Iraq-Afghan Vet's Reject Trump's Bullshit


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2013
Yup, the nation's largest veterans group representing specifically veterans of the Iraqi and Afghanistan Wars, The Iraqi-Afghanistan Veterans of America are slamming Trump and telling him not to bother sending donations from his politically motivated "fundraising" event meant to sabotage the Republican Debate.

Leader of group calls Trump's effort a "stunt".
Several veterans groups have been on the news today speaking out against Donald the Chump. Seems they don't want to be used as a political prop for a reality show campaign.

I don't blame them.
Well for one he lies....on his bio page he once said his platoon conducted over 1,000 combat patrols in his ten months in Iraq....that's three patrols a day, seven days a week for every week he was there. Complete unadulterated BS
Several veterans groups have been on the news today speaking out against Donald the Chump. Seems they don't want to be used as a political prop for a reality show campaign.

I don't blame them.
Palin's ptsd comments already rocked the boat. this stunt just doubled down on using the military as a prop
Well for one he lies....on his bio page he once said his platoon conducted over 1,000 combat patrols in his ten months in Iraq....that's three patrols a day, seven days a week for every week he was there. Complete unadulterated BS
You just called a decorated and honorable veteran a liar because you are too uninformed and knowledgeable to know that as a platoon leader he would have three or four squads under his command at any given time, often, each one conducting multiple missions and patrols on any given day.
Apologize you ignorant fool.
Well for one he lies....on his bio page he once said his platoon conducted over 1,000 combat patrols in his ten months in Iraq....that's three patrols a day, seven days a week for every week he was there. Complete unadulterated BS
You just called a decorated and honorable veteran a liar because you are too uninformed and knowledgeable to know that as a platoon leader he would have three or four squads under his command at any given time, often, each one conducting multiple missions and patrols on any given day.
Apologize you ignorant fool.

I'm not the one who called him the liar to begin with.....veterans did. Sit down you ignorant fool
Leader of group calls Trump's effort a "stunt".

The tragic irony is that Reichoff and any poor sap under his command was already used in a massive political stunt sponsored by ZOG neocons in invading middle east countries for no reason other than PNAC.
Well for one he lies....on his bio page he once said his platoon conducted over 1,000 combat patrols in his ten months in Iraq....that's three patrols a day, seven days a week for every week he was there. Complete unadulterated BS
You just called a decorated and honorable veteran a liar because you are too uninformed and knowledgeable to know that as a platoon leader he would have three or four squads under his command at any given time, often, each one conducting multiple missions and patrols on any given day.
Apologize you ignorant fool.

I'm not the one who called him the liar to begin with.....veterans did. Sit down you ignorant fool
You called him a liar in your post which is clearly what you yourself are claiming. "Well for one he lies..." is what you wrote for a post on an online message board. Your words.
Well for one he lies....on his bio page he once said his platoon conducted over 1,000 combat patrols in his ten months in Iraq....that's three patrols a day, seven days a week for every week he was there. Complete unadulterated BS
You just called a decorated and honorable veteran a liar because you are too uninformed and knowledgeable to know that as a platoon leader he would have three or four squads under his command at any given time, often, each one conducting multiple missions and patrols on any given day.
Apologize you ignorant fool.

I'm not the one who called him the liar to begin with.....veterans did. Sit down you ignorant fool
You called him a liar in your post which is clearly what you yourself are claiming. "Well for one he lies..." is what you wrote for a post on an online message board. Your words.

Stop picking fly shit out of pepper. Rieckoff is a democrat and if anyone is using something politically it's him as well.
Leader of group calls Trump's effort a "stunt".

The tragic irony is that Reichoff and any poor sap under his command was already used in a massive political stunt sponsored by ZOG neocons in invading middle east countries for no reason other than PNAC.
But this is what makes veteran groups and guys like Reichoff so necessary. They try to clean up the mess and represent the most vulnerable participants of the warrior contingent.
Well for one he lies....on his bio page he once said his platoon conducted over 1,000 combat patrols in his ten months in Iraq....that's three patrols a day, seven days a week for every week he was there. Complete unadulterated BS
You just called a decorated and honorable veteran a liar because you are too uninformed and knowledgeable to know that as a platoon leader he would have three or four squads under his command at any given time, often, each one conducting multiple missions and patrols on any given day.
Apologize you ignorant fool.

I'm not the one who called him the liar to begin with.....veterans did. Sit down you ignorant fool
You called him a liar in your post which is clearly what you yourself are claiming. "Well for one he lies..." is what you wrote for a post on an online message board. Your words.

Stop picking fly shit out of pepper. Rieckoff is a democrat and if anyone is using something politically it's him as well.
You are on a roll with your lying. Rieckhoff is unaffiliated and does not endorse or work for political candidates. Anyhow, the guy is a spokesperson for the largest Iraqi and Afghan veterans group in America, so his personal politics wouldn't and shouldn't matter. That is just your ignorant way of disparaging the man's integrity without having a shred of evidence to do so. You are just spewing vile lies about a veteran because he insulted your fuhrer.

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