IRS Revealed Complicit In Keeping Cost of Tax Filing High


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
In a recent lawsuit, the IRS was forced to release internal emails which showed that for years, they have been complicit in working with the tax-filing industry to assure them they would not introduce anything which would make it easier or cheaper for taxpayers to file a tax return so as to not cut into the tax-filing industry's profits!

In other words, it isn't enough to pay the high cost of taxation in America, one of the most heavily taxed people in the world, but to keep filing as complex, difficult and costly as possible so as to support a fat industry that has gotten rich off of your need just to try to find your way through the maddening, burdensome maze!


The IRS Tried to Hide Emails That Show Tax Industry Influence Over Free File Program — ProPublica

Is your ass sore enough yet?

So does this have any relationship to Obama using the IRS to unfairly audit conservative groups or is this a completely separate corrupt action by the worst President ever?
And we have the same people that wrote the tax code telling us we need to pay more in taxes to finance their homes and large estates. They want us to pay for Medicare for all, reparations, free college tuition and all the other things they want to giveaway.

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