Clueless Senate OKs Immigration bill


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Immigration focus on House after Senate OKs bill | Political Headlines | Comcast

Attention is shifting to the House and its conservative majority after the Senate passed a landmark immigration bill opening the door to U.S. citizenship to millions while pouring billions of dollars into securing the border with Mexico.

Yea, millions of criminals now can become citizens , what a slap in the face of immigrants who came in the front door....
I just can't get up in arms about this.

There was no way in hell the right was going to get much of anything it wanted out of the senate. Some GOP twits obviously feel they "must do something", but as usual they did wrong.

We can only hope the house makes it better, or kills it entirely.

The bottom line however is that there's no way we can deport all of them. The logistics alone would be impossible. We can get rid of the criminals and moochers easy enough though.
If the House does not compromise, the future of the GOP next year grows very dim.
Immigration focus on House after Senate OKs bill | Political Headlines | Comcast

Attention is shifting to the House and its conservative majority after the Senate passed a landmark immigration bill opening the door to U.S. citizenship to millions while pouring billions of dollars into securing the border with Mexico.

Yea, millions of criminals now can become citizens , what a slap in the face of immigrants who came in the front door....

When Ronald Reagan passed the largest Amnesty Bill in this nation's history, he was, by flooding places like California with cheap labor, excited at the prospect of breaking union control of Southwestern labor markets, especially in food service, construction and agriculture. But he also gave a gift to the coming generation of talk radio and professional agitators, who blame liberal multiculturalism for loose immigration enforcement. Republicans love playing both sides of the issue. Large corporations benefit from open borders so that capital and labor can flow more freely, but these same open borders also allow Rush Limbaugh to rally the base with "Borders, Language, Culture". And, as we know, the Republican base is notoriously easy to manipulate. They don't see the fact that the borders are open because of the neoliberal policies that benefit their large corporate donors.
Anyone who thinks latin immigration is good has only to look at how they destroyed california.
Most americans understand that amnesty will bankrupt america while keeping democrats in power forever.
One, it will empower not bankrupt America.

Two if GOP does not embrace it, yes, Dems will rule for the next 100 years.
Hard to believe McCain and Graham pulled Rubio's head underwater on this....I liked Rubio he got into this. Don't believe a word about more fencing either....there's a stipulation hidden in the fine print that allows the DHS secretary to deem it "cost effective"....Napolitano already killed the remainder of Chertoff's fence. And more border patrol only means more government union they hope to explain that under the sequester should be interesting. House better kill this pink elephant.
One, it will empower not bankrupt America.

Two if GOP does not embrace it, yes, Dems will rule for the next 100 years.

Hilarious how you progs intend to keep macho Catholics who believe in hard work under control much past amnesty. They see how you herded the blacks in housing projects and forgot about them. GOP will own the latino vote in 8 years....put that in the bank, fool. :eusa_eh:
One, it will empower not bankrupt America.

Two if GOP does not embrace it, yes, Dems will rule for the next 100 years.

Hilarious how you progs intend to keep macho Catholics who believe in hard work under control much past amnesty. They see how you herded the blacks in housing projects and forgot about them. GOP will own the latino vote in 8 years....put that in the bank, fool. :eusa_eh:

Yup, Joe, you don't speak for mainstream Republicanism. We are rejecting your shit and figuring a way to bring Hispanics into the party without you maniacs ruining America.
The US would not have this issue if, business and mayors were not pushing for legalization and easy access to immigrants for hiring and entrepreneurship, they are the ones pushing this agenda.
If the House does not compromise, the future of the GOP next year grows very dim.

Well that certainly is the mantra of the left -- Ive lost count of how many left leaning writers and politicians keep spouting this as if they would be supporting immigration if they really believed for a moment it was the key to future republican electoral success.

And to be clear even they dont think it will have much effect in the midterms -- the latin vote has little effect in those republican districts, and its impact in the last election also has been vastly overstated by - surprise surprise - supporters of immigration reform . This is like the Bush tax increase that cost him reelection -- the lesson reinforced there is that you dont alienate your base to appease your enemies who will give you no credit for it anyway. I dont think the house will fall for this like nitiwts like mccain and graham and a guy like rubio who is another politician who shows the irrsistible effect of race.

At its very best this bill will be neutral to the Republicans -- at its VERY best, and in all liklihood will damage them. There is no percentage in them approving this bill All the empirical data says so -- and one more thing -- all the great Republican political minds who are reading the data from the last election and screaming that they need to change on immigration are the very same old line Republicans who put party before principal and in the last election looked at the data and were positive Romney would win when any 5th grader could have spent 5 minutes on Real Clear Politics and told you he would lose bady. I dont think going with them on this is so smart
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It is the mantra of the sensible mainstream leadership and membership.

We do not want the TPM and reactionaries crashing our party.

If the House breaks the immigration bill, the women and minorities and Hispanic voters break the Republican Party next year in the elections.
If the House does not compromise, the future of the GOP next year grows very dim.

Well that certainly is the mantra of the left -- Ive lost count of how many left leaning writers and politicians keep spouting this as if they would be supporting immigration if they really believed for a moment it was the key to future republican electoral success.

And to be clear even they dont think it will have much effect in the midterms -- the latin vote has little effect in those republican districts, and its impact in the last election also has been vastly overstated by - surprise surprise - supporters of immigration reform . This is like the Bush tax increase that cost him reelection -- the lesson reinforced there is that you dont alienate your base to appease your enemies who will give you no credit for it anyway. I dont think the house will fall for this like nitiwts like mccain and graham and a guy like rubio who is another politician who shows the irrsistible effect of race.

At its very best this bill will be neutral to the Republicans -- at its VERY best, and in all liklihood will damage them. There is no percentage in them approving this bill All the empirical data says so -- and one more thing -- all the great Republican political minds who are reading the data from the last election and screaming that they need to change on immigration are the very same old line Republicans who put party before principal and in the last election looked at the data and were positive Romney would win when any 5th grader could have spent 5 minutes on Real Clear Politics and told you he would lose bady. I dont think going with them on this is so smart

Good post and very true. The mantra that starky et al are pushing is rather inane. The republicans already do not have the Hispanic vote and they are not going to suddenly gain any by passing an immigration bill. That will actually reinforce the democrats, NOT help the republicans.

You cannot win dems over by pretending to be one but you sure as hell can lose your own support by doing so.
The GOP can hold the House next fall if they pass a decent bill.

If they don't, they won't.

Anybody listening to the far right is a sheep herding with wolves.

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