Iran commander gives threat to Obama


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
Iran commander warns Israel, US against attack | General Headlines | Comcast

The top commander in Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard warned Sunday that his country's missiles will ensure "nothing will remain" of Israel if it takes military action against Tehran over its controversial nuclear program.

Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari also warned that Iran might close the Straits of Hormuz if it is attacked, withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and hit U.S. bases in the Middle East.

Such warnings and references to Israel's destruction have been made before by Iranian officials. But Gen. Jafari's comments to a Tehran news conference were an unusually detailed, strongly worded and comprehensive listing of the means that Iran says it has to retaliate against a strike on its nuclear facilities.

What now Obama ? Obama is reported to have a strained relationship with Netanyahu, chastising Israel for continuing to build housing settlements in areas disputed with the Palestinians.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a direct appeal to American voters on Sunday to elect a president willing to draw a "red line" with Iran, comparing Tehran's nuclear program to Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh and reminding Americans of the devastating repercussions of failed intelligence

I side with Iran 1000%. The US and Israel has done nothing but try and provoke a war for no reason. If Israel wants to attack Iran then go ahead be my guest but be willing to handle the repercussions of such an attack up to and including the destruction of Israel. Oh and the party will be thrown at my party if that happens. :D
Iran does understand that we have miltary land forces on two sides of them and carrier task force firepower enough to take out mostly all of Iran's fight capability in 72 hours?
Oh and since when is threatening to defend one's country a threat? Its more of the other way around..Israel and US threatening Iran.
Iran does understand that we have miltary land forces on two sides of them and carrier task foce firepower enough to take out mostly all of Iran's fight capability in 72 hours?

Won't matter if they can land just 2 nukes. 1 on Tel Aviv and 1 on Washington,DC. It would make it all worth it.

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