Iran is Burning


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
God Bless President Trump.

IRAN BURNING: Shock Gas Price Hike Triggers Violent Protests After Subsidy Cuts.

“There are also reports that protesters have begun targeting banks, after video was posted online of what appears to show the Central Bank In Behbahan, Iran being engulfed in flames as demonstrators chant.”

The oil industry is broken, the economy is dead in the water, inflation is at 30 percent and rising, there’s little food, and little hope for younger Iranians. These demonstrations could easily become a referendum on the incompetent and corrupt government currently in power. That’s what happened in neighboring Iraq and Lebanon. And it wouldn’t take much to start a revolution in the streets in Iran.
President Donald Trump's abrupt decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Syria will be hailed as a victory in Russia and Iran and a betrayal
among Kurdish and Arab opposition forces that have waged a seven-year war against the Damascus regime, experts and former officials say.

The withdrawal, if carried out, will "provide Iran with solid control over the entire arc of the Levant from Baghdad to Beirut," said Nicholas
Heras, Middle East security fellow at the Center for a New American Security think tank.

.....the Middle East has always been only one step above shithole sub-Saharan Africa
..tiny, tiny Israel with ALL the disadvantages beat their A$$ many times--part of the reason was the Arabs/etc are one step above shithole sub-Saharans
Not good for the regime. This is how they came to power...started with mass student protests. We shall see.
..some of these countries ''regimes'' came to power '''undemocratically''--with bloody coups/coups/corruption/etc--as stated above--they are only one step above shithole sub-Saharan Africa --to include their culture--like black American culture is self destructive
Not good for the regime. This is how they came to power...started with mass student protests. We shall see.
..some of these countries ''regimes'' came to power '''undemocratically''--with bloody coups/coups/corruption/etc--as stated above--they are only one step above shithole sub-Saharan Africa --to include their culture--like black American culture is self destructive
I wouldn't go so far as to compare Iran (Persia) to Sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan African cultures are closer to Australian Aboriginals or our native savages in North America.
Not good for the regime. This is how they came to power...started with mass student protests. We shall see.
..some of these countries ''regimes'' came to power '''undemocratically''--with bloody coups/coups/corruption/etc--as stated above--they are only one step above shithole sub-Saharan Africa --to include their culture--like black American culture is self destructive
I wouldn't go so far as to compare Iran (Persia) to Sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan African cultures are closer to Australian Aboriginals or our native savages in North America.
not equal--but not far above
.....the Middle East has always been only one step above shithole sub-Saharan Africa
..tiny, tiny Israel with ALL the disadvantages beat their A$$ many times--part of the reason was the Arabs/etc are one step above shithole sub-Saharans

the middle east was not ALWAYS run by Arabians. -------it was invaded by-----beings from the ----uhm ------outback.............aka------outhouse
GOOD LORD: Amnesty says at least 106 killed in Iran protests.

“Video footage shows security forces using firearms, water cannons and tear gas to disperse protests and beating demonstrators with batons,” Amnesty said. “Images of bullet casings left on the ground afterwards, as well as the resulting high death toll, indicate that they used live ammunition.”​

Amnesty, citing eyewitnesses corroborated by video footage, said snipers also shot into crowds of people from rooftops and, in one case, a helicopter.​

So far, scattered reports in state-run and semiofficial media have reported only six deaths.​

The office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights earlier issued a statement saying it was “deeply concerned” about reports of live ammunition being used against demonstrators. It also urged protesters to demonstrate peacefully.​

“We are especially alarmed that the use of live ammunition has allegedly caused a significant number of deaths across the country,” spokesman Rupert Colville said in a statement.​

Colville added that it has been “extremely difficult” to verify the overall death toll.​

The Mullahs don’t have Obama to bail them out this time.
If this is indeed leading to a regime change it will be interesting to find out just how many of these Persians are still civilized compared to their Arab neighbors after almost four decades of Islmao-Nazi 'culture'. I doubt many American or 'diaspora' Iranians will be interested in participating in some sort of 'Reset' any longer, after so many years. They have to throw off the Islam degeneracy entirely to gain even modest success. I'm also doubting their belief that America itself will be willing to aid them, given the narcissists who dominate both our Parties and their isolationist Social Darwinism fantasies.
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If this is indeed leading to a regime change it will be interesting to find out just how many of these Persians are still civilized compared to their Arab neighbors after almost four decades of Islmao-Nazi 'culture'. I doubt many American or 'diaspora' Iranians will be interested in participating in some sort of 'Reset' any longer, after so many years. They have to throw off the Islam degeneracy entirely to gain even modest success. I'm also doubting their belief that America itself will be willing to aid them, given the narcissists who dominate both our Parties and their isolationist Social Darwinism fantasies.

In general----BS on both of two major points 1) ----" many Persians are still civilized...." ----probably most. Persians ain't
arabs. 2) " Darwinism fantasies...." well---a roman empire
sickness spread across the world by "SAINT CONSTANTINE" ----however-----it is also a sickness-----from time immemorial----of the
Persian psyche
If this is indeed leading to a regime change it will be interesting to find out just how many of these Persians are still civilized compared to their Arab neighbors after almost four decades of Islmao-Nazi 'culture'. I doubt many American or 'diaspora' Iranians will be interested in participating in some sort of 'Reset' any longer, after so many years. They have to throw off the Islam degeneracy entirely to gain even modest success. I'm also doubting their belief that America itself will be willing to aid them, given the narcissists who dominate both our Parties and their isolationist Social Darwinism fantasies.

In general----BS on both of two major points 1) ----" many Persians are still civilized...." ----probably most. Persians ain't
arabs. 2) " Darwinism fantasies...." well---a roman empire
sickness spread across the world by "SAINT CONSTANTINE" ----however-----it is also a sickness-----from time immemorial----of the
Persian psyche

lol yeah right .... those Mullahs and their followers are probably Martians or Trilateral Council members in disguise ... and, that Constantine fellow was certainly very busy, rewriting all those bibles and Torahs and stuff and keeping those poor hapless racist Orthodox Jews and pagans from genociding Da Evul Xians, all while doing all that 'World Empire Stuff' in his spare time. He was quite the omniscient micro-manager, you know.
If this is indeed leading to a regime change it will be interesting to find out just how many of these Persians are still civilized compared to their Arab neighbors after almost four decades of Islmao-Nazi 'culture'. I doubt many American or 'diaspora' Iranians will be interested in participating in some sort of 'Reset' any longer, after so many years. They have to throw off the Islam degeneracy entirely to gain even modest success. I'm also doubting their belief that America itself will be willing to aid them, given the narcissists who dominate both our Parties and their isolationist Social Darwinism fantasies.

In general----BS on both of two major points 1) ----" many Persians are still civilized...." ----probably most. Persians ain't
arabs. 2) " Darwinism fantasies...." well---a roman empire
sickness spread across the world by "SAINT CONSTANTINE" ----however-----it is also a sickness-----from time immemorial----of the
Persian psyche

lol yeah right .... those Mullahs and their followers are probably Martians or Trilateral Council members in disguise ... and, that Constantine fellow was certainly very busy, rewriting all those bibles and Torahs and stuff and keeping those poor hapless racist Orthodox Jews and pagans from genociding Da Evul Xians, all while doing all that 'World Empire Stuff' in his spare time. He was quite the omniscient micro-manager, you know.

are you sure that Constantine, besides being delusional, was ABLE TO WRITE?
I know of no writings by Constantine------do you?. There are some descriptions of
his military exploits but I am not sure that he actually wrote them. His mother,
saint Helena, had a shady background and was, likely, not married to his
dad. Times being what they were-----it is likely that she was illiterate. Constantine was very busy-------but not as an author-----he was an empire builder. Try to learn, at least, a tiny bit of history. Justinian was also an empire builder, but MOST LIKELY literate. His familial relationship to Constantine is not entirely
clear to me, but he is responsible for codifying the racist laws of the "holy"
Roman empire known as the JUSTINIAN CODE
What took so long...............They have been ready to revolt for well over a year now......

Seems the people there don't want to live under the THUMB of Islamic law anymore........

The carnage will be big there if it goes to full blown civil war.


Iran Roundup for December 3rd: President Trump Speaks Out in Support of the Iranian People at London Meetings with NATO Leaders

“A question was asked just a little while ago about supporting the people of Iran, and they are going through a very tough period — we do support them totally, Iran is killing perhaps thousands and thousands of people right now as we speak, that it why they cut off the Internet so people can’t see what is going on, …not just small numbers which are bad, big numbers which are really bad, and really big numbers…. It is a terrible thing and the world has to be watching.”​

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