist Frank Marshall Davis to fellow travelers like Saul Alinsky, has simply failed to resonate beyond the political right....

Americans are painfully vulnerable to repeat mistakes that should have been forever tossed onto the ash-heap of history..... The problem is that it isn't being taught. Consequently, Americans today do not know why communism is such a devastating ideology, at both the level of plain economic theory and in actual historical practice. It is a remarkably hateful system, based on literal hatred and targeted annihilation of entire classes and groups of people. (Nazism sought genocide based on ethnicity; communism sought genocide based on class.)" Archived-Articles: Why Obama's Communist Connections Are Not Headlines the point:
"... to a Brit who has seen his fair share of socialists and
lives in a socialist country run by a self-described socialist party by a self-described socialist prime minister who has taken over for another self-described socialist prime minister, it is puzzling why self-described independents ... are doing backflips in an attempt to avoid the obvious fact -- President Obama is quite clearly a socialist.
All these verbal gymnastics that are used to avoid stating the obvious may be rather humorous for someone watching from over the Atlantic, but for Americans, such delusion is a very serious matter.

It is important, not just for the American right, but for the American people as a whole, to realise just exactly who it is they have elected to office.

To call someone a socialist is not conspiratorial, and it is not fear-mongering; it is simply the truth, and it is time for some in the conservative media to take a deep breath and admit it -- America has a socialist leading the country. Welcome to the club: It stinks!"
Archived-Articles: Obama's Socialism

My speculation is that the have-your-cake-and-eat-it crowd would like to be able to brag that they voted for a President who is a first, in so very many ways...

......but don't want to admit that they've imposed socialism on this once great nation.

Smell the coffee.
The answer to the thread question is "no"!

But the lying piece of shit thinks he is a ruler.

What he is is the most pathetic excuse for a President that we have experienced so far in the life of the United States.
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Amusing, and a bit puzzling, that at this late stage, and long after the hallmark " didn't build that....," almost daily some apologist writes that Obama certainly isn't a socialist.

It's hard to believe there are still people in the world who think that Karl Marx invented wealth redistribution. ...must have been home-schooled or something :rolleyes:

"legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise."
-- Thomas Jefferson; Letter to James Madison, (Oct. 28, 1785)

"It's hard to believe there are still people in the world who think that Karl Marx invented wealth redistribution. ...must have been home-schooled or something"

1. Only a moron would deny the connection between Karl Marx and the content of the OP.

Raise your paw.

2. ".....must have been home-schooled or something"

And only a moron would use the home-school comment as some sort of pejorative, and then go on to provide a quote involving two Presidents who were home-schooled.

Raise two paws....unless it would tip you over.

And everyone on Mount Rushmore was home-schooled, as well.

Appears you weren't.....seems no one can take that much of you.
Amusing, and a bit puzzling, that at this late stage, and long after the hallmark " didn't build that....," almost daily some apologist writes that Obama certainly isn't a socialist.

It's hard to believe there are still people in the world who think that Karl Marx invented wealth redistribution. ...must have been home-schooled or something :rolleyes:

"legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise."
-- Thomas Jefferson; Letter to James Madison, (Oct. 28, 1785)

"It's hard to believe there are still people in the world who think that Karl Marx invented wealth redistribution. ...must have been home-schooled or something"

1. Only a moron would deny the connection between Karl Marx and the content of the OP.

Raise your paw.

Is it your belief that Thomas Jefferson (who attended an organized school at a younger age than I did, btw) was indoctrinated with Marxism?

And everyone on Mount Rushmore was home-schooled, as well.

Appears you weren't.....seems no one can take that much of you.

Well sort of. Though it might well be on topic to remind that 3 of them favored some leveling of wealth.
My speculation is that the have-your-cake-and-eat-it crowd would like to be able to brag that they voted for a President who is a first, in so very many ways...

......but don't want to admit that they've imposed socialism on this once great nation.

Smell the coffee.

When was America greater than it is now, and why?

That's far too simple....
What year were you born?

In other words you have no idea what you're talking about.

Can you even name one socialist program in this country you would eliminate altogether?
I think obama is a marxist collectivist. He is also clearly an america-hater, why else would he be so determined to destroy our economy? His latest being his war on coal-------the most stupid thing he has done yet, it will raise unemployment, spark inflation, raise prices of energy, and help our economic enemies, plus it will do absolutely nothing to reduce world wide pollution.

And how is any of that Marxist though.

We need to remember that term refers to how the means of production is owned.

Please, show ONE SINGLE ACT that has moved the means one inch to the ‘people.’

Essentially, he is NOT Marxist or Socialist. He moves the means of production to an ever decreasing pool of mega corporations that have special legal protections and ties/responsibilities to the government. That is not socialism, it is statist.

"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Marx

"I want to redistribute the wealth" "you didn't build that" Obama

so maybe marxist collectivist statist is more accurate.

Are you always this shallow or do you assume the role of a shallow character just to perform here?

Which socialist programs in this country would you eliminate altogether?
And how is any of that Marxist though.

We need to remember that term refers to how the means of production is owned.

Please, show ONE SINGLE ACT that has moved the means one inch to the ‘people.’

Essentially, he is NOT Marxist or Socialist. He moves the means of production to an ever decreasing pool of mega corporations that have special legal protections and ties/responsibilities to the government. That is not socialism, it is statist.

"from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" Marx

"I want to redistribute the wealth" "you didn't build that" Obama

so maybe marxist collectivist statist is more accurate.

Are you always this shallow or do you assume the role of a shallow character just to perform here?

Which socialist programs in this country would you eliminate altogether?
In other words you have no idea what you're talking about.

Can you even name one socialist program in this country you would eliminate altogether?

Umm, do you know what 'Socialist' means?

Not even the author of this thread knows what socialism means.

Calling Obama a socialist is a classic example of the rightwing trying to dumb down the propaganda sufficiently so as not to cause mental stress among the mental midgets that compose the core constituency of the Right.

Ideally, rightwing propaganda is supposed to sound like a children's book, for obvious reasons.
In other words you have no idea what you're talking about.

Can you even name one socialist program in this country you would eliminate altogether?

Umm, do you know what 'Socialist' means?

Sure I do. It's when assholes like you get a free living from hard working people like me at the insistence of the giveaway government that promises you a free living just for voting them into the position that enables them to steal my shit and give it to you.

Umm, do you know what 'Socialist' means?

Sure I do. It's when assholes like you get a free living from hard working people like me at the insistence of the giveaway government that promises you a free living just for voting them into the position that enables them to steal my shit and give it to you.


I employ 12, amigo. :thup:

And while we're at it, if you've got kids? You get a lot more handouts than I do.
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Umm, do you know what 'Socialist' means?

Sure I do. It's when assholes like you get a free living from hard working people like me at the insistence of the giveaway government that promises you a free living just for voting them into the position that enables them to steal my shit and give it to you.

Tell me more about this "Socialist" program, Obamacare.


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