Is Alex Jones a Terrorist


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
According to American law is Alex Jones a Terrorist?

"Alex Jones’s angry appearance on Piers Morgan’s CNN interview show on Tuesday has provoked a lot of discussion, but what strikes me is that Jones threatened to launch an armed insurrection (1776) if the government attempted to outlaw semi-automatic weapons (or as he put it “to take our guns.”)

Of course, Jones got away with this, whereas if he had been a Muslim and said the same thing, his sorry ass would be in Gitmo or droned by now.... Did what Jones said amount to terrorism?"

Read Here: According to the US Code of Federal law
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I'm sure nothing would tickle your leg more than having the federali's go after Jones for what he said. Did you go to bat for Darth during star wars too?
Midcan's way of saying I want to work in the fields 14 hours a day watched over by Greenbeards armed guards in a city surrounded by a wall built to keep me from fleeing.
Jones is a big fat asshole

No jury would believe he would actually get off his ass and fight for his stupid guns
According to American law is Alex Jones a Terrorist?

"Alex Jones’s angry appearance on Piers Morgan’s CNN interview show on Tuesday has provoked a lot of discussion, but what strikes me is that Jones threatened to launch an armed insurrection (1776) if the government attempted to outlaw semi-automatic weapons (or as he put it “to take our guns.”)

Of course, Jones got away with this, whereas if he had been a Muslim and said the same thing, his sorry ass would be in Gitmo or droned by now.... Did what Jones said amount to terrorism?"

Read Here: According to the US Code of Federal law

If he was any of the things you mentioned he'd have his own show on PMSNBC.
According to American law is Alex Jones a Terrorist?

"Alex Jones’s angry appearance on Piers Morgan’s CNN interview show on Tuesday has provoked a lot of discussion, but what strikes me is that Jones threatened to launch an armed insurrection (1776) if the government attempted to outlaw semi-automatic weapons (or as he put it “to take our guns.”)

Of course, Jones got away with this, whereas if he had been a Muslim and said the same thing, his sorry ass would be in Gitmo or droned by now.... Did what Jones said amount to terrorism?"

Read Here: According to the US Code of Federal law

If he was any of the things you mentioned he'd have his own show on PMSNBC.
he could work for.beck.
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If you think that threatening insurrection makes someone a terrorist you need to read the recent supreme court decision in the Hutaree case.
It was the CNN talking heads that made the terrorist threats.. Alex only warned what would be the result of gun confiscation

[ame=]CNN Host Tells Pierce Morgan to Kill Alex Jones - YouTube[/ame]
Geez, if you think Alex Jones is guilty of treason for invoking tenants of the American Revolution in a debate what the hell do you think about the freaking terrorist, Bill Ayers who blew up banks and corporate headquarters and Army Recruiting centers was (is?) a political adviser to the president?
Threatened to launch insurrection? I take it you don't comprehend english very well.
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According to American law is Alex Jones a Terrorist?

"Alex Jones’s angry appearance on Piers Morgan’s CNN interview show on Tuesday has provoked a lot of discussion, but what strikes me is that Jones threatened to launch an armed insurrection (1776) if the government attempted to outlaw semi-automatic weapons (or as he put it “to take our guns.”)

Of course, Jones got away with this, whereas if he had been a Muslim and said the same thing, his sorry ass would be in Gitmo or droned by now.... Did what Jones said amount to terrorism?"

Read Here: According to the US Code of Federal law

Jones is crazy, but your attempt to label him a "terrorist" is just fucking stupid, it just shows that you are more of a threat than Jones...
You see people, they have now taken to "labeling" any American Citizen who doesn't agree with THEM, as extremest and now Terrorist...

This is your fellow countrymen and women calling you this and it should worry you
So according to the right wingers on board all a terrorist has to do is invoke the American revolution and mea culpa. Defense attorneys will have a easier job. All the American citizens retained after 911 missed that piece of legal maneuvering.

Funny how nonsense sounds different to different ears. Imagine any current bogeyman saying the same thing. Terrorists and patriots change sides over time and location. Read the law.

"Terrorism require alienated individuals, a complicit community, and a legitimizing ideology motivated by a desire for revenge, renown, and reaction from the enemy." Louise Richardson

LOL "Every Wednesday morning, a group of conspirators meets to plot out how to most effectively attack the federal government. This is not a group of rag-tag terrorists – they wear $2,000 suits and occupy powerful positions in society. But their ideas are politically radical and they do pose a real threat to the normal workings of government in the U.S. They are a group of leading conservatives who believe that government is a malevolent force in society and they have a fierce determination to drastically cut it back. They are convinced that the central problem in our country is too much government – too many social programs, too many regulations, and too much taxation – and they are committed to doing something about it." Government is Good - The Anti-Government Campaign
Geez, if you think Alex Jones is guilty of treason for invoking tenants of the American Revolution in a debate what the hell do you think about the freaking terrorist, Bill Ayers who blew up banks and corporate headquarters and Army Recruiting centers was (is?) a political adviser to the president?

That's different. Somehow. It just is.

Progs loves them some violence as long as it's in support of prog causes.

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