Iranian Pastor Sentenced to Death


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May 3, 2011
My house
Iranian Pastor Sentenced To Death

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner also has spoken out against Iran. "While Iran's government claims to promote tolerance, it continues to imprison many of its people because of their faith. This goes beyond the law to an issue of fundamental respect for human dignity. I urge Iran's leaders to abandon this dark path, spare [Nadarkhani's] life, and grant him a full and unconditional release," said Boehner.

It is not looking good.
Iran is so unpredictable nowadays. I mean it's always been unpredictable, but the events of the past few years has really thrown everything on its head. I'm guessing that he won't be executed, because these high profile cases tend to end in release/house arrest. But I have no idea now.
An Iranian judiciary official has denied reports that Youssef Nadar-Khani, an Iranian citizen, has been sentenced to death for converting to Christianity Press TV reports.

“Youssef Nadar-Khani has been charged with a crime and is in a prison based on an arrest warrant issued against him,” Gilan Province Judiciary Chief Mohammad-Javad Heshmati said on Wednesday.

“There has been no execution order. No conviction at all has been issued yet and it is up to the court to finally decide the verdict after studying his case,” he added.
On Saturday, Deputy Governor of Gilan Province Ali Rezvani said Nadar-Khani is guilty of security charges and running a brothel but his verdict has not been finalized.

“This individual is guilty and his crime is not attempting to convert others to Christianity, rather his crimes are of a security nature,” he stated.

Western media have manipulated the case of Nadar-Khani, a convicted rapist and extortionist in Gilan Province, to wage an anti-Iran publicity campaign by falsely claiming that his criminal conviction his conversion to Christianity and acting as a 'priest.'

Iran has firmly refuted Western allegations of violating human rights, insisting that Nadar-Khani has a history of committing violent crimes and that he has never received a death penalty for his religious preference.
PressTV - Iran denies death penalty for convert
An Iranian judiciary official has denied reports that Youssef Nadar-Khani, an Iranian citizen, has been sentenced to death for converting to Christianity Press TV reports.

Jos, you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. :lol: :clap2:
Qur'an 9:3 "Allah and His Messenger dissolve obligations
Christian Pastor Sentenced To Die In Iran...
Execution Orders Issued for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani
Feb. 21, 2012 - We are hearing reports from our contacts in Iran that the execution orders for Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani may have been issued.
Pastor Youcef’s situation – an innocent man convicted and sentenced to death for becoming a Christian – has not been this dire since we first brought his case to your attention last year.

It is unclear whether Pastor Youcef would have a right of appeal from the execution order. We know that the head of Iran’s Judiciary, Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, must approve publicly held executions, but only a small percentage of executions are held public—most executions in Iran are conducted in secret. There has also been a disturbing increase in the number of executions conducted by the Iranian regime in the last month.

Iran is actively violating its human rights obligations by sentencing and detaining Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. We call on the Iranian government to release Pastor Youcef immediately. We are continuing to work to help spare the life of Pastor Youcef, and will provide additional updates on his situation as we are able. Please continue to pray, share his story, and call for his release.

An Iranian judiciary official has denied reports that Youssef Nadar-Khani, an Iranian citizen, has been sentenced to death for converting to Christianity Press TV reports.

“Youssef Nadar-Khani has been charged with a crime and is in a prison based on an arrest warrant issued against him,” Gilan Province Judiciary Chief Mohammad-Javad Heshmati said on Wednesday.

“There has been no execution order. No conviction at all has been issued yet and it is up to the court to finally decide the verdict after studying his case,” he added.
On Saturday, Deputy Governor of Gilan Province Ali Rezvani said Nadar-Khani is guilty of security charges and running a brothel but his verdict has not been finalized.

“This individual is guilty and his crime is not attempting to convert others to Christianity, rather his crimes are of a security nature,” he stated.

Western media have manipulated the case of Nadar-Khani, a convicted rapist and extortionist in Gilan Province, to wage an anti-Iran publicity campaign by falsely claiming that his criminal conviction his conversion to Christianity and acting as a 'priest.'

Iran has firmly refuted Western allegations of violating human rights, insisting that Nadar-Khani has a history of committing violent crimes and that he has never received a death penalty for his religious preference.

PressTV - Iran denies death penalty for convert

What a jackass.... you believe Iran over the rest of the world.

Go to Hell Jos
You might want to put some lotion on your neck, from here it looks a bit red
Iranian Pastor Sentenced To Death

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner also has spoken out against Iran. "While Iran's government claims to promote tolerance, it continues to imprison many of its people because of their faith. This goes beyond the law to an issue of fundamental respect for human dignity. I urge Iran's leaders to abandon this dark path, spare [Nadarkhani's] life, and grant him a full and unconditional release," said Boehner.

It is not looking good.

is it any if your business what iran a sovereign nation is upto worse things are happening in saudi arabia im sure anyway what you gona do about it, nothing, you cant, iran is too strong for the US, who cant even beat the taliban, let alone a oil ritch nation like iran.
Iranian Pastor Sentenced To Death

U.S. House Speaker John Boehner also has spoken out against Iran. "While Iran's government claims to promote tolerance, it continues to imprison many of its people because of their faith. This goes beyond the law to an issue of fundamental respect for human dignity. I urge Iran's leaders to abandon this dark path, spare [Nadarkhani's] life, and grant him a full and unconditional release," said Boehner.

It is not looking good.

is it any if your business what iran a sovereign nation is upto worse things are happening in saudi arabia im sure anyway what you gona do about it, nothing, you cant, iran is too strong for the US, who cant even beat the taliban, let alone a oil ritch nation like iran.

She is free to talk about it if she wants fuck face, and the US could wipe Iran off the face of the earth if we feel like it.
[...] and the US could wipe Iran off the face of the earth if we feel like it.

Yeah, but the trick is getting us (meaning the American public) to feel like it, as certain elements behind the scenes in the previous administration knew all too well (Full disclosure: I'm a proud and patriotic Truther.). Minus another false flag, which would be far more difficult to pull off in the Post-Dubya era (with so many 'regular citizens' wide awake and watching every move their Government makes), I doubt a majority will ever rally behind a war-mongering President like we witnessed in the immediate aftermath 9/11/01.

Having said that, there's another route to war unfolding before our eyes, in which the US will likely continue to give the public appearance of the peacemaker (mainly for the collective benefit of China and Russia), but behind the curtain, will be doing everything in its power to push a military conflict between Israel and Iran. Once that happens (and it will happen), the powers that be in Washington DC will be counting on the evangelicals in this country and abroad to rise up in typical sheep-like fashion in support of US military action to bolster the supposed Israeli campaign.

And Iran's nuclear ambitions will have had nothing to do with any of it...
[...] and the US could wipe Iran off the face of the earth if we feel like it.

Yeah, but the trick is getting us (meaning the American public) to feel like it, as certain elements behind the scenes in the previous administration knew all too well (Full disclosure: I'm a proud and patriotic Truther.). Minus another false flag, which would be far more difficult to pull off in the Post-Dubya era (with so many 'regular citizens' wide awake and watching every move their Government makes), I doubt a majority will ever rally behind a war-mongering President like we witnessed in the immediate aftermath 9/11/01.

Having said that, there's another route to war unfolding before our eyes, in which the US will likely continue to give the public appearance of the peacemaker (mainly for the collective benefit of China and Russia), but behind the curtain, will be doing everything in its power to push a military conflict between Israel and Iran. Once that happens (and it will happen), the powers that be in Washington DC will be counting on the evangelicals in this country and abroad to rise up in typical sheep-like fashion in support of US military action to bolster the supposed Israeli campaign.

And Iran's nuclear ambitions will have had nothing to do with any of it...

THIS boy-king in the white house will never support an Isralie action. He is more likely to take it as a direct attack against his reelection campaign. He is more likely to urge a quick Isralie surrender to restore peace.
THIS boy-king in the white house will never support an Isralie action. [...]

Maybe not overtly at first.

He is more likely to take it as a direct attack against his reelection campaign. He is more likely to urge a quick Isralie surrender to restore peace.

Agreed, on both counts.

Not including participation in a UN-sponsored campaign (which seems unlikely to happen in Iran, at least at the moment), any overt military action on the part of the United States will likely be held in check until after the election.

All of that aside, I think it's a mistake to buy into the peace-making aspects of the official line, mainly because the interests of the power elite (I'm not talking about politicians here) would be much better served by crushing Iran's defiance.

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