Instacart lowers its pay again. Slavery on the rise in America. Jobs all over the country lowering pay. No Democrats are speaking up about this


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum batch pay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. Door Dash recently lower their minimum pay from 3 dollars to $2.50 before tip.

And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass poverty. One of the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion The causes of the workingman have brainwashed some of their base into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will prevail, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lowered the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.

I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum batch pay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. Door Dash recently lower their minimum pay from 3 dollars to $2.50 before tip.

And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass poverty. One of the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion The causes of the workingman have brainwashed some of their base into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will prevail, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lowered the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.

I don't think slavery means what you think it means.

And democrats are the one's complaining about Instacart. And have been for years.

The enemies of humanity. The enemies of free speech are trying to block this news, but nothing will stop this from getting out.

It’s the far left wing Democrats not the traditional Democrats but the far left. Want workers to be treated like slaves or indentured servants. They want them to be treated like shit and be happy about it. They want people to not be able to own a home, but Ijust rent.
There are trans people and blacks, who work on delivery platforms and they’re getting robbed blind. This is a crime against humanity. Where is the US government on this. Where is the US government to check these criminal CEOs?. What the Democrats are doing is brainwashing people to talk about nonsense like race issues.
Door Dash is lowered it’s base pay from three dollars minimum to $2.50.

The Indian chairman of Instacart is a monster and criminal. He’s a criminal the lowest order. He’s worth billions of dollars and he’s made billions since 2021.

He is a disgrace to the beautiful history of India.
God bless John F. Kennedy and all the Democrats of the middle of the 20th century who stood tall for the workingman. And to hell with the enemies of free speech, those racist supporters of BLM they hate the working man. And in the end God will prevail over those enemies of the workingman.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day, including all of the moderators of this board. They’re great people. The issue is with the CEOs of DoorDash and Instacart. And other companies to. I’m sure we can talk about. Wow this is an all out attack on the human rights in America to see these platforms lower the pay of their workers. We have politician saying that the future of the countries in the service industry well, what democrats are standing up for the workingman? How about that? What do they have to say? Let’s see what they have to say because so far they said nothing
Democrat politicians brainwash people into just talking about trans and BLM. OK what about the black workers and the trans workers on Instacart. What about their life their life matters. Where the hell are the Democrats on this.

You made excellent points in the other threads. And that’s what I hear from my friends. They want to talk to support they don’t even know what these people are saying. They’re in India there in Bangladesh they can’t understand him. And you know back in the day a batch that paid $40 before tips now paying seven dollars before tip. Wow a shocking thing.

I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum batch pay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. Door Dash recently lower their minimum pay from 3 dollars to $2.50 before tip.

And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass poverty. One of the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion The causes of the workingman have brainwashed some of their base into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will prevail, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lowered the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.

You need to tell your friend to stop fucking off in life and get a real job. He should learn a useful and valuable skill or trade. Being a delivery driver is not a career.
There are trans people and blacks, who work on delivery platforms and they’re getting robbed blind. This is a crime against humanity. Where is the US government on this. Where is the US government to check these criminal CEOs?. What the Democrats are doing is brainwashing people to talk about nonsense like race issues.

They're being underpaid and exploited for sure. But crimes against humanity? Slavery?

You're being overly dramatic.
I wish every poster on this form and moderators one the best in life. This is a straightforward issue. This is about corruption in America among various CEOs, treating their workers like garbage. So we should all be united on this thing, Democrat or Republican.
You need to tell your friend to stop fucking off in life and get a real job. He should learn a useful and valuable skill or trade. Being a delivery driver is not a career.
We’ve lost millions of factory jobs. This is what the United States government is putting out they are the ones who said the service industry is going to be the way forward.

This ain’t like it was back in the day brother. The country is going to shit. So we need to change this country Bering back factory jobs.

Or if we’re going to have the service industry, they need to pay better because they’re trash.
There are trans people and blacks, who work on delivery platforms and they’re getting robbed blind. This is a crime against humanity. Where is the US government on this. Where is the US government to check these criminal CEOs?. What the Democrats are doing is brainwashing people to talk about nonsense like race issues.
Nobody is robbing them. They need to get real jobs. They need to development real skills, learn a trade, something that makes them valuable to someone else. Delivery of greasy shit food to assholes has got to be right down there with cleaning up dead animals on the highway. If you do this sort of work as a "career" rather than as a stop-gap measure to make ends meet during a rough patch in your life, then you are a fucking loser.
We’ve lost millions of factory jobs. This is what the United States government is putting out they are the ones who said the service industry is going to be the way forward.

This ain’t like it was back in the day brother. The country is going to shit. So we need to change this country Bering back factory jobs.

Or if we’re going to have the service industry, they need to pay better because they’re trash.
There are PLENTY of decent jobs out there right now. Don't give me that BS.
I wish every poster on this form and moderators one the best in life. This is a straightforward issue. This is about corruption in America among various CEOs, treating their workers like garbage. So we should all be united on this thing, Democrat or Republican.
Not liking your job or boss ought to be turned into motivation to better yourself, rather than the basis of a stagnant whine fest.
I wish every poster on this form and moderators one the best in life. This is a straightforward issue. This is about corruption in America among various CEOs, treating their workers like garbage. So we should all be united on this thing, Democrat or Republican.

I agree! I think this kind of exploitation is abhorrent and people deserve better.

I have a friend who does Instacart and they have lowered their minimum batch pay from seven dollars to five dollars. This is a company that has also stolen tips from workers. Same thing with Door Dash. Door Dash recently lower their minimum pay from 3 dollars to $2.50 before tip.

And all across the country companies are lowering their pay. This is a shocking thing, and it is leading to drug use, depression, mass crime mass poverty. One of the ugliest times in American history. And Democrats who used to champion The causes of the workingman have brainwashed some of their base into talking about BLM and trans rights. This is a crime against humanity. This is an infringement of human rights but in the end God will prevail, and our Lord Jesus Will right the wrongs. Praise be to God I hope everyone has a wonderful day.

So much for the CEO of Instacart, a female so much for female empowerment. This is a monster who has continuously lowered the pay their workers and is treating her workers like slaves.

What do you think Democrats should do about this?
We have modern day slavery in America. We have the government that is putting out garbage jobs or that is saying if he want the service industry. So it’s the government saying that the service industry is the way forward. OK then they need to do something about the corrupt CEOs, paying a garbage salary. When you have a situation where pay a solo Americans are relying on Social Security that’s a form of slavery. So Americans are relying on other people for money that’s a form of slavery. They are relying upon low income housing the relying upon government assistance for rent. They are relying on somebody else to do something for them…. wasn’t like this back in the day. It’s easy for Americans in their 60s 70s and 80s to say oh you know what get another job. No that’s not how it works.

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