Instead of shipping living illegal Aliens to Kamala Harris's house, maybe send her a few dead illegals, just put them on her doorstep.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da

Thirteen dead after illegal immigrants drown in Rio Grande while crossing into US
On Monday, Border Patrol confirmed that a thirteenth person had died from drowning after a large group of illegal immigrants attempted to cross the Rio Grande river last Thursday in an incident where US authorities apprehended 53 migrants, 37 of which were rescued from the water by US Customs and Border Patrol agents.
Just get a freezer truck, load up the dead bodies and place them right there on her doorstep. Let her deal with the problem she refuses to acknowlege.

Thirteen dead after illegal immigrants drown in Rio Grande while crossing into US Just get a freezer truck, load up the dead bodies and place them right there on her doorstep. Let her deal with the problem she refuses to acknowlege.

Dead bodies are considered "medical waste" or a "biohazard."

Your idea would make a great point, but I'm not sure I'm up for that. :laughing0301:
Better yet, gather up all the dead bodies found along the border, and all of the trash they leave behind, gather it all up in dump trucks, back it up to her property, and start by filling her swimming pool with it all. Then start filling her lawn all around the house, finally, covering the house with it all.
I was going to say that the trash should be put over the White House fence, you know that barrier to keep people out, but just get bags full and trebuchet the bags over. Joe is a piece of shit anyway, so just add a little more to that despoiled property.

Instead of shipping living illegal Aliens to Kamala Harris's house, maybe send her a few dead illegals, just put them on her doorstep​

Yes certainly, thats another possibility.

Instead of shipping living illegal Aliens to Kamala Harris's house, maybe send her a few dead illegals, just put them on her doorstep​

Yes certainly, thats another possibility.

Wonderful idea, but I think there are a whole bunch of laws on the shipping and transportation of dead bodies.

Now if you could collect some bleached skulls and bones from along the border, you might not get into as much trouble.

Either way, this thread has possibilities. :laughing0301:

Thirteen dead after illegal immigrants drown in Rio Grande while crossing into US Just get a freezer truck, load up the dead bodies and place them right there on her doorstep. Let her deal with the problem she refuses to acknowlege.
That would be a wasted effort for nothing and even more gross abuse of aliens than loading them on buses and dropping them off live in front of her house in 15 degrees, some in T-shirts and shorts.

I want to make something clear, here. I don't like our border policy or that Joe Fkd it up worse when he took over and can't even get back to the arrangement made with Mexico before he Fkd it up on day 1 or 2 of his and Kamala's administration. That said, using alien migrants (illegal or otherwise) for these political stunts is bullshit! These are still live people. If I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and you tried to kick me out of a nice warm bus into 15 degrees and a blizzard coming, I would stomp your ass, steal your bus and head for Florida, as the governor there doesn't even have enough migrants to stage a political stunt without importing them from Texas.
I like that idea! Punkin Chunkin bodies and trash into every official function that Joe and Kammy Hosebag have while live on TV. Some of those things can launch crap thousands of feet! :happy-1:

Dead fish and slaughter house blood. It's what the left would do, and they seem to get away with it every time.

That would be a wasted effort for nothing and even more gross abuse of aliens than loading them on buses and dropping them off live in front of her house in 15 degrees, some in T-shirts and shorts.

I want to make something clear, here. I don't like our border policy or that Joe Fkd it up worse when he took over and can't even get back to the arrangement made with Mexico before he Fkd it up on day 1 or 2 of his and Kamala's administration. That said, using alien migrants (illegal or otherwise) for these political stunts is bullshit! These are still live people. If I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and you tried to kick me out of a nice warm bus into 15 degrees and a blizzard coming, I would stomp your ass, steal your bus and head for Florida, as the governor there doesn't even have enough migrants to stage a political stunt without importing them from Texas.

Apparently the left doesn't like it when the right uses the same tricks the left does.

I'm just sayin'. :04:
Apparently the left doesn't like it when the right uses the same tricks the left does.

I'm just sayin'. :04:
I haven't seen the left bussing migrants to any VP's house and dropping them off in 15 degree weather, unexpected or planned for. I sure haven't seen them loading up any dead aliens and dropping them off on somebody's doorstep as was suggested by Mike.
Looks like the reason for the season was lost when the clock struck midnight. Sad.:(
I haven't seen the left bussing migrants to any VP's house and dropping them off in 15 degree weather, unexpected or planned for. I sure haven't seen them loading up any dead aliens and dropping them off on somebody's doorstep as was suggested by Mike.
Looks like the reason for the season was lost when the clock struck midnight. Sad.:(

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia
Ah, so what yer saying is the Dems and Repubs are both assholes...
That is not what he said, but more like something I'd say, because a lot of Dems and Repubs, really are assholes.
I haven't seen the left bussing migrants to any VP's house and dropping them off in 15 degree weather, unexpected or planned for. I sure haven't seen them loading up any dead aliens and dropping them off on somebody's doorstep as was suggested by Mike.
Looks like the reason for the season was lost when the clock struck midnight. Sad.:(
I still like my idea better and it's more humane. Round up 5000 or so illegals who are currently freezing their asses off. Ship them to the Mexican National Palace where Obrador and the other corrupt POS Mexican leaders live. They all get warmer and we directly confront Obrador with the problem HE facilitated.
I still like my idea better and it's more humane. Round up 5000 or so illegals who are currently freezing their asses off. Ship them to the Mexican National Palace where Obrador and the other corrupt POS Mexican leaders live. They all get warmer and we directly confront Obrador with the problem HE facilitated.
You will never see it happen, any more than you will ever see a Mexican Government truck pull up to the border and let a herd of the off to illegally cross.

I actually don't blame the Mexican government much, at least not for the migrants at the border thing. Here is why. Back when Donny was president, the border leaked like a sieve and less people kicked back across than any time since SonOfaBush, but, one thing about it, it seemed to be a stead measure pace. Part of that is because Mexico was holding them up at their southern border. I have no idea what under-the-table deal Donny had, but it was something and undoubtedly include money for minimal humanitarian aide. I don't know. Whatever it was, it made it worth their effort. Then Joe Fkd it up with his stupid welcome, he televised to the world, so Mexico says "OK, you can have these, we've been holding for you already, and turned loose the traffic they had been stalling at their southern border. When the horde moved north to our doorstep, Joe knew he'd screwed up and tried to get back into the deal (whatever it was) with Mexico, but either Mexico just didn't want to play anymore or they wanted a much, much bigger payoff to do it on the quiet. It got bad enough at our border, Joe even talked about and started to ship them back to their home countries to wait, an idea I liked. Mexico was even going to help, but US politics and probably international law, and the fact some really were fleeing persecution, killed that idea. The drugs and cartel crime from Mexico is a different story.
You will never see it happen, any more than you will ever see a Mexican Government truck pull up to the border and let a herd of the off to illegally cross.

I actually don't blame the Mexican government much, at least not for the migrants at the border thing. Here is why. Back when Donny was president, the border leaked like a sieve and less people kicked back across than any time since SonOfaBush, but, one thing about it, it seemed to be a stead measure pace. Part of that is because Mexico was holding them up at their southern border. I have no idea what under-the-table deal Donny had, but it was something and undoubtedly include money for minimal humanitarian aide. I don't know. Whatever it was, it made it worth their effort. Then Joe Fkd it up with his stupid welcome, he televised to the world, so Mexico says "OK, you can have these, we've been holding for you already, and turned loose the traffic they had been stalling at their southern border. When the horde moved north to our doorstep, Joe knew he'd screwed up and tried to get back into the deal (whatever it was) with Mexico, but either Mexico just didn't want to play anymore or they wanted a much, much bigger payoff to do it on the quiet. It got bad enough at our border, Joe even talked about and started to ship them back to their home countries to wait, an idea I liked. Mexico was even going to help, but US politics and probably international law, and the fact some really were fleeing persecution, killed that idea. The drugs and cartel crime from Mexico is a different story.
That's all well and good and I don't disagree with the history you recounted for the most part. We have always had illegal immigration, but under Biden, the problem has exploded. Add to that the poison attack (Fentanyl) being waged via China and the Cartels and there is no way to spin this. This a human and poison attack on our country. I totally disagree with you about the Mexican government. They are part and parcel of ALL of the issues including the drug cartels. We need to be pounding on that muthrfkr Obrador every single day. He has gotten a total pass by Biden, AND the useless GOP and of course our useless Media. Even Fox doesn't call out Obrador. I don't get it.

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