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Iran Holds Second Annual Holocaust Denier Cartoon Contest


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
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They claim they want to show the hypocrisy of the west. Major fail. Considering they had this last year and no one sent terrorists to kill them indicates that we aren't as bad as they are, at least we don't have millions of organized radicals waiting for orders to kill for no reason.

Iran must think the terrorists are justified in killing over cartoons mocking Islam.

No one is hypocritical for using free speech to say that Iranian leaders have their heads so far up their radical asses that they can't comprehend the difference between denying actual history and people who have an opinion about their phony god. The contest in Texas is fine. Charlie Hebdo didn't deserve to die over stupid cartoons.

No one is saying Iranians should die over stupid cartoons. They are just complete fucking morons who only know to kill other human beings for no reason. If they were expecting the same reaction from us that we always get from them, I hope they aren't too disappointed. If they want to die, I suggest going to Texas and bitching about free speech.

Now, if a radical group decides to take some people out over these cartoons, will the left say that the cartoons went too far and incited people? Or is that excuse only reserved for the braindead idiots?

Iran Holocaust cartoon contest receives hundreds of submissions i24news - See beyond
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Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
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The radical Muslims are the hypocrites here. They have been holding this contest two years in a row with no murders because of it, yet they claim that people criticizing it is hypocritical.

It would be nice if they merely exercised freedom of speech to give their thoughts on contests that pick on them instead of trying to kill people over it.

While we can look at their contest and realize how hopelessly radical they are for needing to erase history to support their extreme beliefs, they consider cartoon contests mocking Islam as a crime punishable by death. While it's highly debatable whether their god is a god, there is no question that the Holocaust happened. That makes them hypocrites and ignorant.


Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2015
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The radical Muslims are the hypocrites here. They have been holding this contest two years in a row with no murders because of it, yet they claim that people criticizing it is hypocritical.

It would be nice if they merely exercised freedom of speech to give their thoughts on contests that pick on them instead of trying to kill people over it.

While we can look at their contest and realize how hopelessly radical they are for needing to erase history to support their extreme beliefs, they consider cartoon contests mocking Islam as a crime punishable by death. While it's highly debatable whether their god is a god, there is no question that the Holocaust happened. That makes them hypocrites and ignorant.

Are you sure it's good idea to have an "our absurd cartoon contest isn't as absurd as theirs" pissing match with Iran? Who cares? You're all nutty.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
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The radical Muslims are the hypocrites here. They have been holding this contest two years in a row with no murders because of it, yet they claim that people criticizing it is hypocritical.

It would be nice if they merely exercised freedom of speech to give their thoughts on contests that pick on them instead of trying to kill people over it.

While we can look at their contest and realize how hopelessly radical they are for needing to erase history to support their extreme beliefs, they consider cartoon contests mocking Islam as a crime punishable by death. While it's highly debatable whether their god is a god, there is no question that the Holocaust happened. That makes them hypocrites and ignorant.

Are you sure it's good idea to have an "our absurd cartoon contest isn't as absurd as theirs" pissing match with Iran? Who cares? You're all nutty.

It's not the contest. It's the reactions to the contests. We mock them for denying history, as is our right. The radicals kill people for denying their god, which is not their right. Do you get it now?


Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2015
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The radical Muslims are the hypocrites here. They have been holding this contest two years in a row with no murders because of it, yet they claim that people criticizing it is hypocritical.

It would be nice if they merely exercised freedom of speech to give their thoughts on contests that pick on them instead of trying to kill people over it.

While we can look at their contest and realize how hopelessly radical they are for needing to erase history to support their extreme beliefs, they consider cartoon contests mocking Islam as a crime punishable by death. While it's highly debatable whether their god is a god, there is no question that the Holocaust happened. That makes them hypocrites and ignorant.

Are you sure it's good idea to have an "our absurd cartoon contest isn't as absurd as theirs" pissing match with Iran? Who cares? You're all nutty.

It's not the contest. It's the reactions to the contests. We mock them for denying history, as is our right. The radicals kill people for denying their god, which is not their right. Do you get it now?

You're all nuts.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
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Sarasota, Florida


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
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Nuts for pointing out the absurd hypocrisy?
The radical Muslims are the hypocrites here. They have been holding this contest two years in a row with no murders because of it, yet they claim that people criticizing it is hypocritical.

It would be nice if they merely exercised freedom of speech to give their thoughts on contests that pick on them instead of trying to kill people over it.

While we can look at their contest and realize how hopelessly radical they are for needing to erase history to support their extreme beliefs, they consider cartoon contests mocking Islam as a crime punishable by death. While it's highly debatable whether their god is a god, there is no question that the Holocaust happened. That makes them hypocrites and ignorant.

Are you sure it's good idea to have an "our absurd cartoon contest isn't as absurd as theirs" pissing match with Iran? Who cares? You're all nutty.

It's not the contest. It's the reactions to the contests. We mock them for denying history, as is our right. The radicals kill people for denying their god, which is not their right. Do you get it now?

You're all nuts.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
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We're not supposed to think for ourselves. Some radicals on the left would prefer to give us opinions.


Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2015
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You're all nuts.

It all went right over your head just as I figured it would.

No, you're explanation is rather simple. They try to kill you guys because you have the right to act like a bunch of idiots. They do the same in return and the response is (at least from you) to create this thread. Woodee fucking doo, look what level you put yourself at? Trolls trolling trolls.


Platinum Member
Apr 15, 2015
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Nuts for pointing out the absurd hypocrisy?
The radical Muslims are the hypocrites here. They have been holding this contest two years in a row with no murders because of it, yet they claim that people criticizing it is hypocritical.

It would be nice if they merely exercised freedom of speech to give their thoughts on contests that pick on them instead of trying to kill people over it.

While we can look at their contest and realize how hopelessly radical they are for needing to erase history to support their extreme beliefs, they consider cartoon contests mocking Islam as a crime punishable by death. While it's highly debatable whether their god is a god, there is no question that the Holocaust happened. That makes them hypocrites and ignorant.

Are you sure it's good idea to have an "our absurd cartoon contest isn't as absurd as theirs" pissing match with Iran? Who cares? You're all nutty.

It's not the contest. It's the reactions to the contests. We mock them for denying history, as is our right. The radicals kill people for denying their god, which is not their right. Do you get it now?

You're all nuts.

How about the hypocrisy that this group ran by super troll Pamela Gellar claims to stand for freedom but only when she agrees with it. Plus, she lies her ass off about so much shit. Anyone who takes her seriously has been duped.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
You are obviously not American, and do not understand what that stands for.
Nuts for pointing out the absurd hypocrisy?
The radical Muslims are the hypocrites here. They have been holding this contest two years in a row with no murders because of it, yet they claim that people criticizing it is hypocritical.

It would be nice if they merely exercised freedom of speech to give their thoughts on contests that pick on them instead of trying to kill people over it.

While we can look at their contest and realize how hopelessly radical they are for needing to erase history to support their extreme beliefs, they consider cartoon contests mocking Islam as a crime punishable by death. While it's highly debatable whether their god is a god, there is no question that the Holocaust happened. That makes them hypocrites and ignorant.

Are you sure it's good idea to have an "our absurd cartoon contest isn't as absurd as theirs" pissing match with Iran? Who cares? You're all nutty.

It's not the contest. It's the reactions to the contests. We mock them for denying history, as is our right. The radicals kill people for denying their god, which is not their right. Do you get it now?

You're all nuts.

How about the hypocrisy that this group ran by super troll Pamela Gellar claims to stand for freedom but only when she agrees with it. Plus, she lies her ass off about so much shit. Anyone who takes her seriously has been duped.


Gold Member
Dec 4, 2010
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And they don't have freedom of speech there. Irony.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2012
Reaction score
The radical Muslims are the hypocrites here. They have been holding this contest two years in a row with no murders because of it, yet they claim that people criticizing it is hypocritical.

It would be nice if they merely exercised freedom of speech to give their thoughts on contests that pick on them instead of trying to kill people over it.

While we can look at their contest and realize how hopelessly radical they are for needing to erase history to support their extreme beliefs, they consider cartoon contests mocking Islam as a crime punishable by death. While it's highly debatable whether their god is a god, there is no question that the Holocaust happened. That makes them hypocrites and ignorant.

Are you sure it's good idea to have an "our absurd cartoon contest isn't as absurd as theirs" pissing match with Iran? Who cares? You're all nutty.

I don't see anything wrong with a discussion of
COMPARATIVE FILTH In fact I believe that Pam Geller did her Cartoon contest for several reasons-----including as a reponse to VERY WIDESPREAD Islamic filth which is utterly accepted by the shit that acts as apologist for Islamic filth------many examples on this very messageboard


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
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San Diego, CA
Iran Holds Second Annual Holocaust Denier Cartoon Contest

So what?

They can be stupid if they want to.

Does somebody consider this "newsworthy"?


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
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And they don't have freedom of speech there. Irony.

So true. All the stupid things they say are merely echoing their leaders since that is all that's allowed.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Reaction score
Iran Holds Second Annual Holocaust Denier Cartoon Contest

So what?

They can be stupid if they want to.

Does somebody consider this "newsworthy"?

Only to those who find it newsworthy when there are contests here mocking religions, well, only Islam. People mock other religions every day but don't get killed over it.

Iran thinks they are making a point. If they are hoping people will commit acts of terror in response, they will be disappointed. They did this to try and make a point that Americans are hypocrites, but it backfired. All they got was comments on their stupidity, but no murders.

If you don't think this is worth mentioning, you should have passed by the thread. But you took time to comment, so either you have absolutely nothing going on or you are upset that radicals just made themselves look foolish.

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