‘Irregularities’ Found in DOJ Investigation of ‘F—ing Spy Chief of China,’ Biden Associate Patrick Ho


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Watchdog Memo: ‘Irregularities’ Found in DOJ Investigation of ‘F—ing Spy Chief of China,’ Biden Associate Patrick Ho​

14 Sep 2023 ~~ By Emma-Jo Morris

The Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation and prosecution of CEFC China Energy Co. boss and Biden family associate Patrick Ho displayed “irregularities,” including concealing known connections between the Chinese Communist Party-linked entity and the Bidens, and communication between Hunter Biden and the FBI agents involved in Ho’s case, according to a memo by the Heritage Foundation Oversight Project.
Ho, infamously referred to as “the fucking spy chief of China” by Hunter Biden, was arrested in November, 2017, and convicted in December, 2018, in the Southern District of New York and sentenced to 3 years in prison for violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and money laundering. Ho’s first phone call upon his arrest was to Hunter Biden, who was allegedly providing legal services to him at the time.
Now, a memo by the Heritage Foundation obtained exclusively by Breitbart News alleges that since Ho’s conviction, “significant evidence has emerged identifying concerning irregularities with the DOJ investigation and prosecution,” including that “DOJ was aware of connections between the Biden family and CEFC at least as early as 2017 and that they acted to conceal this information from the public,” as well as “contacts between Hunter Biden and FBI agents related to Ho’s arrest,” and “a leak of investigatory information in the Ho case.”
Mike Howell, Director for the Oversight Project at The Heritage Foundation, told Breitbart this pattern of facts represents “another story of a rigged system of justice in America,” adding that these actions “[seek] to bury this major national security threat.”
The memo includes documentation of every claim it makes, and provides a list of questions for Congress to seek answers to in its impeachment inquiry.
Among them are requests for information of the Intelligence Community’s knowledge of CEFC and its links to the CCP and to the Biden family; requests for information on the FBI and DOJ’s surveillance of communications between Biden family members and CEFC, and how references to the Biden family affected the course of the investigation into Ho; requests for information on alleged leaks in the Ho case; and which FBI agents were contacted by Hunter Biden upon Ho’s arrest.
“It is now up to Congress to use its oversight authorities to bring transparency in this important case,” it continues. “Responsive and energetic oversight, starting with the questions outlined above, will require courage and work from Congress but will ultimately benefit the DOJ, America’s national security, and the American people.”

The U.S. Senate Special Committee on Intelligence had to be briefed on this/
Who’s on that committee? Their butts ought to be in the sling as well.
This appears to be straight up treason for everyone involved within this administration including the DoJ, FBI and the Quisling Media.
The Deep State establishment of both sides need to be flushed out of the DC swamp and they will do all they can to maintain their status quo.
America needs a non politician to ensure the required swamp draining is implemented and includes all agencies IRS, DOJ, CIA, FBI and all the other agencies that aided in the demise of our Republic over the last few years.

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