Intensifying Equatorial Rains: 3.3 Million Afflicted by Flooding in India and Bangladesh as Hundreds


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Intensifying Equatorial Rains: 3.3 Million Afflicted by Flooding in India and Bangladesh as Hundreds Lose Lives to Landslides from Sierra Leone to Nepal

There’s something wrong with the rain these days. For many regions of the globe, when the rain does fall, it more and more often comes with an abnormally fierce intensity.

This increasing severity of heavy rainfall events is just one aspect of human-forced climate change through fossil fuel burning. For as the Earth warms, both the rate of evaporation and precipitation increases. And as atmospheric moisture loading and convection increase coordinate with rising temperatures, so do the potential peak intensities of the most powerful storms.

Intensifying Equatorial Rains: 3.3 Million Afflicted by Flooding in India and Bangladesh as Hundreds Lose Lives to Landslides from Sierra Leone to Nepal

such is life , too bad that they still live in a society that doesn't do a better job on building orderly society SRocks
Not one prediction by the Church of Warmers has ever come true, but they still believe.
Once again had the OP done ANY research before posting he would have found that this is not unusual and it is just one more cycle of earths system....

LOL but then the idiot wouldn't have anything to hyperventilate about..
i mean hey , its 2017 and these big city apartment dwelling 'indians still 'poop' down by the railroad tracks as they get up in the morning before they go to work answering telephones for some customer service .

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