Investigator says Hunter Biden used identity of dead brother Beau to hide location

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A private investigator has claimed in an Arkansas paternity case that former Vice President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden tried to conceal his whereabouts by using the identity of his dead older brother Beau.

In a two-page court document, Dominic Casey, who has filed as a third-party intervener in the case and previously worked on Casey Anthony's defense team, stated that stolen identities were used to check Biden into an Arizona rehabilitation facility as Joseph R. Beau Biden III and Joseph McGee. The identities were reportedly found by police after responding to reports of suspicious items inside a Hertz rental car on Oct. 28, 2018.


“A bag containing the suspicious items, a cellular telephone (Apple) belonging to Shauna Stanglr, who is also known as Puma St. Angel, and a Delaware attorney general badge belonging to Hunter Biden's deceased brother Joseph R. Beau Biden III were provided to the police officer," the filing stated. The existence of the Delaware attorney general badge was first reported last May.



He is facing the same fate as the Clintons, Comey, Clapper, Brennen, etc.

Absolutely nothing, a big double quarter pounder nothing burger.

The deep state is in total control. Trump is disrupting things but the deep state is still calling the shots. Get used to it. The “justice system” is its self involved, do we really need more evidence it has no appetite to “discipline” itself and it’s co-conspirators?

The liberal progressive cancer is late stage 4 and inoperable.

My 2020 resolution is to quit being fooled into thinking these people are going to self correct. They will have to be forced. Trump is all alone. He is amazing but the deficit he is facing is insurmountable.

Everyone who wishes to help him is compromised because at some point they fell into the deep state trap or sent their relatives into it.

Trump is one man, the deep state elite ruling class is entrenched, disguised, and almost numberless.

Prove me wrong.

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