Ireland Opposes Apple's Renewable Data Energy Center plan.


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
Ireland is speaking out against Apple's plan to destroy the environment of Ireland by littering the rolling green vistas with 100's of Industrial Wind Turbines.

It is very doubtful that Apple's data center will operate on Renewable Energy, it will be an extremely long process to get approved and at that, the Renewable Energy will have to have a 100% Fossil Fuel backup.

Anti-wind energy campaigners in Ireland oppose Apple s data centre plan New Hampshire Voice
Anti-wind energy campaigners in Ireland oppose Apple’s data centre plan

Apple’s recent announcement about its plans to spend an amount of €850 million for constructing a massive data centre in the west of Ireland is being opposed by anti-wind campaigners in the country.

Apple had said in its announcement that it plans to build a data centre in Athenry, Co Galway. The company had also added that the data centre will be powered “entirely” by renewable energy, and will be one of the world’s biggest and most advanced data centers.

Apple had also said that, during its construction phase, the data centre at the Co Galway town will create hundreds of local jobs.

However, attacking Apple’s plans to construct a huge data centre at Athenry, anti-wind group Wind Aware Ireland’s Henry Fingleton has said that the data centre-related announcement made by Apple was ‘premature.’

Noting that “the process for getting permission and setting up renewable energy is very complex,” Fingleton said that Apple can go ahead with its Athenry data centre plans only after a “strategic and environmental assessment” which is a “long and detailed process.”

Further asserting that “wind energy in Ireland can only operate when permanently backed up with fossil fuel plants,” Fingleton said: “Unless Apple intends building an enormous hydro or biomass plant it is very unlikely that their data centre will run 'entirely' on clean renewable energy sources.”

Good to know. Will be following the story.

But tell us, how does a wind turbine "destroy the environment"?
I've been all over Ireland btw and I promise you, it looks nothing like the pic above.

Councillors under pressure as opposition to wind farm grows Irish Examiner

Cork’s county councillors came under pressure at a public meeting on Tuesday night concerning a wind farm between Tarelton and Coppeen.
More than 200 people packed the tiny hall in the small village of Terelton to discuss opposition to plans by Barna Wind Energy (part of Enerco Energy, Lissarda) for six 131m-max turbines on high ground above the village at Barnadivane.

The company has been granted permission for 14 turbines of 105m max at the location and recently received permission for a new 110kv substation. They applied in December to replace the 14 turbines with six larger ones.

Finbarr Harrington (Ind) from Allihies, proposed a campaign similar to that when one-off housing was threatened in West Cork some years ago, asking two or three councillors to put down a motion and get all the rest to support it.

He reminded the gathering however that large-scale, commercial wind energy developments are encouraged in the area under the County Development Plan.

“The councillors voted on that plan before Christmas, they adopted it. That plan says that Cork County Council endorses wind farms here, so what you’ve got to do now is get all the members of Cork County Council to go against this,” Mr Harrington said.

Cllr Michael Creed said “The County Development Plan has been adopted and the County Development Plan will last for five years.” He said he had already spoken to planners and the case would be decided at the highest level in the council.

Cllr Aindrias Moynihan said the motion would not have the impact they expected. “I can tell you plain and simple it will not work.

"I will not put down such a motion. I will not. It’s wrong. I’m here to fight the wind farm. Putting a motion of that nature will not get you the result you are looking for. I’m not going to take part in a codding of that nature.”

The fact there was already planning for turbines in the area made the challenge even tougher he added.

“It’s another meek admission on behalf of the councillors that they have no function whatever,” Kevin Buckley from Renaniree said adding “they don’t represent the people in the important issues”.

Des O’Grady (SF) who described the development as “an intolerable imposition on the people of this community” pledged to put down a motion and Cllr Michael Collins (Ind) pledged to second the motion.

Enerco Energy has declined to comment on the meeting.

A protest on the plans will take place at 10.30am next Monday at County Hall.

© Irish Examiner Ltd. All rights reserved
Good to know. Will be following the story.

But tell us, how does a wind turbine "destroy the environment"?
I've been all over Ireland btw and I promise you, it looks nothing like the pic above.

"Destroy the environment" is your phrase -- you wrote it.
Why don't you take responsibility for it and essplain what you meant?

Councillors under pressure as opposition to wind farm grows Irish Examiner

Cork’s county councillors came under pressure at a public meeting on Tuesday night concerning a wind farm between Tarelton and Coppeen.
More than 200 people packed the tiny hall in the small village of Terelton to discuss opposition to plans by Barna Wind Energy (part of Enerco Energy, Lissarda) for six 131m-max turbines on high ground above the village at Barnadivane.

The company has been granted permission for 14 turbines of 105m max at the location and recently received permission for a new 110kv substation. They applied in December to replace the 14 turbines with six larger ones.

Finbarr Harrington (Ind) from Allihies, proposed a campaign similar to that when one-off housing was threatened in West Cork some years ago, asking two or three councillors to put down a motion and get all the rest to support it.

He reminded the gathering however that large-scale, commercial wind energy developments are encouraged in the area under the County Development Plan.

“The councillors voted on that plan before Christmas, they adopted it. That plan says that Cork County Council endorses wind farms here, so what you’ve got to do now is get all the members of Cork County Council to go against this,” Mr Harrington said.

Cllr Michael Creed said “The County Development Plan has been adopted and the County Development Plan will last for five years.” He said he had already spoken to planners and the case would be decided at the highest level in the council.

Cllr Aindrias Moynihan said the motion would not have the impact they expected. “I can tell you plain and simple it will not work.

"I will not put down such a motion. I will not. It’s wrong. I’m here to fight the wind farm. Putting a motion of that nature will not get you the result you are looking for. I’m not going to take part in a codding of that nature.”

The fact there was already planning for turbines in the area made the challenge even tougher he added.

“It’s another meek admission on behalf of the councillors that they have no function whatever,” Kevin Buckley from Renaniree said adding “they don’t represent the people in the important issues”.

Des O’Grady (SF) who described the development as “an intolerable imposition on the people of this community” pledged to put down a motion and Cllr Michael Collins (Ind) pledged to second the motion.

Enerco Energy has declined to comment on the meeting.

A protest on the plans will take place at 10.30am next Monday at County Hall.

© Irish Examiner Ltd. All rights reserved

County Cork? That's in the south. You started out talking Galway, which is on the west coast.

Where exactly are we going here? This is a whole different company.

What's next? Donegal?
County Cork? That's in the south. You started out talking Galway, which is on the west coast.
Where exactly are we going here? This is a whole different company.

What's next? Donegal?
Ahh, nobody can say anything bad about Wind Turbines?
You asked how Wind Turbines destroy the environment. I answered, I am certainly not sorry, you do not like the answer.

But tell us, how does a wind turbine "destroy the environment"?

BBC News - Screggagh farm wind turbine collapse investigation continues

The turbine collapsed on Friday evening scattering debris over a wide area
An investigation is continuing into the collapse of a wind turbine near Fintona in County Tyrone.

The turbine, valued at more than £500,000, was one of eight on the Screggagh wind farm on Murley mountain.

It collapsed on Friday night, scattering debris over a wide area. Winds were said to be light at the time.

The director of Screggagh Windfarm Ltd said they were working with the suppliers to ensure the site was safe.

"We are currently investigating the circumstances that led to the collapse of the turbine at Screggagh wind farm," Doreen Walker said.

"We are however satisfied that the site's precautionary health and safety alert processes worked well with local emergency services in attendance within minutes of the incident taking place.
County Cork? That's in the south. You started out talking Galway, which is on the west coast.
Where exactly are we going here? This is a whole different company.

What's next? Donegal?
Ahh, nobody can say anything bad about Wind Turbines?

Ahh, I wasn't asking about wind turbines; I'm asking about geography. You start the thread talking about an issue in Galway... now all of a sudden we're in Cork. Unfortunately I know both these places and they're not near each other so I'm asking if we might pick a topic and stay on it-- rather than hopping all over the island.

You asked how Wind Turbines destroy the environment. I answered, I am certainly not sorry, you do not like the answer.

But tell us, how does a wind turbine "destroy the environment"?

And I am sorry you couldn't think of one. All you did was post an image. Now you've posted two. Neither articulates anything.

Perhaps next time you should work that part out first. As I always say, if you can't articulate what your point is, well it jest might be that you ain't got one.
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And I am sorry you couldn't think of one.
Perhaps next time you should work that part out first. As I always say, if you can't articulate what your point is, well it jest might be that you ain't got one.

Up to 5 000 set to march against wind turbines and pylons Irish Examiner
Buses were hired and cars filled with petrol and diesel this morning as between 3,000 and 5,000 protesters take part in a mass protest in Dublin over wind turbines and pylons.
The 11am march from Parnell Square to Leinster House, was organised by anti-wind and pylon groups in Westmeath, Laois, and Offaly.
Groups opposed to the building of electrical substations as part of the Grid25 project are also involved and as many as 200 communities groups are expected to participate.
It comes in spite of Energy Minister Pat Rabbitte’s announcement that a wind energy export deal to Britain is off the table in the medium term.

It's not what I asked -- I asked what you mean by writing of "Apple's plan to destroy the envrionment of Ireland" --- which is exactly what you wrote in post number one. It wasn't a picture; it was words. Typed on a keyboard.

Apparently you have no reasoning behind writing that.
Very well then. It's always good to know what one's currency is backed with.
And btw, the image in post 8 is from Michigan and the one in post 9 from Utah.

See what I mean about "all over the map"?

Now I know Michigan has a County Clare but that doesn't make it Ireland. I've been there too -- it's barren but not that barren.
And btw, the image in post 8 is from Michigan and the one in post 9 from Utah.

See what I mean about "all over the map"?

Now I know Michigan has a County Clare but that doesn't make it Ireland. I've been there too -- it's barren but not that barren.
It is always nice to start a thread with lots of views and posts, thanks pogo.

All over the map? Like this comment of yours? "But tell us, how does a wind turbine "destroy the environment?"

So, you have been to Michigan, I know a person that built the Wind Turbines in Michigan, big deal. But you asked how do Wind Turbines destroy the environment, I gave you the answer, you do not like the facts. Not my problem.

It's not what I asked -- I asked what you mean by writing of "Apple's plan to destroy the envrionment of Ireland" --- which is exactly what you wrote in post number one. It wasn't a picture; it was words. Typed on a keyboard.

Apparently you have no reasoning behind writing that.
Very well then. It's always good to know what one's currency is backed with.
But tell us, how does a wind turbine "destroy the environment"?
It is fun to see pogo squirm and backpedal.

And btw, the image in post 8 is from Michigan and the one in post 9 from Utah.

See what I mean about "all over the map"?

Now I know Michigan has a County Clare but that doesn't make it Ireland. I've been there too -- it's barren but not that barren.
It is always nice to start a thread with lots of views and posts, thanks pogo.

All over the map? Like this comment of yours? "But tell us, how does a wind turbine "destroy the environment?"

So, you have been to Michigan, I know a person that built the Wind Turbines in Michigan, big deal. But you asked how do Wind Turbines destroy the environment, I gave you the answer, you do not like the facts. Not my problem.

Not mine either -- your problem is you made a statement you can't give a basis for. Then you post pictures from Michigan and Utah -- a whole different continent altogether -- and think you gave an answer.

You didn't.
Oh well. :dunno:
Not mine either -- your problem is you made a statement you can't give a basis for. Then you post pictures from Michigan and Utah -- a whole different continent altogether -- and think you gave an answer.

You didn't.
Oh well. :dunno:

Wrong, I made a thread, based on Ireland's people being opposed to giant Wind Turbines in their beautiful landscape. In response to pogo asking how Wind Turbines destroy the environment, I responded with pics.

A picture is worth a thousand words.
Not mine either -- your problem is you made a statement you can't give a basis for. Then you post pictures from Michigan and Utah -- a whole different continent altogether -- and think you gave an answer.

You didn't.
Oh well. :dunno:

Wrong, I made a thread, based on Ireland's people being opposed to giant Wind Turbines in their beautiful landscape. In response to pogo asking how Wind Turbines destroy the environment, I responded with pics.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Not to mention at least two continents.
Pics don't make a point. Pics are neutral. They might be used to illustrate a point -- but that depends on a point to be actually made in the first place. Which you still haven't done.

And if this is all you got, I'm officially bored.

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