IQ And The Death Penalty

  • Thread starter Thread starter Big D
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Big D

Why is it that liberals say IQ has nothing to do with intelligences,
but then use IQ as a excuse for the behaviour of people on death row?

Smith's attorneys say their client has an IQ of 63, seven points below the mental retardation threshold. The Supreme Court ruled in 2002 that mental retardation exempts convicted killers from execution.
...because liberals like to make excuses wether they are logical or not.

Low IQ as an exemption from the death penalty is moronic. Someone has a low IQ and that somehow makes them less dangerous? No. Evidently just legally less culpable. That doesn't comfort me and it doesn't solve anything.
I believe the question of IQ and the death penalty arises from the question of..."Did, or does the convicted person understand the difference between right and wrong? someone of low mental power may not understand this, and such cant be put to death because they didnt know they were doing wrong. Dont beat me up on this, but as I understand it, this is their reasoning. would you pput to death a 7 year old murderer? how about a 45 year old man that has the mental powers of a 7 year old? that is the question..
The only reason that D posted this is because this guy is Black, pure and simple. He would've never posted this if it were a white boy. I'm done posting on race here as its not usually my style to continually debate with people such as D who are a disgrace to the caucasian race and completely closed minded on top of it.

People D just posts this crap to get a rise, i've got to believe that he's not stupid enough to believe most of it. If he does I feel for the brainwashing his children are recieving.
Originally posted by jon_forward
I believe the question of IQ and the death penalty arises from the question of..."Did, or does the convicted person understand the difference between right and wrong? someone of low mental power may not understand this, and such cant be put to death because they didnt know they were doing wrong. Dont beat me up on this, but as I understand it, this is their reasoning. would you pput to death a 7 year old murderer? how about a 45 year old man that has the mental powers of a 7 year old? that is the question..
I have always thought that if a guy goes and kills someone and is so dumb or crazy that they don't know if it's right or wrong, thats even more reason to give them the death penalty.
Originally posted by OCA
The only reason that D posted this is because this guy is Black, pure and simple. He would've never posted this if it were a white boy. I'm done posting on race here as its not usually my style to continually debate with people such as D who are a disgrace to the caucasian race and completely closed minded on top of it.

People D just posts this crap to get a rise, i've got to believe that he's not stupid enough to believe most of it. If he does I feel for the brainwashing his children are recieving.
Good, because all you are about is personal attacks, and you have never brought information of any value to any discussions.

This topic is about IQ and the death penalty,
and look what you write, the ramblings of a pure idiot.
Look at the teapot calling the kettle black ! All I have seen out of you is mindless repetative statistics. Is that all that you have on your little mind all day is race, really man you need to get yourself a life.
Hey D why don't you go fuck yourself, you are nothing but a lowlife, answer dodging, piece of human debris. I see that I won't run into you anywhere else on this board because you are too stupid to post on anything else except how you hate minorities. And please don't piss down our legs and tell us its raining, you hate blacks thats the reason for this thread, everybody here knows it hate to tell ya.

P.S. Please send me some of the potatoes you pick at your summer job with the Hispanics this year.
Big D that is what Hitler did before the start of WWII...he had 200k mentally retarded, disabiled and paupers killed, most by starvation in the very Hospitals charged with helping hitler and the site is their. anything Hitler did was in the name of the superior race, is this the way you lean?
Also you complete piece of shit scumbag, you impuned my wife which you are lucky I don't bang you in the ass for. Wanna talk about personal attacks? Thats as low as it gets but wouldn't expect anything less from a human pile of dogshit such as yourself.
Originally posted by jon_forward
Big D that is what Hitler did before the start of WWII...he had 200k mentally retarded, disabiled and paupers killed, most by starvation in the very Hospitals charged with helping hitler and the site is their. anything Hitler did was in the name of the superior race, is this the way you lean?
I am not saying that people sould be put to death because they are mentally retarded or disabiled.
I said,
I have always thought that if a guy goes and kills someone and is so dumb or crazy that they don't know if it's right or wrong, thats even more reason to give them the death penalty.
Originally posted by eric
Look at the teapot calling the kettle black ! All I have seen out of you is mindless repetative statistics. Is that all that you have on your little mind all day is race, really man you need to get yourself a life.
Ya, maybe I will start running a message board.
Originally posted by OCA
Also you complete piece of shit scumbag, you impuned my wife which you are lucky I don't bang you in the ass for. Wanna talk about personal attacks? Thats as low as it gets but wouldn't expect anything less from a human pile of dogshit such as yourself.
Well your not posting towards me did not last to long, but then again nothing you had to say was belivable anyways.
Now you are looking for a way to have some kind of homo sex with me. You seem to be some kind of pissed off closet homo.
If a person doent understand because of lack of mental power or mental illness they are protected from the death penalty. the first threshold of guilt is knowing right from wrong...not making excuses, just stating facts as I know them
You really are ignorant aren't you? That is TOO LONG NOT TO LONG? Learn english or leave my country. Well being in Idaho I would not expect you to know much about slang so take that literally or whichever way you like at least i'll be Roger Clemens and you'll be Jorge Posada, and by the way you ain't getting a reach around.

And by the way you don't really believe you have any people here who will back you on this deal do you? You're time is short here.
Originally posted by jon_forward
If a person doent understand because of lack of mental power or mental illness they are protected from the death penalty. the first threshold of guilt is knowing right from wrong...not making excuses, just stating facts as I know them
My point is that these people then can never be rehabilitated, so why take the chance of some doctor saying he cured this person, just to have this person kill again?
we cant Killem, but they SHOULD STAY instatutionalized for allthere natural days. period. no chance of getting out. once dumb, always dumb.
I think you and I both agree that the score of someones IQ is not enuff reason for someone to advoid the death penalty.

My point is that in the U.S if someone scores below 70 on a IQ test they are legally considered to be past the mental retardation threshold. Now, I don't belive a kid is legally considered mentaly retarted and then removed from a class or a school and placed in a class or a school for mentaly retarded kids, just because he has a IQ below 70.

Alot of liberal thinking people constantly say that IQ is no way to judge a persons intelligence.
So why just because it's the death penalty, is IQ all of the sudden the right way to judge someones intelligence?
Originally posted by Big D
I think you and I both agree that the score of someones IQ is not enuff reason for someone to advoid the death penalty.

My point is that in the U.S if someone scores below 70 on a IQ test they are legally considered to be past the mental retardation threshold. Now, I don't belive a kid is legally considered mentaly retarted and then removed from a class or a school and placed in a class or a school for mentaly retarded kids, just because he has a IQ below 70.

Alot of liberal thinking people constantly say that IQ is no way to judge a persons intelligence.
So why just because it's the death penalty, is IQ all of the sudden the right way to judge someones intelligence?

Yeah. Really. I thought that was a culturally biased test.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Yeah. Really. I thought that was a culturally biased test.
Ya, where is the NAACP now?
You don't see them protesting this guy not being put to death because he did not score well on his IQ test.
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