Iran opens conference to discuss evidence of Holocaust


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran on Monday hosted a conference gathering prominent Holocaust deniers that it said would examine whether the World War II genocide of Jews took place, drawing condemnation from Israel and Germany.

The conference was initiated by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in an apparent attempt to burnish his status at home and abroad as a tough opponent of Israel. The hard-liner president has described the Holocaust as a "myth" and called for Israel to be wiped off the map.

RELATED: Largest archive of Holocaust records to open

Organizers touted the conference as a scholarly gathering aimed at discussing the Holocaust away from Western taboos, but the 67 participants from 30 countries were predominantly Holocaust deniers. They included David Duke — the former Louisiana state representative and Ku Klux Klan leader — and France's Robert Faurisson and Australian Frederick Toben, who was jailed in Germany in 1999 for questioning the Holocaust.

Also at the conference were two rabbis and four other members of the group Jews United Against Zionism, who were dressed in the traditional long black coats and black hats of ultra-Orthodox Jews. Jews United Against Zionism, which says the creation of the state of Israel violated Jewish law, does not deny the Holocaust occurred but argues that it should not have been a reason for the founding of Israel.

In Israel, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert called on the world to protest the conference, terming it "a sick phenomenon."

German Parliament President Norbert Lammert protested the conference in a letter to Ahmadinejad.

"I condemn any attempt to offer anti-Semitic propaganda a public forum under the pretext of scientific freedom and objectivity," Lammert wrote.

QUICK QUESTION: Are you offended by the conference?

The two-day conference was organized by the Iranian Foreign Ministry's Institute for Political and International Studies.

"This conference seeks neither to deny nor prove the Holocaust," the institute's chief Rasoul Mousavi said in an opening speech. "It is just to provide an appropriate scientific atmosphere for scholars to offer their opinions in freedom about a historical issue."

In Germany, Austria and France, it is illegal to deny the Holocaust.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki dismissed the foreign criticism as "predictable," telling conference delegates there was "no logical reason for opposing this conference."

"The objective for organizing this conference is to create an atmosphere to raise various opinions about a historical issue," Mottaki said.

"If the official version of the Holocaust is thrown into doubt, then the identity and nature of Israel will be thrown into doubt. And if, during this review, it is proved that the Holocaust was a historical reality, then what is the reason for the Muslim people of the region and the Palestinians having to pay the cost of the Nazis' crimes?" Mottaki said.

Ahmadinejad has said that the killing of 6 million Jews by the Nazi German regime during World War II was a "myth" and "exaggerated." He has also repeatedly questioned why the Holocaust has been used to justify the creation of Israel at the cost of Palestinian lands — a view popular among Iranian hard-liners.
I don't think the dismissals are that easy. If the conference participants have agendas, then obviously so do the Jews. Making it illegal to question an alleged historical event is what "offends" me. If everything the Jews say is true, why would they need to throw people in jail for having a different view? Shouldn't the evidence be strong enough? Is that the best way to prove your point --- by throwing your opponents in prison?
I don't think the dismissals are that easy. If the conference participants have agendas, then obviously so do the Jews. Making it illegal to question an alleged historical event is what "offends" me. If everything the Jews say is true, why would they need to throw people in jail for having a different view? Shouldn't the evidence be strong enough? Is that the best way to prove your point --- by throwing your opponents in prison?

Look at the countries where it is illegal to deny the Holocaust ... Germany and two Nations it occupied while committing the crime. National penance. Simple as that.

How can one question the extermination of 6M people, regardless who they are? Even if you cut that number by half a mil, it's STILL 5 and half mil. A lot of people to be exterminated just for existing.

The whole argument that the Holocaust never happened is stupid.

I'm sure herding Native Americans onto only useless land nobody wanted and killing those that resisted never happened either.:rolleyes:
Look at the countries where it is illegal to deny the Holocaust ... Germany and two Nations it occupied while committing the crime. National penance. Simple as that.

How can one question the extermination of 6M people, regardless who they are? Even if you cut that number by half a mil, it's STILL 5 and half mil. A lot of people to be exterminated just for existing.

The whole argument that the Holocaust never happened is stupid.

I'm sure herding Native Americans onto only useless land nobody wanted and killing those that resisted never happened either.:rolleyes:

Stupid yes, but illegal? If it's so stupid, there should be nothing to fear.
It saddens me that anyone would deny such a horrific event happened. There are people who worked at the concentration camps who've given accounts of what happened as well as survivors who still suffer to this day. I'm not saying that questioning it should be illegal, but people should honestly know better.
It saddens me that anyone would deny such a horrific event happened. There are people who worked at the concentration camps who've given accounts of what happened as well as survivors who still suffer to this day. I'm not saying that questioning it should be illegal, but people should honestly know better.

They know better. The holocaust has become a means to an end---whether it be to tug at peoples' heart strings or keep people embroiled in hate.
It saddens me that anyone would deny such a horrific event happened. There are people who worked at the concentration camps who've given accounts of what happened as well as survivors who still suffer to this day. I'm not saying that questioning it should be illegal, but people should honestly know better.

Why aren't your fellow gays rising in immediate protest against this abomination? They should be screaming across the news outlets. Isn't that how the pink triangle got its start? How come so much silence among the liberals and the gays?
I don't think the dismissals are that easy. If the conference participants have agendas, then obviously so do the Jews. Making it illegal to question an alleged historical event is what "offends" me. If everything the Jews say is true, why would they need to throw people in jail for having a different view? Shouldn't the evidence be strong enough? Is that the best way to prove your point --- by throwing your opponents in prison?

It's not the Jews throwing folks in jail, more like the country of the former Nazis and those that aided, abetted, and turned in 'their' jews, read France.

Why the heck aren't the Christians, who had many dissenters killed, (more than the 6 million Jews), speaking out? Why aren't the gay rights people? The parents of twins?

Bah, they are all dhimmis and some Nazi wannabees. David Duke is on board with the Hitler of Iran, so seems most of the media.

Bottom line folks, we, (meaning the world), are in for a very ugly future.
It's not the Jews throwing folks in jail, more like the country of the former Nazis and those that aided, abetted, and turned in 'their' jews, read France.

Why the heck aren't the Christians, who had many dissenters killed, (more than the 6 million Jews), speaking out? Why aren't the gay rights people? The parents of twins?

Bah, they are all dhimmis and some Nazi wannabees. David Duke is on board with the Hitler of Iran, so seems most of the media.

Bottom line folks, we, (meaning the world), are in for a very ugly future.

You do realize that he said "alleged historical event", right?

Kind of banging one's head against the wall to discuss the subject of the holocaust with a neo-nazi who idolizes a WWII brit traitor.
You do realize that he said "alleged historical event", right?

Kind of banging one's head against the wall to discuss the subject of the holocaust with a neo-nazi who idolizes a WWII brit traitor.

Actually Jillian, while I really was trying to address others than WJ, do not write him off, he does have a keen mind, if you read posts that are on more than his hate stuff. Truly, he is more 'logical' 'redeemable' 'etc' than the ilk of RWA.
Actually Jillian, while I really was trying to address others than WJ, do not write him off, he does have a keen mind, if you read posts that are on more than his hate stuff. Truly, he is more 'logical' 'redeemable' 'etc' than the ilk of RWA.

Sorry, Kathianne. I don't cut much slack for white supremacist, neo-nazis.... doesn't mean his intellect is off... just his morals.

Hate is hate...whether it's RWA-style or not.

BTW, I just checked. Your post responded to WJ's... hence my comments.
Sorry, Kathianne. I don't cut much slack for white supremacist, neo-nazis.... doesn't mean his intellect is off... just his morals.

Hate is hate...whether it's RWA-style or not.

BTW, I just checked. Your post responded to WJ's... hence my comments.

Me either for the 'hate' stuff. But for the other:

Bottom line folks, we, (meaning the world), are in for a very ugly future.
Folks is 'whom' I was addressing.
It's not the Jews throwing folks in jail, more like the country of the former Nazis and those that aided, abetted, and turned in 'their' jews, read France.

Why the heck aren't the Christians, who had many dissenters killed, (more than the 6 million Jews), speaking out? Why aren't the gay rights people? The parents of twins?

Bah, they are all dhimmis and some Nazi wannabees. David Duke is on board with the Hitler of Iran, so seems most of the media.

Bottom line folks, we, (meaning the world), are in for a very ugly future.

Well, at least the Pope is speaking out:

Vatican rejects Iran's conference for Holocaust deniers

Dec. 12, 2006 ( - The Vatican has issued a statement deploring the conference of Holocaust skeptics that met in Teheran this week under the sponsorship of Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

In a statement released December 12 by the Vatican press office, the Holy See affirmed that the Holocaust “was a great tragedy before which we cannot remain indifferent.”

The genocidal campaign against the Jewish people was an “immense tragedy,” the Vatican statement affirmed, emphasizing that an entire race was targeted for destruction. “The memory of those horrible events must remain as a warning for people’s consciences,” the statement says.

The December 12 statement pointed to other statements by Catholic leaders acknowledging the horror of the Holocaust: Pope John Paul’s statement at the Yad Vashem memorial in Jerusalem in March 2000; Pope Benedict’s statement at Auschwitz in May 2006; and a Vatican conference on the Holocaust, or Shoah, held in March 1998.
The pope and the Muslim leader of Iran duking it out over whether the holocaust occurred or not. This crap is straight out of a sci-fi movie.

Perhaps they are one in the same? Ya think? Throw a mason or two into the mix. :teeth:

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